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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Hard no from me. Dueling already has its place in GW2. There is no need to bring it to open world. Please use the forums search to find previous threads on this mostly unpopular suggestion.
  2. This has been requested a lot. Anet has decided that the effort is not worth it. Please use the forums search for more details/threads.
  3. Having different expansions for different preferences is what I enjoy about GW2. I don't have to do HoT and I'm glad! To be fair, I do believe that HoT has some of the best maps and design of anything in GW2. It's just not for me. I'm glad that Anet offers other expansion content to meet a varied interest. If PoF and EoD were like HoT, I would probably have not bought either expansion.
  4. Please use the forums search function. This has already been discussed.
  5. Fun is subjective. I hate HoT maps. They are not fun for me. While I agree with some of the points you made, especially with regards to the less-than-dynamic world, I am finding much more enjoyment with EoD than I ever have with HoT.
  6. Lots of other threads that have complained about glider opening mechanics in jumping puzzles. Please use the forums search for more information.
  7. If you want to make the point, then please feel free to start your own thread. No need to drop it in several other threads where it really doesn't pertain to the topic of those threads.
  8. Doesn't seem to working for me in EoD. Maybe I'm just not looking at it correctly?
  9. Nope. That's getting old. You're spamming multiple threads with these comments. Enough already.
  10. I can agree about the rewards. I get better rewards running a few world bosses.
  11. *Lack of Waypoints - This is probably to encourage the personal waypoint mastery? I haven't really been bothered with the few that are available, but I'm pretty casual and don't mind working my way around without them. *Zip Lines - I, too, would like a better indicator of where the destinations are. Also, losing conjured elements and necro minions on dismount is a problem. I actually enjoy them for getting up to higher points quickly and then launching with skyscale. I'd like to see some in other maps, like they did with the bouncing mushrooms. We'll see. *Jade Batteries - I charge mine on zip lines, so for me this is not too much of an issue. I don't like losing charges across maps, but I also don't like the idea of a mastery for permanent charges. Honestly, I think that the charging mechanic is designed to slow progression through maps so that players don't zip through them (no pun intended) too quickly. *Bug Fiesta - I haven't run into many of what was listed, but yeah, they need to be addressed. *Visual Design Choice - I haven't had the issues that many players have had with the lighting or colors. Maybe I don't have high enough graphics hardware? For me, I don't find the choices to be questionable. They look ok to me. *K/L Culture - I wasn't a huge fan of re-visiting Cantha, but I was surprised that the team didn't involve these "factions" more, instead, they seemed to hand-wave them away with a convenience time-skip. I feel that this really missed the mark with the players who were really looking forward to this return -- as if Anet made the decision without considering what the players might actually want. There were plenty of hopeful threads around here when the expac was announced, even before Cantha was known for certainty.
  12. I thought I had heard (somewhere!) that you don't and that is the complaint/problem with the mastery forcing this option? Ok, I heard wrong. 😆
  13. Apparently, Anet believes that everything a player needs to play the game and complete content is already included. Seems to me that they don't view any needs for further "ingame solutions".
  14. Maybe read through the threads instead of only looking at the first post? I tried to help you. Here... 1) I am afraid that the team does contemplate different possibilities and new features for the future but this one is not among those.2) There are a lot of far-reaching consequences of allowing one character to play through every race’s personal story or equip any cultural armor/weapons.3) Thanks for asking. To change the race in the Gem store will not be an option in Guild Wars 2.
  15. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/97368-we-need-race-change-merged/?tab=comments#comment-1392518 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/99079-a-proposal-for-race-changing-a-different-approach/?tab=comments#comment-1420302 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96515-list-of-reasons-why-we-can-and-should-have-a-race-change-service/?tab=comments#comment-1379299 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/91420-race-change-contract/?tab=comments#comment-91419 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/89603-will-we-ever-be-able-to-change-our-race/?tab=comments#comment-89602 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/29829-race-change/?tab=comments#comment-29828 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/21037-change-race/?tab=comments#comment-21036 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/16750-suggstion-for-race-change/?tab=comments#comment-16749 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/7718-will-race-change-be-available-what-are-the-limitations/?tab=comments#comment-7717
  16. Please use the forums search feature. This topic has been discussed a lot. Anet has already said that it is not something that they will do.
  17. Heaven forbid that if someone wants something that they might have to actually pay for it. It's a F2P game. Toss a few bucks at the studio in support and purchase some gems. Convert to gold and buy what you want. Sheesh.
  18. How can this meta die with so many hardcores praising how wonderful it is to finally have difficult content in open world? I would think that they would be all over this meta all of the time from the reactions I've read on the forum. If that sub-set of the player base is so vast, as some seem to think, then this meta should always be populated.
  19. Maybe. In SW:ToR, if you want to delete a character, you don't have to type out the entire character's name. You do have to type "delete" to confirm though. To me, in GW2, that would be much preferred over having to type out an entire name of an object, with correct capitalization and everything.
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