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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Have you done the story steps? Those award mastery points, too.
  2. Yeah, that's not true. I've died a LOT in GW2 and I'm still here.
  3. Thanks for sharing your experience. I find it to be quite subjective, though. For me, I don't believe that HoT made a turn for the better. I admire the work and complexity of HoT, but for me and several others that I know, HoT actually turned players away from GW2. I agree that marketing could be a lot better, but it doesn't seem to me that Anet's budget allows for a higher focus on it.
  4. Difficult to say which are easy or hard due to player skill. I find most of these difficult whereas the poster above believes them to all be easy.
  5. I thought that one factor for making a "simple" story was due to the target audience being 13+ ?
  6. Have you checked the https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild forum? Maybe someone there has seen members or knows someone who has?
  7. Insane? Hmm... I don't agree with that assessment. Still, one doesn't have to do it all at once. It took me several months. I made it a long-term goal and just chipped away at it.
  8. Oh @"kharmin.7683" this made me laugh after a spate of your posts signposting OP's repeatedly to use Search function. You may well be a casual player, but on forum you are definitely "Kharmin MVP". Perhaps if a "forum alert" pinged up before anyone posted to use >> Search function << prior to posting might solve this scenario that appears to happen infinito, or even a program that recognised keywords in an OP Title or post and signposted to other threads already on topic. Sadly, it took longer to link and post than to actually use the search function to find all of these existing threads.
  9. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95722/suggestion-personnal-library-in-the-priorys-special-collectionshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94154/feature-request-libraryhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53243/storage-for-books-and-relicshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1196834/#Comment_1196834https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/36632/suggestion-add-bookshelf-to-home-instancehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32197/could-we-please-have-a-cabinet-for-tonics-and-a-bookshelf-for-bookshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18635/bookshelves-in-home-instance-suggestion-for-new-home-instance-locationhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/10357/suggestion-libraries
  10. I would think that this would run counter to the design concept of legendaries.
  11. Number are not subjective.What numbers? Where is it shown that core elemental cannot complete content. Granted, it may be easier or more difficult depending on the build, player's skill/experience or compared to other professions but that does not mean that the core elementalist cannot be used to complete content. Can you show empirical evidence where this is not the case?
  12. You will find previous threads on this topic by using the forums search function.
  13. This thread is a tad out of date. We have an underwater mount And a second flying mount. And a speedy mount.
  14. There's a discussion about racial skills over here which might be of interest.
  15. @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" That's good to know! Thanks for the additional insight.
  16. Many of the more popular sites (in my opinion) offer builds and suggestions that are more in line with raiding or competitive formats and not so much open world PvE; however, in many cases almost any build will work in OWPvE.
  17. I have no idea what wowhead is. If you're looking for information, the wiki is a really good resource
  18. or just starting with a larger window the preview window isn't even large enough for some daggers or play the game on a higher resolution than 800X600, i can see everything just fine on my 2715x1527 resolution. The size of the preview and TP windows are unaffected by resolution so that is a very stupid comment. then why is it a non-issue for me?the suggested improvement would improve it in one go, a bigger preview doesn't solve anything so don't start with stupid with me.Changing resolution wouldn't solve the issue. The preview window would render within the same space but at a different ratio.
  19. I am of the opinion that not every achievable thing should be available in every format. As a very casual PvE player, I know that there are many things that I will never acquire, especially something like this because I have no interest in raids. I believe that if a player wants certain items that require a particular format, then that player needs to engage in that format to obtain them.
  20. That's what this thread is for: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged They have told us that they watch that one. I would recommend making suggestions there as it seems to me that Anet doesn't have the time to scroll through entire forums of threads to look for things that players want. Note, however, that there still is no guarantee that ideas will be addressed or adopted; just that posting in the correct thread should give suggestions a better chance of being seen.
  21. It really isn't (it especially isn't to all of those hit with the layoffs).The layoffs that happened nearly 2 years ago under different leadership? I can't remember who the current CEO is but the mass layoff happened under Mike O'Brian, who was then replaced by Mike Z, who was then replaced by whoever it is now. Anet's management has always been lacking (and still is given how half of IBS was scrapped with little warning to the devs), but the game did rebound after O'Brian left and the pipelines were cleared out. And NCSoft's quarterly reports are readily available and show GW2 as doing just fine with it being their most profitable title in the West and only behind Lineage and Lineage 2 in the PC market now and about tied with Blade & Soul, so financially Arenanet is doing fine, especially with the one title bringing in enough money that not one but two projects were being fully funded by it. And that's with next to no marketing of GW2, though that's a whole other topic.Also, the layoffs had nothing to do with GW2; rather, other projects that were in development and then canned.
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