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Everything posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. I've been an ele main since 2013 (played my first confused year as a thief because I was hoping it would feel like GW1 assassin). Ele used to be the class that can most reliably provide a group with boons. Nowadays every elite spec has better and easier boon uptime than ele. Conjured weapons used to be a dps boost for anyone who picked them up. Then they were all nerfed into oblivion the domain of anguish. By putting in a lot of effort, eles used to be able to dominate the dps charts. It was selfish, it was risky and it was rarer than seeing an ele absolutely struggle and fail. Then the nerf hammer struck. Now eles received said hammer as a reminder of what happens, should the class ever rise to relevance again. Every other class has received something useful over the years. Something that makes the class desirable to have in a party. What did ele get? Auras. Who the hell thought "hey, this class has the lowest base-health and the lowest armor in the game, let's give them a mechanic that requires getting hit!"? Who even thought "yeah, getting hit is something that high-lvl parties do all the time. I'm sure auras make ele a desirable party member."? I'm sure the other ele-mains here can confirm this: As an ele you learn to dodge or you die. I always dodge attacks that I would easily tank on another class, even if it means interrupting a strong skill to do so.
  2. You can get an exotic backpack with the stats by crafting it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Equipment_query&Equipment_query[rarity]=Exotic&Equipment_query[supertype]=Back+item&Equipment_query[prefix]=captain&_run Alternatively you can buy an ascended backpack on a living season map and select the Captain's stat combination: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Equipment_query&Equipment_query[rarity]=Ascended&Equipment_query[supertype]=Back+item&Equipment_query[prefix]=captain&_run I'd recommend getting the bitterfrost frontier backpack. The currency (Winterberries) is easier to farm than any other living season currency: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Icebrood_Horn_Backpack
  3. Ah I remember doing this in 2019 or so. Had to do several attempts until the event didn't bug out. Letting the larvae die didn't work for me. I completed the event by finding a nice fresh map during chak gerent meta and then being there as soon as the event starts. Once the event is bugged, it's bugged for good. You can only let the map instance die and try to find another. Hope this helps in getting the achievenemt. Good luck!
  4. They're seriously going for the "that post is too old to be relevant" defense? Guess what, there are no newer posts concerning this policy. Therefore this post is the NEWEST post about this policy in existence! ANet could easily apologise and post an official announcement about the policy change. Even if they no longer offer account rollbacks or character restorations, I don't think 500 gems and a lvl 80 scroll are too much compensation for their failed communication. It just isn't right, that a player has to deal with the consequences of ANet not communicating unpopular policy changes to anyone outside their studio! Did they think no one would find out?
  5. Yeah, the lie about not publicly acknowledging this method is easily disproven by the old forum archives. Either ANet secretly changed their policy about this without telling anyone (in which case an official confirmation would be appreciated, so we can reference it in the updated wiki article), or the CS people who handled your ticket were utterly misinformed and made stuff up on the fly. The part about recently "fixing" the "exploit" sounds like they changed the policy. Sucks to be the first one to find out and sucks even more to find out the way you did.
  6. Here's another thing I would like to mention. It could be helpful once you have your characters back or started new characters. It sounds like you just want to switch from NA to EU servers. If that's the case, then there is no need to try and get into a high-population / full server. You can also choose an almost empty server. Switching to empty servers also costs less gems, which would make your transfer to EU a lot cheaper. You would still be able to play all PvE and PvP content together with any EU friend you might have. If you're in the same guilds and on each other's friend lists, the mega-server system will even put you in the same map instances most of the time. The server you choose is ONLY important for WvW and even that is about to change. The alliance-system is about to replace server identity for matchmaking. With that change, servers will loose their last reason to exist. Unless you're a devout WvW player and you absolutely want to play WvW on that server, I recommend the cheap transfer to a low population EU server. Edit: The reason people recommended deleting your characters to get a free transfer is this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/support/Account-transfer/page/1#post1427223 Granted, the post is from 2013, however as far as I know, ANet hasn't publicly announced any changes to this policy.
  7. Seriously? The fight you've picked for it looking "weird" is the toxic alliance fractal boss that's SUPPOSED to look weird at the end of the fight. That's the whole 10% health mechanic of that boss. Granted, I have no idea what this boss fight looks like on lowest settings. I'm using max settings for most stuff, but I've disabled movement and distance blur effects. Though that's a personal preference and apparently some people like this "cinematic" blur effect. The only setting I found having a major impact on fps is the max player model setting. Limiting the amount of players shown at once, prevents the game from becoming a slide-show when running with a big zerg.
  8. For me Catalyst goes in the right direction. Tempest makes you stay in each element longer, so you can overload. Weaver makes reaching some weapon skills harder and deviating from your rotation is very punishing. I like hammer for actually incentivising rotating through all elements. Hammer 3 is really what sells this weapon for me. Switch through all elements, collect them and then use the collected energy. I just wish we had more than just a single weapon skill with this kind of mechanic. Some of the utility skills should also be like "Do effect x if you were in fire attunement within the last 30 seconds, Do effect y if you were in water attunement within the last 30 seconds...". Although hammer 3 is great, I would've preferred double pistol, rifle or longbow as a weapon. Most projectile weapons in the game feature many many combo finishers, which would go great with the new F5 ability. I also like the F5 skill. I haven't tested if it can be maintained indefinitely, but that should definitely a thing. Ele was always a combo heavy class and I like how ele got a permanent combo field now. That's why I don't understand why none of the new utility skills are combo finishers and only one skill in each element is a combo finisher on hammer. Still, I would like the F5 effect to move with the character. Pressing F5 could send the aura out and recall it when you press it again. What I absolutely don't like is the focus on auras again. Auras should be left with Tempest. Hammer has only a single leap finisher. All additional aura generation comes from traits and doesn't interact with the new weapon or utility skills. Traits should really focus on element swapping and combos. Elementalists are the class with the lowest health and armor in the game. As such they are the class that least benefits from having an aura, since auras require your character to get hit in order to apply their effects. So here's my suggested changes for Catalyst: Weapon: - Change it for a projectile weapon (unlikely to happen) - Add more combo finishers to the weapon F5: - Make it an aura around the character that can be sent out (like sand shades) Traits: - Replace the aura traits with traits that interact with combos and attunement changes Utility Skills: - Scrap these completely - Replace with turrets (or Binding Rituals) (that look like elemental versions of the GW1 ritualist spirits) Turrets could be a new source of projectile finishers or other finishers and apply their own effects as well. Another possibility could be elixirs, that apply effects based on the current element or the elements you visited during the last x seconds.
  9. I think in one of the books they described it as just stepping through a door. Loerwise the portal is supposed to also transport light, etc. So the portal doesn't look like a pink swirl, instead you see your destination on the other side. Suddenly being hit by the different climate on the other side of the portal feels like stepping out of an airplane.
  10. How do you get a surplus of chak acid from gerent? The time between killing the gerent and the laser firing is so long, I end up using all acid earned from the event on the chests in the lanes. Afterwards I get the reward for the meta event, which doesn't even give enough acid to open all chests behind the wall. I always leave chak gerent with less keys than I started with. Unless I started with 0 keys, then I leave with 0 keys and leave some unopened chests behind. Tarir meta is the same. Even if I don't just do the meta and do several event chains from start to finish before going into the meta, I end up using all keys. Combine this with the fact that the loot in the home instance chests is worse than the loot from the map chests, and I really have to wonder why these chests exist in the first place. Decoration?
  11. Leveling Chef to 500 is kinda a special case. You'll need to do the achievement https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gourmet_Training in order to level up. Doing this achievement will bring you all the way to 500. You can store most cooking ingredients in your material storage. In case you've flooded your inventory with combined materials that can't be stored, I'd sell those. Look up the achievement and only keep the materials you need. Edit: If you already have a chef at 500 and for some reason want to level another chef to 500, you should already have the recipes unlocked that give you further experience. In either case you won't be able to level chef to 500 purely by discovering recipes.
  12. Signets are one thing, I just hope ally-targeted attacks don't proc stuff like Sigil of Nullification.
  13. Honestly, catching up on mastery points is a bad reason for getting into raids. Killing your first raid boss unlocks the raid mastery, which consumes more mastery points than you're going to gain from raids with reasonable effort. Both HoT and PoF have enough mastery points to complete all masteries without ever stepping into raids or doing expensive collections.
  14. First of all, raiding doesn't mix well with most definitions of casual. You're either casual, or you put in the time to understand and train your class / build to raid level. Raids were introduced and marketed as content for the more hardcore players, who felt at the time that open world, dungeons and fractals had nothing to challenge them with. As such, your typical group of casuals has no chance of clearing even a single boss (except maybe Cairn and Escort). That's why you won't find groups of random casuals in lfg. As far as I can see there are three ways into raiding: 1. You already have proof that you're an experienced raider. You can join any group if you can show the required amount of LI and killproof. This obviously doesn't work for raid beginners. 2. You are lucky to find a training group that's open for beginners and doesn't ask for any proof of experience. This is usually a static group (s. 3.) that's missing a member or two due to real life. 3. Join a raid guild that's training beginners. This usually comes with a spot in a static team and fixed raiding times. So the only real option is number 3. The others rely on items you don't have or luck / stalking the lfg for hours. Even then don't expect to get a raid kill on your first day. Unless your group contains several veterans, you will need multiple sessions before your first easy raid boss falls.
  15. I'm at 3/5 and can't get the achievement to progress. I hope ANet notices this thread and fixes it while return to Istan is still ongoing.
  16. Did you go to the exact spot where he mounted and checked if the icon for no-mount zone was still there? Combined with his comment about borders, it sounds like he found a spot that's inside the jp, but outside the no-mount zone.
  17. Still, it would be nice to be able to show or hide the backpack per armor set. I also have the problem that I have armor sets that just don't go well with any of the backpacks, so I have to disable backpacks on that character for all armor sets.
  18. There are so many things they could show us without spoiling anything. We already know about many of the creatures in Cantha from GW1. Why doesn't ANet show us screenshots or even short video clips of their GW2 counterparts?It's almost like they don't want people to talk about the expansion out of fear someone might actually want to buy it.Give us something to talk about!
  19. They didn't remove it for the PvE players though.They removed it because WvW players complained about PvE players taking up spots for sightseeing and lollygagging.Also there was the problem that the gift of exploration was just unattainable for some people because their server never held the necessary structures.These problems don't exist in PvE. There's not a single vista or point of interest that you can't reach on your own. I agree though that the Gen1 legendaries require an excessive amount of map exploration. Gen2 and 3 are ok, because they require only the expansion maps, which isn't much.
  20. Fractals were reworked several times. Also ANet added new Fractals and still adds new fractals once or twice a year.Dragon Response Missions are a new thing that can be found in the Eye of the North.But yeah, ANet stated pretty early that dungeons would no longer be developed and fractals would be the go-to content for 5 person groups.
  21. It reduces the prices for materials on the trading post, which makes gathering almost worthless for the honest player.The overabundance of certain materials prompts ANet to increase the material requirements in new recipes, making them uncraftable without tedious grinding or buying the materials from the bots.The gold generated this way will end up on the black-market, circumventing ANet's gem to gold conversion and their profit share.The resulting account suspensions generate extra work for the support team, which delays other tickets. I think you are mistaken somehow.This is the GW2 forum for a Fantasy MMO. People here play to have fun doing adventures and experience a lore.You know, with sword and shield n' stuff The forum you are looking for would be Minecraft.comHahaha funny... not.Gathering is a part of GW2's PvE system. There are gathering nodes, equipment for gathering and ANet makes quite a lot of money by selling gathering tools in the gemstore. I see nothing wrong with expecting a system that is in the game from day one and heavily monetized to work and be worthwhile to use. Most players are here for the complete package that GW2 offers. This includes, but is not limited to, adventures, lore, a sense of community found in guilds, challenges in raids, fractals, PvP, etc and also gathering and crafting. Also please name a major fantasy mmo that doesn't have gathering. It's almost like the "n' stuff" part includes pickaxes, shovels, axes and other gathering equipment for pretty much every fantasy world there is. If you want clear-cut borders between games, you should get rid of Guild Halls first. Building and decorating your own base is something that Minecraft does a lot better than GW2.
  22. Well THAT'S just completely inaccurate. You don't mention what part of my comment is inaccurate.Assumption 1: You don't agree that overabundance of materials causes ANet to increase material requirements.In this case it must have been my imagination that refining materials like mithryl or elder wood costs more raw material than at launch. It also must've been my imagination that gen2 and gen3 legendaries require dozens of stacks of these materials. Assumption 2: You don't agree that grinding these materials is tedious. How long do you need to gather 80+ stacks of Mithril? Assumption 3: You don't agree that you have to buy the material from the bots. So I guess you have some secret method of avoiding the trading post listings made by bot accounts? Please teach me. Assumption 4: You don't agree that farm bots causes an overabundance of materials on the trading post. In that case please elaborate where all these farmed materials end up and why they have no impact on the ingame economy. your assumption that bot farming is the root cause of increased refinement costs or Gen2 legendaries costing more intermediate crafting materials is inaccurate as it's pure speculation, you have no evidence to support the claim.you forget the fact that there are more ways to farm those materials since launchFarming bots are one of the many hoses pumping materials into an over-saturated market. I've never claimed they were the only source, nor have I claimed they were even the biggest source. I just claimed they are a source. Unless the bots delete all their farmed materials, there is no place these materials could end up other than the trading post. Are the bots as a material source big enough to impact the market in a noticeable way? I feel yes, but I can't proove it. No one can proove it in either direction, because no one has any data. Except maybe ANet, but they don't share their data. So if you said my original post was speculative, I would have agreed. However you accused me of being inaccurate without ever accurately stating which part of my post was inaccurate.
  23. Well THAT'S just completely inaccurate. You don't mention what part of my comment is inaccurate.Assumption 1: You don't agree that overabundance of materials causes ANet to increase material requirements.In this case it must have been my imagination that refining materials like mithryl or elder wood costs more raw material than at launch. It also must've been my imagination that gen2 and gen3 legendaries require dozens of stacks of these materials. Assumption 2: You don't agree that grinding these materials is tedious. How long do you need to gather 80+ stacks of Mithril? Assumption 3: You don't agree that you have to buy the material from the bots. So I guess you have some secret method of avoiding the trading post listings made by bot accounts? Please teach me. Assumption 4: You don't agree that farm bots causes an overabundance of materials on the trading post. In that case please elaborate where all these farmed materials end up and why they have no impact on the ingame economy.
  24. It reduces the prices for materials on the trading post, which makes gathering almost worthless for the honest player.The overabundance of certain materials prompts ANet to increase the material requirements in new recipes, making them uncraftable without tedious grinding or buying the materials from the bots.The gold generated this way will end up on the black-market, circumventing ANet's gem to gold conversion and their profit share.The resulting account suspensions generate extra work for the support team, which delays other tickets.
  25. Seeing how ANet has handled the storm cloud bug, I guess this is the new Sunqua fractal.
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