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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Want the rewards? Play the content. Quit asking for free stuff. (sigh)
  2. I'm only arguing against the premise that was made that no viable reason exists. If anything, that point should be countered instead of my clarification.
  3. Soft reset? Anything that divides the player base is a bad idea, IMO.
  4. Clearly, you didn't use the search function else you would already know.
  5. If this has already been asked by a lot of players, why then do we need another thread about it?
  6. I think that some people use that justification only to make claims for why stuff should be free.
  7. I suggest a forums search on "Tengu" to find the other threads which have already discussed this.
  8. Isn't that what caused the jump in gem prices? Used to be around 70 before then and now it tends to hover at a much higher exchange rate.
  9. Why is this even a concern? Armor covers the chest anyway.
  10. That's how I felt about druid and untamed as well. I'll probably stick with my core ranger in PvE. I loved soulbeast, but went back to core when Anet locked out pet-swap in combat. That pretty much killed SB play for me in PvE.
  11. No viable reason. In your opinion. Perhaps Anet has a perfectly viable reason, but it just hasn't been shared with the player base.
  12. I've been playing this game for 8+ years. I have never needed a 32 slot bag. Not sure what the complaint is with this thread?
  13. It's a good thing that this achievement is not required content. One can play the game without needing it.
  14. Yeah, let's count those people who stepped in once. 🙄 You know what I meant. It's hardly a secret that the raid community is a small fraction of the player base.
  15. Not to anyone who had been reading the forums since the EoD expansion was announced. Seems like everyone wanted a "bunny thumper" hammer spec. 🙄
  16. I was under the impression that many, if not a majority, of hard-core end-game players already use ARC. Why would an official tool be needed at this point? Is it really worth Anet's time and resources to develop a tool for a niche group of players when one already exists which meets with their approval?
  17. How is paying for progression considered pay to win? How does someone who pays for a raid clear beat me in GW2? How do I lose to such a player?
  18. True but bumping is against the ToS especially if the poster isn't adding anything new to the conversation. potato/pohtahtoe
  19. So you should not play any HoT or Core with mounts or Core with gliders as those maps weren't originally designed for them. Oh, the LS without mounts or gliders, too, where they weren't originally part either.
  20. What? Anet designed it. How can it be against their own design? Instead, it seems some want it like this: Anet: Hey, let's design an MMO where everyone plays within the same instances (megaserver) ... oh, but wait, let's limit it to certain instances with specific limitations so that everyone can't play within the same instance because there are some who can't find ways to complete content when other players on the same map use different mechanics.
  21. Which, in my opinion, goes completely against the concept of what Anet designed with GW2
  22. I really find it exasperating that people can simply fly across the country in those pesky airplanes. They should all be using horse and buggy, like it was in the old days. /s
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