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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The body types aren't the same, IMO. However, I would like to see more "dragon-like" heads than the mashed up whatever it is that is the staple. The shimmering skin's head is much more to my liking and fits with my vision of what a dragon's head looks like. They did a good job with the hummingbird, I think they're capable to do a wyvern with the skyscale <3At least the hummingbird was close to a skimmer. Wyverns and Skyscales have different physical features. Wyverns typically have 2 legs whereas skyscales have 4, for starters. Just my impression of why I don't think it would work or, if it did, it wouldn't be the result that you might imagine. /shrug
  2. I have yet to finish the core story on an took in all of my years playing GW2. I just found open world exploration more fun for me.
  3. To purchase items in-game for games on Steam, do you have to use Steam's currency? If so, Valve wouldn't offer that ability for free. They would have to take their cut from the sales which would mean an increase in the price of gems. Also, I only have a few games on Steam so I'm not entirely sure, but would the GW2 model of gold-> gem conversion continue or would Steam insist on some profit from all gem sales?
  4. Mmm ever played starwars the old republic? Or wow? Of course those two games are pay to play. :/ I have not, perhaps you could try to explain what you mean by this. And how it relates to my questions. You asked how two oppositions have quests in the same map but are enemies. This is how. Okay, so you addressed how it relates to my question but you haven't explained what starwars or wow does. Pve. You as player do quests. Get rewards. Like events and heart quests for us in gw2. Basically mmo. Except they have side a side b. Side a has their own quests side by has theirs and if you go to a place where side a owns, you can be pk. It's a territory thing. Basically like this thread.Blade & Soul is kinda like that, too, where if you rep one faction you can be attacked by players from the other pretty much anywhere.
  5. People often complain about players (especially new ones) not knowing the mechanics of the game or their class, more often in end-game content. Some of these new players insta-level to 80 and then don't know how things work. The personal story, which can be argued gates progression, is the method by which the game teaches the players how to play the game. This, I believe, is Anet's design choice that far too many players choose to skip.
  6. The body types aren't the same, IMO. However, I would like to see more "dragon-like" heads than the mashed up whatever it is that is the staple. The shimmering skin's head is much more to my liking and fits with my vision of what a dragon's head looks like.
  7. I think that people who ask for this kind of thing are the ones DPSing and wanting others to sit back and keep them alive with healing because, to them, that healing "role" is boring and should be relegated to other players and not them.
  8. EDIT: which, IIRC, was a turn off for new players in Anet's eyes which is why those champs were nerfed. I spend a lot of time in starter zones and haven't seen the population near to where it was. Are those zones busy? Sure, but not crowded like during the train days.
  9. More splits between OWPvE and the other formats. As a OW player, I really get discouraged when builds are changed or nerfed for competitive mode reasons.
  10. Yup. This one: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again Anet hardly, if ever, announces when items will return to the store. It is a marketing tactic used to encourage players to log in to the game every day. You might want to pay attention to this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales# which is updated daily when items enter/leave the gems store. Both of these threads are conveniently stickied at the top of this forum.
  11. honestly.. instead of a living story or two.. if they sat back and revamped combat it would improve this game to the tenth.no other game has the world of guild wars 2.the feeling of getting on the mount for a joy ride.the beautiful zones that really just make you wanna go for a walk sometimes. but the combat.. its good in feeling.but its not good in strategy or anything of substance. I disagree. I don't think that the game needs the type of "improvement" that you are advocating. It was designed without the trinity in mind for a reason, and I believe that the developers should stay with that vision.
  12. There is a forum for PvP centric posts here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/pvp
  13. How can GW2 bring back the holy trinity when the game was practically based on the lack thereof? No. Please enjoy your trinity in the many other MMOs where it is already well in place.
  14. I'd like the ability to actually explore them without aggro-ing mobs from pretty much everywhere all of the time. Looks like we agree on something. It's no fun exploring when you get pestered by a stream of random beasties and mooks.We also agree on the anything by Cantha sentiment. Egad!
  15. Mastery points aren't like Pokemon. You don't have to catch them all.
  16. No thanks. I would prefer to not see WoW things brought into the GW2 universe, even if they are just skins. Let WoW be WoW. Keep GW2, GW2.
  17. Well its DM dependend how well story is told. And because i am familiar with 5e and like its 3 pillars of gameplay i think enhancing some of them may be enough. I sadly have not the time to learn an additional mechanic system, so i stay with 5e. No skin off of my teeth. Just a suggestion. Of course, run with whatever makes you comfortable. ;)
  18. Might I suggest 13th Age as a basic ruleset? It's very open and more focused on the story-telling and character interaction aspects than 5e IMO
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