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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. That'd be a great trick when we already know it takes about 9 months for Anet to implement armor sets. What other content would you eliminate to make time/resources available for this?
  2. Might read through this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/107854-why-play-ranger-in-open-worldfarming/?do=getNewComment
  3. I really wish people would stop asking for free stuff in a (mostly) F2P game. Egad! How selfish these requests seem. Is it really too much to ask for players to pony up a little cash to keep the servers on?
  4. Which condition heavy enemies are causing difficulty?
  5. The skimmer can already swim underwater and there are swim speed infusions already in game.
  6. What possible mode of travel could be put into place that isn't already covered by the existing mounts? A new mount isn't needed.
  7. That really depends on what you want from the class. I don't seem to have the difficulty that you mentioned earlier with my core ranger, although I will say that there is some content that is much more difficult for me when using core. Most times, that content is expansion content for which the elite builds were more likely designed to manage than core. I've unlocked both soulbeast and druid, so I can swap between builds should I find myself in situations that warrant a different approach. But, at the end of the day, I really prefer core -- for me, it is the ranger that GW2 designed it to be from the start whereas soulbeast and druid are their own entities and not a "true" ranger. That's my opinion, though. Soulbeast was a close second, but when Anet took away the ability to swap pets in combat, it quickly lost its appeal for me. That's when I went back to core.
  8. Well, you're the one making claims about how easy it is to make changes. I just assumed that you knew. Guess that's really not the case.
  9. Was going to edit previous, but this isn't related to that post. For me, I enjoy the ranger/pet synergy (such as it is with this iteration in GW2, nerfs and all) and finding ways to work in tandem with my pet. Currently, I enjoy melee with Sw/D and tiger pet but will swap to LB for range when I prefer to engage from a distance. The F2 from the tiger enhances my melee attacks and I particularly enjoy the evasion that I get with the sword and dagger skills. It's a play-style that suits me for the profession. Many other rangers will prefer Axes. To me, they don't fit the idea of what a ranger is, so I prefer not to use 'em. Same with short bow. <shrug>
  10. What, more precisely, is it about Ranger that makes you feel it is ineffectual? Or, perhaps, what do you feel is lacking in the profession that would make it seem more effective? I'm a core ranger main and don't have too many issues completing OWPvE content, but I main ranger in just about everything because I enjoy the concept of the profession. My builds are nowhere near OP or Meta, but they get the job done for me and I find my time playing the profession to be rewarding for me. Maybe it's just not the right class for you?
  11. So, you do know how the code is written then. Or, perhaps, you have insider knowledge of the resources available needed and why Anet has thus far refused to make this change.
  12. Because you know precisely how the code is written and the resources needed to effect this change.
  13. No need to look around in https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/30-looking-for-guild/ Just post what you're looking for and I'm pretty sure that the guilds will come to you.
  14. Checks for what, exactly? GW2 doesn't have a true trinity system, so what criteria would be considered "offensive"?
  15. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/100164-crazy-idea-gw2-mercenary-heroes-for-instanced-content/?do=findComment&comment=1439579 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/25587-ideas-“heroes”-system-masteries-for-gw2/?do=findComment&comment=25586 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/60081-heroes/?do=findComment&comment=60080 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/33451-bring-back-gw1-heroes-feature/?do=findComment&comment=33450 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/29209-the-return-of-our-heroes-needed/?do=findComment&comment=29208 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/8036-is-it-possible-for-heroes-to-comeback-to-guild-wars-2/?do=findComment&comment=8035 Clearly, you didn't search hard enough. These were all found in the first page of searching.
  16. Been playing over 8 years. Never completed the core story campaign on any toon. GW2 was billed as play as you like -- so I did. Played some of the story until it got to be boring (for me anyway), and never felt like I had missed out on anything. /shrug
  17. Ok, first you posted on a public forum so you don't have the right to tell anyone to "kindly go elsewhere" The system is not archaic. It is a well-known marketing practice that, apparently, provides the highest return; otherwise, a company would not engage in a practice that doesn't. Arbitrary factors? What factors are those? Please cite your sources/evidence. You don't need to necro old threads on this topic. Nothing you have presented is new. If you had read older threads, there would not have been a reason for you to post this one.
  18. There are plenty of threads already that discuss the gem store and the marketing concepts of why Anet is using the existing format. Please use the forums search function.
  19. Except that a new character hasn't already explored anywhere.
  20. I play GW2 for the PvE. I have no interest or desire to play any PvP. I can't think of any incentive to get me to engage with it. /shrug
  21. But you'd only but it once. I'm sure Anet would prefer players to purchase multiple sets?
  22. No. I'd rather Anet keep the servers running. Players can't have everything be free.
  23. Something doesn't work here. If you have been a consistent player who has kept up with patch notes, then it should be no surprise that "it's almost as if the soulbeast was originally able to swap pets in combat but then they removed it" because that is exactly what happened and was detailed in the patch notes. I fail to understand the point of this thread.
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