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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. It won't matter soon anyway. Apparently, Anet is going to add an infusion that ONLY drops from keep lords (non acct bound version anyway). Anet will finally accomplish the one wvw goal they had...to get people to stop defending.
  2. TC has people that "AFK" run into walls for entire matches, 24/7. No amount of reporting has ever removed them. Anet literally does not care. Oddly enough, if I set myself to autorun at a wall, I disconnect after about 7 minutes, so I really don't get how all these people avoid the AFK timer kick.
  3. Was late to reset cause kids. 20 in que, not horrible. Get to 1...no popup, no window, not even touching the computer, it rolled from 1 to 54. Went to OS to say I was in MMO purgatory, decided to just log out. Sad times.
  4. Except, that people aren't transferring for bigger (more people) overall fights. They transfer so that they always outnumber their opponents. Rarely does a guild transfer to some poor outnumbered server cause they want "better fights=more people". Players have proven over 10 years that they will choose the path of least resistance. Which is why every time BG or mag opens, they get tons of players. Why when relink is announced, their links get tons of people. Not because people want a challenge.
  5. The problem isn't relinks, it transfers. The whole reason the system fails is because NO ONE wants a challenge. Relinks announced, within 5 minutes entire guilds transfer to stack a server. There is no way to make a system work that is constantly being gamed by half the playerbase. Maybe not the best solution, but they need to prohibit transfers for a time period around relinks. Make it so that 2 weeks before relinks and 2 weeks after relinks no transfers are allowed. Matches are 8 weeks. That would only give the fairweather crowd 4 weeks to manipulate matches in their favor. If no one has noticed, the problem with the "solution" is that it takes away a revenue source from Anet, which is why WvW can never be fixed. The matchmaking algorithm can't compete with players transferring/stacking for easier fights.
  6. You do realize that you are spending money so that the character will look the way YOU want it to look? If you want to be a gigantic glowing Norn who is max height and size, that doesn't mean the rest of us who bought the game should be forced to look at it. Not to mention the potential seizure inducing effects that a lot of the game has going on. So, why should anothers' ability to turn off the distraction so they can actually see the game affect you or gem store sales? The game is 11 years old, and I still don't know what any of the bosses in the game look like because every fight is like a giant disco exploded on the boss. This is a welcome, and long overdue change.
  7. That is bad. The disconnects I know of are fully out of game. People should absolutely not be being removed from a wvw map to a pve map, other than maybe the AFK timer.
  8. The que bug has existed since launch. As for the disconnects, I personally have not had any. All the people I keep talking to, who are disconnecting regularly, have ArcDPS installed. Having said that, I would really like a grace period on disconnects. If you dc, you have like 1 minute to get back onto the map regardless of que.
  9. Total hours for me, of those specs, is probably still scrapper. But, I have been maining tempest in wvw since EoD dropped.
  10. Well, it works, but not well. The only guaranteed method is to watch a player kill a guard and then immediately kill them. Otherwise, you get put in the random lottery for a chance to get credit defending. Even if you kill 10 people solo in the lords room during the event timer, you might not get credit. I can speak anecdotally for others, but personally, I have had kills ranging from 1 to 25 inside the tower and still not gotten credit. Even for zerg fights that lasted 10 minutes or so. Kill entire enemy zerg fully within the structure, 3 defense events, 0 tower defense credits. It needs looked at. I say that sarcastically, because we all know Anet doesn't want people defending.
  11. Siege disablers are your friend. Friends are your friend. This isn't an issue.
  12. You can't "match fix" in wvw. That only occurs in pvp. Anet has said the politics or war is just as acceptable as the fighting part. Teaming up with other guilds, regardless of servers is allowed. As is tag watching alts, trolling tactics, etc. That said, it's funny watching mag, who was already full, get opened twice this year by playing alts and hibernating, in the exact same fashion BG used to/still does. If Anet wants to fix the "matches", they need to remove all scoring but kills. Make only kills count towards the score. That would eliminate most of the "manipulation" that is actually happening in wvw. You know, transfers to stack, refusing to log mains to drop a tier or open (all because regardless of server name, no one wants a challenge).
  13. What is unhealthy, is 1 up 1 down. It allows even full servers to drop to tiers where there are none. A system easily abused by large groups who do nothing but hold SMC and not defend anything else to drop to lower tiers for easier fights.
  14. I thought the roadmap said there would not be anymore new elites.
  15. I'm just gonna say, keep trading (with no defending) will absolutely happen if the infusion ONLY drops from keep lords. It needs to be a random, miniscule chance from doing anything in wvw. Otherwise, this will pretty much kill the remaining spirit of what wvw should be.
  16. Pretty sure sword is only good for the runaway movement skill.
  17. You seem to think you know what my view of the game and it's characters actually are. To end this, from my side, I will go back to your restaurant. I'm the customer who has been coming in since you opened your first restaurant. Now you have a new location at which I am a fixture, not a regular. I politely ask for "insert any food you want" and when you say you don't have it anymore, or cook it that way anymore, I say "aww, that's sad, I liked X", then politely ask for something else off the menu. I'm still a fixture in the restaurant, still support the restaurant financially. Tell everyone I know about it. It's the only restaurant I eat at. Finding it (personally) interesting, that it felt like GW1 was more immersive is an opinion. Like people commenting how things seemed different in "some random 10 year period in history" than now.
  18. And, once again, you are implying I am the disgruntled/demeaning person, when my only comment was how after going back to GW1 a decade later to help my child, that it was more immersive, without really saying anything negative to the "chef" or "wait staff". I said "seem" to be declining, because that is my perception, due to the story feeling less immersive. I wish the stories still felt as immersive as they did in GW1, not Taimi fixed everything off-screen with "everything knowledge" again...good job team. I wish they still made applainces that lasted 20 years instead of being designed to break in under 5 so you need to buy a new one too. It's an opinion.
  19. Except, nowhere did I say one was better or the other was a chore. I just found it interesting that one was more immersive. I am full legendary in GW2, have over 15k hours played, and still play every day. I thoroughly enjoy the game. The storytelling and arcs just seem to be declining in quality.
  20. This. I have spent the last week or so helping my 9 year old get some achievements done in Guild Wars for her Hall of Monuments. Afterwards, noticed something interesting. Playing Guild Wars 2, I need a movie, music, or twitch to entertain me while I played. You don't ever lose track of time in the real world. Playing Guild Wars, I noticed I was just playing. No music, movie, nothing. The entertainment was the game. Time just seems to vanish. Sure, the game has a little popup telling you how many hours you've played, but it's amazing how you can actually just lose time immersed in the game. I am sad they got away from that.
  21. LIterally see this every single day in wvw. And, I do mean every single day. People walking through walls, moving under the map to avoid attacks. Teleporting to their spawn when downed, still with the sentry mark on them. People moving faster than rollerbeetles. Downed players, regardless of class, downstate teleporting 30 times to get away from being stomped. Every day, all day.
  22. Most weeks I complete the weekly on 2-3 accounts. I can usually do all of that the same day, but yeah, there is almost no chance at getting the tower defense one, even if I just stay in a tower all week and kill everyone that came in.
  23. The good news is they are adding an infusion drop to wvw that ONLY drops from keep lords. So, the ktrain boon-blob can get cool (likely expensive) infusion drops to sell/use and defenders get...you guessed it...nothing. Not even credit for defending. Sure, they will let you buy an account bound one, but once again Anet proving they HATE that people actually fight back/defend.
  24. Anet - we're adding an infusion drop that only comes from keep lords (or you can buy an acct bound one). WvW players - why do you hate people defending?
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