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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Perhaps Anet's intention is for players to buy keys and not repetitively farm the beginning story instance for them?
  2. We don't need anything from GW1. GW2 is its own game. Let it stand on its own.
  3. @Jilora.9524 I have neither harassed the OP nor pretended to be a moderator. Please do not make false accusations.
  4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/65998-fishing-how-would-you-all-like-this-to-work-merged/?do=findComment&comment=65997 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/75438-very-cool-idea-for-fishing-discipline-in-cantha/?do=findComment&comment=75437 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/71809-merged-will-we-get-fishing-in-exp3/?do=findComment&comment=71808 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/28169-suggestion-fishing-in-the-game-merged/?do=findComment&comment=28168 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/8462-fishing-in-guild-wars-2/?do=findComment&comment=8461 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/51002-fishing-in-gw2relaxing-in-game/?do=findComment&comment=51001 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/21427-fishing-ideas/?do=findComment&comment=21426 Please use the forums search function. This topic has been discussed in many threads. The links above are only from the first page of search results.
  5. No, I don't find her cute at all.
  6. Adding a new playable race is not a selling point for me. I think it would be easier to just have a transformation for it.
  7. If it's optional, then I believe that it should be Opt-In, not Opt-Out.
  8. Maybe use the forums search feature to find all of the other threads that already exist on this topic before creating yet another poll? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search/?q=playable&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=11&search_in=titles
  9. I'm not sure that I understand the point? If anvils don't suit your style/preference of play, then don't use them.
  10. I probably won't do this content, but I do see the calls for the public version to remain and believe that there is good cause for it to do so. I might decide to try this content at a later date, but may not have much success without a public version/option.
  11. We don't know the number of players who log in and stay due to the content being easier than most other MMOs either. If we assume that this is a larger portion of Anet's target audience, then perhaps things are as intended?
  12. Money = convenience. Either use your tomes and deal with deleting all of the useless stuff or pony up and buy a level 80 booster. One might actually think that this is by design?
  13. I'm a casual player, too, and disagree that we need more of this type of content. At least for casual players. Sure, keep incorporating content of this level, but don't target casual players with it. If a casual player wants more difficult content, then T4 and raids already exist.
  14. This really depends on the content and the people with whom you choose to play. I've been playing 7+ years on builds that I like to play and don't really care about "optimal".
  15. I wonder how many new players actually play the main story line (1-80) when it seems from many previous posts on these forums of players who insta-boost just to get to the end game content.
  16. Maybe you (and your 6 friends) are 're not the target audience for GW2? I'm not trying to be insulting, but not everything is created for everyone. What makes GW2 unique among other MMOs, in my opinion, is the very lack of vertical progression that you advocate. That keeps a lot of players that I know from leaving for other games.
  17. It came across as condescending which I found insulting. You're more than welcome to continue this discussion in PM if you want so that we don't derail the thread.
  18. No need to be insulting. Would this be a completely different group? Who would pay for it?
  19. I'd rather ANet spend their money/resources on the game rather than something like this.
  20. I should be surprised that this is an issue. But, it's the internet.
  21. How would this proposal incentivize players to purchase more tools? At any rate, good luck with your suggestion. You might want to put it here, as the devs watch that thread more closely.
  22. No need to get so defensive. Ease up. With suggestions like this, one should ask: "what's in it for Anet? How would ANet profit from this suggestion?" If you can answer those, then you might have a good case. Also, I don't believe that GW2 was designed with 46 toon farming in mind, so this might go against the original design intent. Again, what's in it for Anet?
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