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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. They added bladesworn, which when played well, is only beaten in single combat by God. What more do you want?
  2. Happened twice today so far. Fortunately it was a small que, but still annoying to wait your turn, only to get put at the back of the line hitting travel to enter a map.
  3. It's pretty easy to stay 15 feet from a blob and still hide inside a tower, even on a class with no stealth. Obviously not every tower, but a lot of them. And, it's fairly easy to solo a paper tower. The problem is that this punishes legit gameplay. I am not necessarily opposed, but would have to see how it played with the change before ruling on it.
  4. They're nerfing a few more strips on Tuesday...go figure.
  5. Is 1 player a cloud? If you need 49 other players to stop you from having to walk back from spawn, there's something wrong with your server.
  6. What the excuses mean: Their playstyle is boring = they win more than you. They run away = they don't stand still when the boonblob pushes at them, so fewer bags. They hide in smc = in lower tiers we would own smc. Ego is the reason every single giant comped guild in NA avoids Mag.
  7. Regardless of size or comp, skill should win fights. If you are running around with your map que, with perma-every boon, and I catch you (or get you) out of position, I should kill you, assuming I am better or counter the build. A lot of the time I do. But, more than half the time, the player is instantly ressed , downed again, instantly ressed, downed again, instantly ressed and by then is usually back inside the map que nut-hugging the boon blob. The punishment for mistakes should be a walk from spawn, not being hard-carried by downstate and numbers.
  8. They want comped guilds stomping pugs, with no counterplay but to have a larger comp. The same reason downstate exists. Most guilds eventually implode anyway, but that happens much, much faster when losing fights and being beaten consistently (worse if by pugs). When guilds fall apart people stop playing. That's it. Their vision for wvw is comped guilds avoiding each other, and constantly winning all their fights whether it's against pugs or doors. This is why all these amazing map que guilds and popular streamers and tags avoid Mag. It's not that they can't win a fight, but they die more than they win, and that kills guilds. So, all the comps hide in lower tiers where the big, bad pugman can't destroy them.
  9. And yet, as I said in a previous post, I am tagging the mob first. It's been discussed. Apparently, things like mirage cloak do not always give credit.
  10. I was just happy I made the video. I need to up my pull count, each time I only got 1.
  11. The ghost jade bot skin, as one for the mech...that would be amusing.
  12. I do most dailies on mesmer, usually mirage or virt. Honestly don't recall which spec I was in the times I wasn't getting credit. Guess I will do some testing when the daily comes up again.
  13. Yep. And on multiple occasions, I have tagged an elite mob (so no chance of killing it by mistake), dodged it's attacks over and over with no credit. Sometimes you get credit as the daily is written. But, I have noticed that, when the game doesn't want to give me credit for it, while dodging "in combat", dodging late so I both take the hit and dodge after WILL give me credit.
  14. I noticed on the dodge ones that successfully dodging usually doesn't count, but dodging late and getting hit then dodging...counted.
  15. Thieves can literally sword 2 through the walls at stoic to an enemy guard inside and then port in people (mesmers). Still, Anet does nothing.
  16. How about we just remove ALL scoring except kills for score. That way, blob servers can't farm bags all day and still throw the match to avoid mag.
  17. They're dominating the meta because scorched earth hits 25 targets and NOTHING else does. Everyone else is like "pew pew 1 target" or "tiny plink on 3, 5, or maybe 10" if lucky. Scorched earth is an outlier.
  18. The problem is definitely not on the player end, when you can move, run and jump fine but pressing a skill and either nothing happens or it just flashes at you for 10-30 seconds. The annoying thing is when you and 30 people near you can't even auto attack the skill lag is soo bad, but the enemy can run you over doing full rotations because of the way the servers are designed.
  19. Steve should show up and kill anyone who hasn't moved in 10 minutes to remove the afk people using scripts to prevent the afk timer from kicking them. He should be immune to anyone else around.
  20. In PvE...no. In WvW - I want it removed cause it has no place in this game mode. It's the primary thing carrying blobs.
  21. I would like to see what they did with fishing in Rift. Spawn an elite, hard to kill mob, that is only red to the player that hasn't moved in 10 minutes. The mob spawns, kills the afk player. Dead usually removes all the scripting they are doing, now the afk timer can do it's job.
  22. The Anet tag can be displayed by anyone working at Anet or their families if they also play. While you only see Anet tags on blobbing servers while they are actively blobbing, it doesn't mean they aren't on your server too. That tag is a giant "kill me" sign. Not surprising that they would rarely display it if on a server constantly outnumbered. Much safer to turn it on when surrounded by a map que.
  23. The problem with alliances is...it's exactly what we have now. It is literally no different. Same players, same behaviors, same stacking, same coverage issues, same people transferring to easier matchups. Anet said early on that alliances would not fix coverage disparities. So, there is no reason for them to push out a "new" feature that isn't done and changes nothing when it is.
  24. This is why you go zerk with scholars. So when you do come across the arrogant "I am invincible" dude who is in cele, you delete them and walk away.
  25. A draw implies another server is trying to win, and ties. This match will be TC ppt'ing, and the other 2 servers throwing as hard as they can to avoid T1.
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