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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. IoJ is absent most of the day. When they do go outside, it's never a group smaller than 50, which is what is fueling the KDR. The fights vs them are usually a few guys who run before you can engage or we are outnumbered facing a full squad of them plus pugs.
  2. The pay to win mechanic in wvw exists, just not in the way people think. You can literally give them money, to stack tons of people on a server/link so you win most, if not all, of your fights, because you will only fight outnumbered servers. The balance between classes/specs has very little impact on fights. When I'm not playing support (usually minstrel scrapper), I tend to run core specs. They can be competitive if you build them right.
  3. Not even that. The closest thing to being near balance is for about 5 minutes after relinks are posted. 10 minutes after that, players have already transferred to stack somewhere else.
  4. WvW has turned into large guilds avoiding each other, and only wanting to fight pugs, doors, and guilds half their size. How would this help this player created problem? I don't think it would do anything but further reinforce what is already happening.
  5. I thought switching halls just required the 100g. You have to do the capture too?
  6. We pulled 1 into a breach and repaired the wall once they were in, was funny to see it just running against the wall while the others ran off.
  7. There is a player in the current T1 match, in a boonball guild not to be named here, who is multiboxing 5 accts. He and himself all do everything in perfect sync, same time, same place. Hard CC 1, all 5 hit stunbreaks. Sad and funny at the same time.
  8. There are several devs that regularly play wvw. The problem is that they only play on blobbing worlds and usually only play during those worlds blobbing hours, so they think everything is fine and stacks ktraining everything is how it should be.
  9. PPT needs to be removed. Let kills determine who wins or loses. That way, superstacks can't hide in lower tiers by gaming the scoring system while steamrolling every fight.
  10. At this point, I'm surprised they don't just make the Silverwastes a wvw map. Zergs can just run ktrain in a circle. Anet can make it so the towers reset to neutral right after they flip (with the 5 min countdown), so that the tower will be available when the blob comes back around. Each borderland could just be the Silverwastes map, and only that color team is allowed on their home map. So, green can just ktrain their borderland over and over, blue theirs and red theirs. Since that is all these overstacked blobs are doing anyway is fighting doors and never each other. And, Anet keeps nerfing defense and anything that dents the blobs, so they would likely support this.
  11. The NA servers currently have a problem of large groups stacking all in one place, so they never have to fight a group as big as they are. They all usually play when not many enemies are on anyway, so they walk around the map pressing 1 to win everything with zero effort.
  12. I get the semantics part, but it works on the watergate at both red and blue keeps, but not green. It works on all inner gates. Just seems like an oversight on Anet's part. We can't even get them to fix the oil trait after telling them about it for 5+ years, so I don't imagine this will ever change either.
  13. If they added an infusion that is wvw only, you would have 2500 member PvE alliances ktraining everything when no one else is playing, or switching maps to avoid groups larger than 5. Wait, that's most of what WvW is now. Nevermind. Yeah, I can't think of any valid reason not to add one for WvW. Seconded.
  14. Please no. A weekend event with it as it is, maybe, but not a permanent add.
  15. Maybe a bug with that account. I haven't played SAB since 2014, just checked the 2 toons that I had all the unlocks on, all the items are still there. I would have them submit a ticket after rechecking all their toons again, make sure they enter a world as the HUB doesn't count, the weapons don't show there.
  16. Not in 2022, unlikely in 2023. Even then, if it happens it changes nothing about wvw. The only difference is we will be playing on "new name" servers instead of our current "world" names.
  17. The fun part of that watergate, is that invulnerable doesn't affect it, never has. So, someone pulls invulnerable while you are on the watergate, you just break in anyway. So many inconsistencies.
  18. Just remember who they are and don't help them in fights, pretty simple. I tend to let duelers be, a lot of time I will just sit down and watch because I can learn from them. There have been times I just came across a fight and jumped in not knowing if it is a duel or not, it is to be expected in a place like wvw. Half the "duelers" have friends waiting to jump you because they start losing a fight anyway. Not much honor left in the dueling scene.
  19. So, players who knowingly and willingly stacked, are now surprised they have no one to fight?
  20. The permaboon blobs aren't running spellbreakers, at all. They have multiple scrapper, revs and firebrands, and maybe in a 50 man 1 spellbreaker. And no matter how many boons you strip from them, they stay at perma every boon and nearly max time on them. Bubble was the only thing that made a dent in that. The nerf to bubble is solely about preventing defense. Every nerf Anet makes is about stopping people from defending. Because Anet thinks ktrains are the ideal gameplay. But, it is hurting the game mode.
  21. The funny thing is all our normal "run into wall" folks I haven't seen for like 2 weeks now, and who would have guessed it, TC is no longer full.
  22. So, what you're saying is you're ok with nerfs to auras, because there is no counterplay to those either. Maybe, auras only have a 1/3rd chance of applying would be a good start? Have you even played GW2 lately, since blobs don't run 5-6 bubbles anymore, haven't for more than a year. At most, you see 1 occasionally. The only time you see more bubbles than that, is defenders who all log to alts to try and make a dent in the boon-sharing blobs, because stacking, downstate, and boon-sharing are all broken and favor larger groups. There was nothing wrong with the skill. The "counterplay" was to just get out of it, kind of like the "counterplay" to auras is to not fight back. One just requires you to move, the other requires you to stop fighting. Which one is/was broken again?
  23. The only way they would touch celestial stats was if it stopped boonballs from ktraining everything. And then, it would be nerfed because Anet treats defending as unintended gameplay.
  24. Everytime this comes up, I realize people forget how bad both stacking and hacking was. And, while you still see people teleport/speed hacking daily, it's not quite as bad as it was back then. I would rather they spend dev time just fixing things, than trying to do a tournament. Maybe they could start with the oil trait, that has been reported as broken for 5 years now.
  25. Anet finally killing the last thing that actually makes a dent in the broken, over the top boon-sharing ball. The patch notes should just say "stop defending, it isn't how we intended the game to be played".
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