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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Thanks, but I mean are there any other MMO games which give the player the option to play as a left or right handed character with the avatar using the appropriate handed-ness for that option. I can't think of any and can't fathom why a game studio would spend resources to do such a thing. I can't imagine that it would be so popular of a request to justify it. But ... if there are games which offer this as an option, I'm curious to know what one or ones.
  2. Which makes no sense to down vote a simple question. /shrug
  3. The forums represent a very, very small portion of the user base. Could there be coin made? Maybe, but would it make a profit over the development needed to implement this suggestion? Only Anet knows and I'm guessing it's not.
  4. There is some validity to this, I believe. As a very casual player, I've accomplished pretty much everything that interests me in GW2. While waiting on the expansion to be released, I've started playing SW:ToR and have been playing that more than GW2 for several months now. Once EoD is available, I'll be back to dive into that content, but how much of my limited time is spent in GW2 or SW:ToR will remain to be seen.
  5. Are there any other MMOs which have this option? EDIT: I don't understand the confused emoji here. It's a simple question: what other MMOs offer this as an option? I can't think of any.
  6. I am not advocating necroing old threads. I am asking that posters should see if the topic already exists and to actually read existing threads instead of creating yet another one which does not further advance the conversation. However, if one finds an older thread, and they can comment on it by adding something new, then by all means. The OP admits to "another request" to re-instate them which is not a new point. This thread is superfluous.
  7. Please use the forum search feature. This has been discussed. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/6751-human-female-idle-animations/?do=findComment&comment=6750 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/44177-old-human-female-idle-animation/?do=findComment&comment=44176
  8. Point was, industry-wide, the type of subscription model which I commented on is not common. I was suggesting that the industry doesn't find such a model to be as profitable, or more, than models currently in use.
  9. I wouldn't think that this would be a profitable business model, which is probably why it hasn't been done. Or, at least, not as profitable as the other, current options in the industry.
  10. I'd rather development resources be spent elsewhere, on more forward-thinking content.
  11. This is the best thing I've ever read about this topic. Well put!!
  12. Well, it is said that hope springs eternal, but I wouldn't count on it in the case of dungeons. Anet won't be going back to discarded content.
  13. Yes. That's kind of the reason for guilds is to have like-minded players who can enjoy content together. If you don't like other guilds, you can make your own.
  14. That is entirely subjective. I am an experienced player, but didn't enjoy hardmode in GW1.
  15. You would know that I'm lying because you're always there, looking at my screen each and every time I play GW2 and know that it runs poorly? Glad to know I made your day.
  16. It's a subjective question. GW2 has never run poorly for me.
  17. I got the raven mail carrier. Super excited for that. /s
  18. Pleasing the casual crowd isn't working? Where is your evidence of that? How do you support that statement? If anything, you're completely wrong. Why else would Anet continue to develop casual content? They know best from where their profits come. As for more PvP and/or instanced PvE content, I'm sure that Anet knows how many players actually engage in those formats already. Based on a very small sampling of posts in the PvP forum which complain about that mode being filled with bots and not players, I would think it safe to say that Anet doesn't find PvP to generate enough revenue when compared to OWPvE. The same might also be said about instanced content (raids, strikes, fractals).
  19. Waypoint costs are so low as to be practically non-existent. Pretty much any event reward would more than cover it. I hardly find that to be a waste of money, in-game or real.
  20. OP's premise is pretty flawed. Anet had already said that they had stopped development on dungeons and that fractals were to be the focus of that style of content. Then, they moved to incorporate raids and strikes, the latter which seems to be filling the niche that fractals was supposed to have. OP might have better luck making suggestions for the current content styles (raids/strikes) as that appears to be the direction that Anet is trending. I highly doubt that Anet will look backwards toward dungeons.
  21. I can imagine not very successful. I say that because during the warclaw release there were a lot of complaints about WvW maps being too full and wait times. Now... crickets.
  22. Wasn't the warclaw supposed to help with that in WvW? I wonder how many players, who weren't already involved with that mode, actually stayed once they had acquired the mount?
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