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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Be careful what you wish for here. Anet is just as likely to enforce an automatic dismount when at a certain distance from the ground. That will make a lot of players unhappy.
  2. Not all content is for everyone. I rarely do any of the festivals. They're just not my thing. Especially SAB -- I really don't like that one and wish it had never been a thing. Still, there are enough players who do enjoy festivals for Anet to continue to promote them. Best part for me during festivals is that I don't have to do them. I can keep playing GW2 like usual.
  3. Better? How can I define "better"? It's so subjective. The way things are in GW2 are better for me than any other MMO. I prefer to play a character, not a role. My ranger can be either of the available builds (core/soulbeast/druid) and I can choose how I want to play her given whatever content with which I choose to engage. For me, that versatility is better than being hard-coded into a set, defined role.
  4. I disagree. Not having a set trinity system or specifically designated "roles" for professions is what makes GW2 unique in the genre. I would not like to be pushed into a small sub-set of professions just to clear content.
  5. Using the forum search feature finds this post: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1017104/#Comment_1017104 but there really wasn't much discussion on that point.
  6. You might want to look through this forum for threads very similar to your own which may already have answers https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/players-helping-players
  7. I really wish people would stop trying to compare these business models. They are not the same.
  8. There's already a thread on this topic. Just scroll down.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111052/new-pets-for-rangers#latest
  9. Yeah, the guild invites in Queensdale have become a lot more spammy of late.
  10. Have you tried the QoL thread? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged
  11. Increase in fan base and annual game purchases with upgrades, besides more players buying increased character slots. That is a smarter ROI for the company.Where is the annual game purchase in your example. Increasing the fan base would be great, but if everything is available in game and not through a pay shop, then there is no ROI.
  12. Wasn't looking to chastise anyone. Just taking the idea to an extreme.
  13. I think it was more new beards, faces, hairs etc instead of make-over kits the OP is talking about. Ah. Well, even so, if those options were added to the existing kits then I would stand by my point.
  14. Currently, make-over kits aren't that expensive. I don't see a need to offer them as rewards.
  15. 1st is 500 gold? Yeah, I don't think that would ever happen. Good luck.
  16. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_vs_Guild
  17. I'm not an early entrant into new content due to RL things, but when I started reading about the latest release, it really didn't inspire me to check it out. And I usually at least open everything once on one toon at least. This one, I haven't touched yet. Then, there's this point... I already have these skins, so there is even less of an incentive for me.
  18. Like what, exactly? Bluntly - I think people with this opinion are wrong, just like how the anti-mount crowd was wrong. I think the long term health of the game is strongly tied to variety in character options. Today, the character customization is too simple and too on-rails considering there is no gear progression and the level is locked to 80. New weapon types and new weapon skills would take some work, but the bang-for-buck effect is much higher than with a lot of other possible things. There is a laundry list of things that need to be fixed. I, for one, would like to see more attention to those things than the incorporation of something new which, to me, won't add a lot of new "playability" for what I believe would be the majority of the player base. There will always be a laundry list of things to fix. This is identical to using "the game needs balancing" to naysay new classes or whatever. It's wrongheaded because it misses the fact fixing and balancing are ongoing efforts that you cannot pause system evolution and content development for. True, but some things that need fixing are not balance-related. You've been here long enough to have seen the many threads on in-game things that need to be fixed. I'm just saying that, for me, I would like more attention to be directed toward these types of things than the introduction of something new that -- again in my opinion -- would be for a more niche audience.
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