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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Speak for yourself, LOL! I still suck at them. 😆
  2. This wouldn't generate any additional revenue. I don't think that the investors would approve of such an update.
  3. And we don't think that this isn't by design? Of course Anet would prefer players to purchase from the cash shop. It's a trend that's been going on for years at this point. Why anyone is still surprised by this is somewhat astounding.
  4. I doubt that this request would be honored as Anet would need to hire a voice actor and record everything new.
  5. When new threads are created that don't add anything new to the topic, I agree. However, we know that the devs review the QoL thread, so if players want suggestions like this to be seen, then that is the place to put them. It is also conveniently stickied to the top of the forum for easy viewing. The devs don't take the time to read every single thread.
  6. A simple forums search would have yielded previous threads on this topic which already had these answers.
  7. There already exists a thread for QoL requests. Why start a new one?
  8. I recall translating French de meaning "of" not necessarily showing ownership. Thus gauntlets of fire, which is how they seem to me. /shrug
  9. No, the game does not really need it.
  10. Biggest problem with GW2 is the many players who believe that the game should be changed to cater to their preferences rather than adapt to the game as designed.
  11. I'm not against it. There already exists a mode in GW2 for PvP. I am all for improving it for those who enjoy it. There is no need to add it to open world PvE.
  12. There had been several threads in the past about this and in most cases the community (at least as represented by those in the forum) is against this idea. You can use the forums search feature to read those threads and get up to speed on the topic.
  13. Because people still refuse to believe that the search function on the forum actually works.
  14. Just a bit of confirmation bias perhaps? For my experience, I've gotten a lot of help in-game when I ask for it. I've seen posts here where players have praised the in-game community for their helpfulness. Granted, that might be PvE -- WvW or PvP might be a completely different experience.
  15. That's a fair point. I'll grant that. I guess, then, it might be more prudent to fix the existing PvP mode before introducing something new?
  16. I have no interest in this format whatsoever. I'd prefer the devs use their resources elsewhere.
  17. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/73263-i-miss-skip-option-in-story/?tab=comments#comment-73262 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/69434-suggestions-conversation-skip-button/?tab=comments#comment-69433 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/47644-can-we-skip-dialogue-in-future-stories/?tab=comments#comment-47643 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/26179-so-still-no-way-to-skip-dialogs-and-cutscenes/?tab=comments#comment-26178 Forums search feature is amazing!
  18. I don't really care about who gets these surveys other than for them to come here and detail what improvements to the game occurred based on the answers given in the survey. When I see Anet make changes, I often believe that there is little to no input from the player-base, whether it be from surveys or forum posts. For me, I feel that these surveys are nothing more than red herrings designed to make players feel that their input and concerns actually matter.
  19. The shiny flashing cosmetics sell. I'd imagine Anet has found that if other players see such cosmetics then it will encourage them to want them and thus increase their revenue. There's a reason this game is known as Fashion Wars. If Anet allowed players to hide other players' cosmetics, it might well affect their income. Only they would know if it would and, if so, to what degree.
  20. OP, you're about 6 years too late with your complaint. 🙄
  21. Why have gathering tools at all? Why not just have all of the mats automatically gathered when my character enters a map so that I don't have to spend the time to gather them? I mean, that would be even more simple, wouldn't it?
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