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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Maybe submit your query via a ticket through Support?
  2. Thanks. I thought that there was some kind of mechanic like that. Just didn't know the specifics.
  3. So, this is more of a you problem than a systemic game issue and you want Anet to make grand, perhaps game-breaking changes to fix what you find to be a problem?
  4. I would think sandstorms and the like would be more akin to an air/wind effect than earth?
  5. I'm sure I'm wrong, but aren't buffs also granted to those within a squad, regardless of proximity? Wouldn't ranged players, in a squad, also benefit from them?
  6. You may find more highlights and/or information in the Necromancer forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/17-necromancer/
  7. Wow, that's making a lot of assumptions about Americans.
  8. Whatever. I just thought that it would be more helpful. Comparing Anet to Google isn't a valid comparison, anyway. But since you seem to know better than I, good luck.
  9. I don't think that you need to be quite that specific; however, you managed a fair amount of detail in your previous post. Would it have been too much to ask for the map name? Sure the devs might be able to comb through the volumes of logs, but they may be more willing to do so if we, as players, can help hone in on the issue. /shrug
  10. Holding out hope that hammer on elementalist means no hammer on ranger.
  11. It might be helpful to detail on which map(s) this happened. Maybe it is more prone on certain maps than others. That data might help the devs to troubleshoot?
  12. If you're willing to pay an increased price for the expansions, then what is your complaint about the current pricing model?
  13. It would be more helpful, I think, if people mentioned on which maps they are repeatedly prompted. I spend a lot of time in core Tyria maps and almost never have this prompt. If we knew which maps were more consistent with the prompt, maybe that would help Anet design ways to drive more traffic to them?
  14. Except when he pounces. Almost never see that coming when in melee range and it downs a bunch of people. Same with Taidha Covington. Those are 2 examples that come to mind.
  15. Despite what some might feel, we do have a pretty good community willing to help. 😉
  16. Getting struck multiple times reduces the impact? That doesn't seem to make sense to me.
  17. It's a good thing that mount skins aren't needed to play the game or complete content.
  18. When they start releasing mount skins as obtainable through game play, and not the gemstore, then we'll know.
  19. You haven't seen the full Tyria map? There are a lot of unexplored areas yet.
  20. (sigh) Yes, I admit that there are collections which mimic what you are suggesting. Let me ask you this: suppose a mount skin were offered as a "collection" type of content in the Domain of Vabbi. Would you do any content on that map other than the minimum required to get that skin? This is entirely my point, which you seem to not understand. There were a lot of threads about the death of the maps where people were trying to complete content for various reasons, collections, skyscale or whatever. Maybe Anet has learned from these and has realized that collections aren't good for map population retention? Or, further, such things do not bring in enough profit? Perhaps their data shows that many more players will go after mount skins than other collections, so it makes more sense to sell them in the gemstore instead of giving them away for free via map content collections? I am not running away or anything. I just find it no longer worth my time to continue to try to get you to understand my point of view. Instead, you'd rather be contentious so sure, fine, whatever, you win the thread. I hope that makes your day.
  21. Ok, so you just aren't listening to me because I have an opinion different than yours. Good luck with your request.
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