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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Yeah, it just increases the advantage that larger population servers have. The low skill gank groups that ONLY ever fight 5v1 or 5v2 are gonna love this.
  2. I logged on an alt, turned in 3 of the 5 required, realized I needed to get more mithril off my main and to do it on my main. Logged off and it was gone when I got back. Seems odd to not put it back in the game once fixed so the other 95% of the playerbase can get it done.
  3. No one is making that argument.Because (a) a Griffon is not a bird, (b) a Griffon doesn't exist in our world, © and everything in GW2 is artificial in some way besides the obvious. There are, however, lots of reasons why it would be bad for Guild Wars 2, and fine for other games.GW2 already allows skipping zones by use of waypoints; mount travel is slower. Other games tend to have more stuff that people want to skip; generally, all zones in GW2 have potentially interesting areas.Everything in GW2 is balanced (theoretically). Each mount is setup to have their own niche, to be less useful in some arenas. Each is setup to have advantages/disadvantages compared to 'walking'. In the end, it's a design choice: it's more fun this way (in ANet's opinion, and that of many players). Actually, it seems otherwise . . .GW2 wants you to spend the time, energy, blood, sweat, tears and(not insignificantly)GOLD,to acquire a half-dozen or more mounts to accomplish the same thingthat twowould easily accomplish:A land-based creature,and a Bird. A flying mount renders land-based mount obsolete. The main reason is simply that having a flying mount makes a huge amount of open world content and map design useless. Why bother designing terrain elevation and shortcuts if players can simply fly over it? Why have these random events that spawn when players will just fly over them? A major strength of GW2 is the open world content. Look at WoW and FFXIV whose open world content has been meh at best and free flying is a cause for it. Not to mention if you ask the players, free flying is not exactly something that is unanimously liked. If you want players to engage in open world over and over again, then you cannot allow this sort of easy travel. Also please stop typing with a new line after every word, is obnoxious. Ascended armor makes masterwork armor COMPLETELY obsolete. There is no reason an actual flying mount couldn't exist in GW2.You progress through the game, you get (or craft) armor that is better and you use it. Salvaging the old (never to use it again).You progress through the game, you get (or craft) a better weapon and you use it. Salvaging the old (never to use it again).There is nothing preventing them from just making a flying mount. They can always add content that requires the use of the old ones, but it isn't going to hurt the game or the other mounts to have a flying one. Players will adjust, the mobs in game may adjust and start shooting people out of the sky, who knows. What worries me most about mounts, is that this is all they have for us. Occasional new maps, but the NEW content is just a new mount, to sell new mount skins.Everyone always jokes that the game is just Fashion Wars, but I really don't want a new mount every 9 or so months, just to keep the gem store going.I would rather they make the mount fly like any flying creature should, and make new content that is actual content, not a gimmick to sell skins for cash.I'd rather they just make the game have a monthly sub.
  4. You will almost certainly get:a lvl 70 scrolla random dye choiceanother of the backpack skins we have been choosing from last couple yearsrandom boosters Nothing special. However, Anet appreciates your patronage (hopefully).
  5. I remember a time where the game looked pretty and you could actually see "the game". Now, it's bright annoying auras and mounts completely blocking my view.
  6. It's not meant for you to just "teleport" your way to map completion on a new toon, they sell waypoint unlocks for that. It is a tool to endlessly teleport to a friend to play the destination with them (not map hop every few minutes). I rarely buy anything from the gemstore, but will likely get this for my wife and I. If I need to teleport again shortly after using it, I can use a disposable one. The hour cooldown is reasonable because it is permanent, and doesn't make other things sold/obtained (like the single use ones) obsolete.
  7. I do like the super-speed up of skills AFTER the huge server-side skill lag. I've seen it so bad that during a speed up my entire best rotation goes off in about a second...funny as hell to watch.
  8. Permanently killing off Taimi would pretty much ruin the story. There are numerous ways she could avoid a perma-death. Even Braham, who I wished a fiery, burning death on numerous times, was redeemed. His redemption came, not from the story, but the voice actors ad-lib of the "Ka-Braham" line for me. My only interest in him sticking around now is the voice actor, and what he may "add" to his lines.
  9. They said no. Only members that declared that guild as their wvw guild would count towards the alliance anyway, so no guild population changes really needed or expected. The problem is that the game tries to "sort" people when placing them in maps. People are already trying to figure out how to exploit this. Because the game sorts where to put you based on guild/server, which means that people can claim an alt guild as their wvw guild, and then most likely get "sorted" in to the same world as the main wvw guild and their alliance, the same way that when you load in to Lions Arch or another map with multiple instances, the game "sorts" you to be with guildies. So, you have an alliance cap that is almost certainly meaningless, unless they do some serious changes to the way the sorting already works.
  10. I found an old logitech f310 controller cleaning out stuff yesterday. I plugged it in and it still works. Tried to configure a profile that would let me run around, jump/glide, etc, there just aren't enough buttons on a controller to make playing this game efficient. I mean, I can probably do heart quests with it, but wvw would be impossible.
  11. I think the server titles would be a great idea for when worlds are implemented. BUT, I think they should only be given to people who have never transferred (or maybe a separate server title for those who were actually loyal to a server).They can give a "Bandwagon" title to all the full time blobfesters in it's place.
  12. They do not work against any unblockable attacks. They do. Guardian's sanctuary only cannot block beam attacks, while physically destroing any projectile. Might be the same with spellbreaker's elite. Unblockable Projectile Attacks go through any blocks/reflects/projectile destroy effects, this has always been the case. Everything in the game, blocks, reflects, conversions...the game considers ALL of them blocks. Unblockable goes right through. That’s what I said, Unblockable Projectiles go through them....Yep, I was agreeing, it's early.
  13. They do not work against any unblockable attacks. They do. Guardian's sanctuary only cannot block beam attacks, while physically destroing any projectile. Might be the same with spellbreaker's elite. Unblockable Projectile Attacks go through any blocks/reflects/projectile destroy effects, this has always been the case.Everything in the game, blocks, reflects, conversions...the game considers ALL of them blocks. Unblockable goes right through.
  14. They pretty much stated that there was no plans for a 3. That if things go (sell) well, they will make additional living world stories and expansions. The picture that was out before PoF had at least 2 more living seasons and expansions as the goal. And, they said they would just add more if everyone still liked the game.
  15. Surveys are more inaccurate than old data. Surveys are what people perceive they do or want to do in their glorious minds as they RP through wvw. Actual data as player hours tells them what they actually do. ie: WvW fight guilds believe they are fighting for Sparta underneath a hail of persian arrows and bringing victory to their alliance.Reality: they're either afk at spawn, looking for the next nut hug bandwagon, or the ones reigning arrow carts behind T3 fortresses themselves. LOL I just spit my drink out.
  16. Must be nice to always have full meta groups standing by in towers to defend against the 30-70 man blobs that show up.Every class does NOT have endless stability.Every class can NOT spam their class abilities/stability WHILE using siege to try and stall the blob so more defenders can show up.No class should be able to pull defenders OUT of a tower, if they are on the stairs or on the ground INSIDE the tower. Yes, this is a small problem compared to tons of other issues...but it is still an issue.I main a mesmer, regularly pull people off walls, I think it needs fixed.
  17. Are you sure its not a double pull? I've been pulled from the inner lip of the wall to the outer, then pulled out. But when I reviewed my footage (was recording), it was 2 mesmers synchronizing their pulls. Get single pull, realize wall is too hot to stay there. Go down the stairs, get supply, walk to the wall to repair, start repairing, poof, outside and getting killed. You sure it was a mesmer? Dragonhunter can spear you and wait 6 seconds to pull you. Might've gotten spear'd when the mesmer pulled you.Seems unlikely as there is never the F1 animation. I may try to duplicate the DH thing though, to see if that would work. In theory, it shouldn't.
  18. Are you sure its not a double pull? I've been pulled from the inner lip of the wall to the outer, then pulled out. But when I reviewed my footage (was recording), it was 2 mesmers synchronizing their pulls. Get single pull, realize wall is too hot to stay there. Go down the stairs, get supply, walk to the wall to repair, start repairing, poof, outside and getting killed.
  19. Through the wall has happened once at OW, and at least 4 times at Klov. First time, I thought maybe it was lag and I wasn't where I "thought" I was. After it started happening regularly even mid stairs, I figured it was a problem with the skill. Seems like the problem could be server lag or maybe a problem with the walls at Klov. Needs to be looked at for sure.
  20. Your not getting pulled out of the tower from the bottom of the stairs. Don’t insult peoples intelligence, we play this game too. Gross exaggeration doesn’t further your argument. That's not a gross exaggeration, that's what has happened multiple times. Stand on wall, the wall spam happens so I run down the stairs to flat ground. A few seconds pass, I may even got get supply to repair the wall, next thing I know, as I kneel down to repair, I'm outside and being stomped into the ground.
  21. List of places other mesmers can "pull" me out of the tower regularly. top of the walltop of the stairsmiddle of the stairsbottom of the stairsthe ground behind the wallThis isn't a one time thing. It is happening all the time, most often in Klovan on the south wall side.Maybe the issue is the wall, but I am constantly removed from the structure when I shouldn't be able to be and the walls are all up.
  22. It has 2 points of interest in it. One you can get from the door, the other you have to get inside to where the warden is to unlock it.
  23. I made Nevermore, and would never go through that again (Gen 2). If I ever decide I want another legendary, I'll just save up and buy a Gen 1.I know they aren't ever gonna change it, but I would legit give away a few gifts to people in Lions Arch as prizes for games or something.
  24. Dear Anet, Please let me sell all the extra Gifts of Battle I have in storage to other people. Sincerely,Ubi Edit: P.S. Let me sell the Gifts of Maguuma too, I have 22 of them.
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