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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I'm not much of a fan of the half-shaved head look, but in the selections provided I think it looks better.
  2. You might want to read this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/117963/mystic-coin-conspiracy
  3. Not everyone agrees that BLK are "completely legit". However, I will argue that they are not, not legit. And yes, Anet needs to make money and if this is the most profitable method for them, then I have no problem with it. It's still legal. Moral? That's a completely different argument and can be made about a lot of business practices. "instead of bringing proper content that don't make people run away" By whose definition? Who determines "proper" content? Where is the evidence that the current content is making people run away?
  4. Someone with a different opinion then your own has an agenda... okay. Not what I said, but if that's how you want to read it.
  5. I suggest doing a forums search on Serpent's Ire as this has been brought up a lot of times. In those threads have been other players volunteering to help. Or, you might try to ask for help in the Players Helping Players forum.
  6. Well, we've been told it takes at least 9 months to make an armor set, where would you suggest the income for Anet comes from?
  7. I think many of us would be thrilled with any Forums Liaison/Community Manager that would actually engage with us.
  8. You might try the forums search function as the topic of new races pros/cons has been discussed quite a lot.
  9. Don't worry about it. With all of the cries on the forum for player housing, I expect to see it in the expansion.
  10. How so? What would a new race really change that a tonic wouldn't handle?
  11. Or perhaps sell them separately in the gem store like other head adornmentsEDIT: from what I understand, outfits are one, complete unit unlike armor skins which are in parts. We just happen to have the ability to hide the head portion of the outfit.
  12. Personally, I prefer my in-game social interactions to be on my own terms. Limiting or removing waypoints would not encourage me to be more social. It would be more of an inconvenience than anything.
  13. GW2 doesnt have the eternal life, but it is far from death. People always have had concerns and it is primarly cause the current course isn't yours. I do think it is why Arenanet is doing a good job here. The main problem i see with your point is, that there isn't a single person saying "yes, it's my course"Look at what happened to Star Wars, when they tried to fix the problems with the different fan groups by pleasing none of them. In general people play a game because they enjoy it. The groups of people who are not entertained are growing too big.This is why the weekly doom and gloom thread pops up.I came to term, with me not being the chosen target group and i am fine with that. But i also don't know anyone who is.I wish there would be a more obvious path they go so people can make up their mind. Yes, they would lose the one or other groupbut strengthen the main target group. Until then everyone turns their back on GW2 instead just a couple of people The main problem I see with your post is the lack of mandate. It seems often that using a mandate strenghtens an argument you are making. (Saying that no just you, but a lot of others are saying the same thing and claiming that you speak on their behalf). So where does your mandate come from? Why would those people not voice themself? Who are the people you claim to speak for? I see people saying they like the icebrood saga releases. I do not speak for someone or need a mandate and also realize that you try to water down a legit argument."I see people saying they like the icebrood saga releases"This phrase already shows that you are more or less trolling, since there is hard evidence saying exactly the opposite.You may scroll back a couple of pages, where people made a poll asking, if people like the Ice Brood Saga.85% of the people said that they didn't like it and were really poised to voice their opinion in the comments. So instead of making stuff up what people saying, just get real evidence to support any of your points.A forum poll is not real evidence either as it doesn't adequately represent a significant enough sample size with which to draw conclusions.
  14. Sorry, I kinda glossed over at the first diagram. What problem is this attempting to fix?
  15. Ok, so what benefit(s) would an "optional" sub fee grant? What would one get for opting in that others would not?
  16. You might try the Bugs forum where there already exists several other lag-related threads https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/bugs%3A-game-forum-website
  17. Or, if you're worried about Anet not getting enough cash for gems, you could just buy gems yourself. I'm not sure that there is a problem here that is trying to be solved.
  18. Worthless to whom? I would think that a lot of players would welcome MCs back into the economy at a significantly reduced price.
  19. Serious question here, who on earth wants that? it would look silly, human female warrior can barely hold 1 GS with 2 hands, the swords are huge, double the size of a real sword. If swords like the Zweihänder are 4.5kg then swords like the Illuminated Boreal Greatsword would easily be 20-40kg in weight... just try and swing it. I think it's an anime thing. Nah its a wow thing ever heard of Titan's Grip fury warrior?Nope. Never did WoW. Had no real desire.
  20. Serious question here, who on earth wants that? it would look silly, human female warrior can barely hold 1 GS with 2 hands, the swords are huge, double the size of a real sword. If swords like the Zweihänder are 4.5kg then swords like the Illuminated Boreal Greatsword would easily be 20-40kg in weight... just try and swing it. I think it's an anime thing.
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