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Everything posted by Kayberz.5346

  1. First of all you're saying its "1 button" while also im assuming talking about a combo that takes AT LEAST 4 buttons, also it does nowhere near "20k" damage unless your target is pure glass with vuln stacks and you have 25 might. The whole attack is not unblockable thats only IF you use phase traversal first, which is once again a multi button high energy cost combo not "1 button" and you don't need to dodge the entire attack because one dodge makes the total damage negligible. To top it off if literally any other target is nearby such as a minion the attack will split its damage and becomes very weak. You obviously just have a blind hatred for rev without understanding how it even works
  2. Remove the damage reduction while in lich form and make it so you cant use shroud to exit lich form You press lich form, you're a lich until the duration is over and you cant retreat into shroud when you get focused A good risk/reward ratio ,it would no longer be an "i win" button
  3. A huge amount of warriors abilities were designed and balanced in a environment when damage and hard CC was not mutually exclusive They never adjusted any of the abilities to compensate for the loss of damage on CC skills which left warriors with a bunch of neutered/useless abilities and severely limited their choices for viable builds in pvp Warrior is plagued by easily avoidable attacks that pretty much rely on CC to set up combos, but with the total nerf of damage on half their combo pieces other classes can even further invalidate a lot of warriors attacks by just facetanking the CC with stability and stunbreaks while saving their defensives for the only damage dealing attacks. The blanket nerf on ALL hard CC is such a lazy and stupid decision. If CC spam was a problem then just individually balance the abilities that are causing problems to do little damage.
  4. Because those classes have braindead passive condi builds that can literally just spam 12345 while standing still and facetanking everything. They can hardcounter many builds in a direct fight by just existing and spamming a scripted rotation
  5. You consistently have done the very thing you're accusing him of doing for YEARS on these forums. Kind of ironic People speculate on all kinds of things on these forums and are many times later proven correct and you almost always come in with some multi paragraph post picking apart everything you dont like with your own interpretations of the lore to claim why it isn't possible or doesn't make sense. Arguing semantics and being needlessly contrarian all the time "ACKCHYUALLY......"
  6. Refuting any theories or speculation others come up with on the grounds that something about it is "unconfirmed" yet not holding themselves to the same standards of bulletproof confirmation when they make their own speculation or interpretations is basically gatekeeping speculation. They act as if they are the authority on guild wars lore and what is or isn't possible
  7. Matchmaking will NEVER be accurate if they insist on not allowing full premades to queue while simultaneously using a binary win/lose system for adjusting MMR when you are only 1/5 of the randomly assigned team that won or lost the match
  8. So just more of the same gatekeeping gw lore by refuting anything that doesn't align with your own subjective interpretations Business as usual i guess Any created device that performs a specific task is technolgy, period.
  9. Only the base Aurene gen 3 legendaries are able to be put on the trading post The other variations are not tradable
  10. Your distinction between "magic" and "technology" makes no sense Waypoints and Asuran portals ARE technology, it is technology that uses magic And just the same Canthan dragonjade tech is also just technology that uses magic, its dragon magic inside the jade. Magic is literally just a powersource for the technology Creating a device that uses magic to do something is literally no different than making a device that uses electricity or gas to do something, its all technolgy just with different powersources/capabilities
  11. Necro mains: "we deserve having pretty much any build we run be top tier meta in pvp because we sucked for the first 2 years of the game". "Its not overtuned, its just that every other class in the game is undertuned, thats it 100%, no nerfs needed" "Necro is actually very hard to play, you need like....good positioning.......and....yeah...which isn't something other classes ever need as well, im just really good at pvp so i make it look easy"
  12. Anet just needs to revert that stupid " hard CC skills always do no damage" change they did awhile back and just balance each hard CC ability individually. A big part of warriors identity in pvp was chaining combos of hard CC together with their burst skills. The CC skills themselves used to do a pretty decent amount of damage on their own so your opponent couldn't just facetank your CC skills and stunbreak away to avoid the follow up burst. They actually had to respect both the hard CC skills AND your other attacks. Hammer is now garbage in pvp when before it used to be a great weapon all because the weapon was designed when damage and hard CC were not mutually exclusive and they never reworked it after that patch
  13. Yeah, I've always thought there was room for the theory that both Anise and Queen Jennah are two halves of lyssa in disguise but there really isn't a whole lot of evidence to support it but it does seem pretty plausible. They are both incredibly powerful female mesmers that have unexplained pasts, they work together in tandem as guardians of humanity/kryta while both having very polarized roles and personalities with Queen Jennah being the public facing compassionate ruler whereas Anise handles the secret affairs of the kingdom while having a much harsher personality.
  14. Completely baseless speculation: Perhaps Balthazar and lyssa at some point became lovers, and perhaps their offspring is the one that replaced Balthazar as a god Although i dont know exactly how that would work with lyssa technically being 2 entities, but who knows Theres definitely "something" going on there that anet is deliberately teasing at Probably unrelated, but queen Jennahs unexplored past and her seeming to be one of the most powerful mesmers we've ever seen before for no apparent reason was always kinda fishy
  15. Disagree strongly Premade teams DO have an advantage, no doubt about that, but that advantage is perfectly fair in the context of a ranked ladder. Those premade teams will end up climbing the ranks by beating less organized solo queueing players and eventually get matched up against equally sweaty premades and they will end up where they belong on the ladder If you deliberately choose to solo queue in a competitive team based gamemode you need to come to terms with the fact that you are playing at a disadvantage and the rank you end up at is the rank you belong in based on the amount of effort you are putting in to win If you don't take the initiative to form your own premade then you dont deserve to rank as high as the tryhard players that do, simple as that You might be a plat/legend tier player if you play with equally skilled players, but your solo queue potential rank might be hardstuck in gold, which is perfectly reasonable. Bottom line, if you aren't going to tryhard than dont expect to beat others that are
  16. They need to restructure the brackets again Legend is supposed to be its own division as large as all the previous divisions as far as the range of raitings, but instead legend is like 1 or 2 people in NA that BARELY cross the threshold. Meanwhile bronze is pretty much exclusively players with raiting decay that play very few games, its literally impossible to stay in bronze if you play a certain number of games. Plat is essentially where the threshold for legend should be based on the current playerbase and everything else should be shifted down accordingly.
  17. Nothing is gonna make sense to you if you deliberately choose to be obtuse and deny the story being told is actually being told (despite the fact multiple people can point out where in the story all these plot points are discussed/hinted at and they have no problem following along with the narrative) and instead present your own subjective interpretations as pseudo-fact while conveniently dismissing other things that conflict with those interpretations that actually have a fair bit of evidence supporting them as "unconfirmed" every time they are brought up
  18. We didn't need to kill jormag and primordus at the same time time because they were each others weakness, them being each others weakness just made it the most convenient and practical option. The reason they both needed to be killed at the same time in champions is because if we had killed either one of them without killing the other at that time than the remaining dragon would have become too powerful for us to defeat which would have resulted in tyria being destroyed/frozen Also they never once stated that there needs to be a certain number of elder dragons alive to balance the all in s3 or pof, just that there needed to be "something" to replace the elder dragons. Whether that be one or multiple entities None of these things "negates" anything
  19. This comment is going to age like milk. Vindicator is for sure going to have a place in spvp if not outright replacing power herald for the most part It has less CC than herald but it has WAY more damage and sustain than current power herald. Vindicator can easily 1v2 matchups herald cant and is a much better choice in larger teamfights while still being just as if not more effective as a +1 Shiro/jalis barrier dodge vindicator is going to be meta
  20. The shortbow rev pvp build thats meta is a power build that uses shiro and jalis. Its not really a "high damage" build like power herald, it CAN burst pretty well with the shiro heal impossible odds and sb 3 combo but in general the build is more of a high sustain build with steady pressure. Rev, especially that build , has good sustain in fights but it requires active defenses rather than just being passively tanky. You need to learn how to time your cooldowns and rotate through them, using your shortbow with shiro heal to leach life early/mid fight and use jalis heal and hammers/stone form combined with staff when you're pressured more. A lot of people consider rev to be harder to play effectively in pvp than a lot of other classes but imo its not really that difficult, it just requires you to get a feel for the class mechanics and develop muscle memory so that you can instinctively legend/weapon swap without having to pay too much attention to your energy because you will eventually just kinda get a feel for how the cooldowns and energy costs flow. TLDR Shortbow rev in pvp doesn't do big damage, it does decent damage at a steady rate while having a lot of sustain, dont expect to drop people as fast as other power builds, condi rev is dead in pvp, the change to resistance completely broke mallyx viability
  21. Wierd how none of those builds can be played effectively by a bot Its almost like they actually require skill and proper timing to both deal damage and avoid it, unlike many condi builds
  22. Yes, go on and on I would love to hear what other hyperbolic and just factually wrong statements you make about power builds you clearly dont have much knowledge of
  23. Ok, and can any of those power builds do that while ALSO being able to facetank that same level of damage being thrown back at them? And all those burst combos actually require TIMING and good positioning or they will get absolutely deleted in a few seconds. The condi builds dont and wont. A burn guardian combo might as well be a 1 shot if your condi cleanse is on cooldown Also since when can rev sword 3 with impossible odds do 20k "easy"? In wvw maybe, in spvp? More like 10 if you're lucky and the target is glass, and the entire attack is NOT unblockable When you come out with statements like that you really show just how unqualified you are to comment on pvp balance
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