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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. What happens when people fill up their 40 slot bags? Do we then ask Anet for 80 slot bags? 100 slot bags? When does it end?
  2. Anet determines what the game "needs". Their metrics might show that a larger majority of players don't actually prefer collections and thus it would be a waste of resources or, at the least, not enough RoI. I'm fairly certain that Anet makes more money from the gem store, too, so why would they implement features that could potentially reduce that income?
  3. That's why players are supposed to report such activity. Only Anet can determine whether or not such things are against the rules. Report and move on. I really can't believe that this thread has gone on as long as it has.
  4. I always thought that the currency cost was a sink since there were so many complaints about players have an abundance of currencies with nothing to use them on.
  5. I can't see them adding heroes, not to open world anyway. Too resource intensive. They already hide minis during events when they have a lot of participants.
  6. The game population will shrink to zero when Anet closes shop because they have no money.
  7. Make up your own collection events, acquire gold, convert to gems, purchase gemstore item.
  8. No thank you. Guild recruitment spam is bad enough as it is now.
  9. I kinda doubt that. Raid sellers would want to post anywhere that they can in order to make their sales.
  10. Please use the forums search feature. There are other appreciation threads that already exist. I jest! I jest! 🤣 Thanks OP for the post. Glad you're enjoying things so much. 🙂
  11. Points over here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/30-looking-for-guild/
  12. Again, fun is highly subjective. I am a GW1 vet, too, and I vastly prefer the open world style game of GW2 over its predecessor. I find GW2 to be "incredibly fun" to use your term. I despised instanced content, even more when heroes were introduced. What wast the point, then? GW1 became a single-player game and was no longer a MMO (yes, it could be argued that it was never a MMO to begin with, but that's another thread). If anything, I want more open world content. I have never raided and probably never will raid. I think I may have done one strike mission, and maybe 2-3 dungeons. I have only dabbled in fractals to see what they are, and haven't progressed beyond the eighth one because it no longer had any entertainment value for me. Heck, I've never completed the personal story on any character, many of which stalled at stupid Claw Island. Instanced content has little, if any, value to me. I'm glad that Anet provides such for those players who do enjoy it even though it disappoints me that resources are spent to do so that might be better used for open world -- my preferred content. But Anet knows how many players engage in which type of content and they will continue to develop whatever content will bring in the most revenue for their shareholders because without them, the game truly dies. At the end of the day, Anet will do whatever they must to bring in that revenue, not cater to some forums poster's desire for the content that is the most fun for them. Anyway, to me it seems that you either don't understand this idea or refuse to acknowledge it. In either case, I wish you the best of luck with your request.
  13. Why didn't you just state that from the start?
  14. I'm an 8+ year veteran. Very casual player. I find open world content offers me a lot of entertainment (or "fun" as you term it), whether a world boss or other event is active or not. I see a lot of other players on open world maps, too, seeming to find their own enjoyment (or "fun") both during events or when no events are currently running. You are appearing to advocate for a specific type of content and are using your own confirmation bias of open world being dead to justify Anet implementing what you want. Good luck with that.
  15. But again, as has been stated several times in this very thread, "fun" is subjective. Anet has all of the metrics and knows where the bulk of their players spend their time and money. It makes good business sense to continue to develop content that meets those metrics. Lately, that content seems to be open world content -- stuff that many players appear to enjoy (or find "fun"). Anet is in the business of producing a fun MMO -- it just may not match your particular style or definition of fun.
  16. Why would a veteran player do dungeons at all? Once they've done them, and gathered the rewards, what incentive would remain? When you speak of OW content being dead, are you referring to instanced OW content (dungeons/fractals/strikes/raids)?
  17. I think that you answered your own question. Anet needs players spending time in-game in for their metrics.
  18. That is certainly not my experience. I see players on maps all of the time, meta events or not. Sure, the population spikes during world boss trains, but overall I find plenty of players on open world maps. I guess your mileage varies. Confirmation bias doesn't make your point any more valid than mine.
  19. On what do you base this claim? I find open world maps to be quite populated.
  20. Please use the forums search feature. This topic has been discussed already. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?q=housing&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=11&search_in=titles
  21. Anet has already said that they have no plan to make the earlier, un-dyeable items available for dye-ing. It would be too resource intensive and not worth their time.
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