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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. It's not obscene if you consider how much you'd pay in subscription fees over the past 11 years. Also, you car analogy doesn't really work. If you kept up your maintenance on your car, then you wouldn't have such a large repair bill at one time later. Also, online games don't hold any intrinsic value like an automobile would. Additionally, one does not need to purchase all LS episodes at the same time. One can purchase them piecemeal or on a budget where one buys a few chapters at a time.
  2. Been discussed ad nauseum. Please use the forums search feature.
  3. I recall people asking for sword to have more power, but not for a complete overhaul of the sword mechanics. Show me where.
  4. There are a bunch of threads already on this topic in the Ranger sub forum https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/18-ranger/
  5. Why stop at hard wood, then? Why not make every node and tree of every type available in the new map so that all players would have equal access to every material available from one, easy location?
  6. Sorry for your disappointment. If you use the forums search, you would find many threads with this type of request. Unfortunately, it appears that Anet has pretty much abandoned any future enhancements or work on underwater combat.
  7. Why do you get to dictate levels of participation to players who are actively engaged in content (at any level)? Why does it matter to you? They aren't winning the game or beating you at any achievement?
  8. This is the reason why we got the un-asked for sword change. Not everything has to be DPS. Egad.
  9. I wouldn't object, but I would imagine that Anet would prefer players to pay for their work instead.
  10. I highly doubt that. I don't see Anet locking anything relevant down to race.
  11. I'd go with that whole captured skritt theory.
  12. You ignore the whole supply/demand argument. Supply being the company's resources (time/money/devs) and demand being the amount of players (current and potential) who are demanding the change. ANet has probably done the math, more than once, and found that it doesn't add up to enough profit to warrant the change.
  13. Yeah. Didn't see what I did there. 😳
  14. Level 80 mats in level 80 zones. Go figure. Hard wood is not difficult to find. You just have to visit the right maps. There are several in core Tyria.
  15. Or, more likely, they have a specific, target audience and the raid community isn't it. Their metrics surely show how popular that content is now and was on release and I'm certain that their decisions are based on things like that.
  16. I don't have any legendary anything and have no interest in obtaining any, so yeah rifts don't bring anything to the table for me either.
  17. There should be a larger pool of a lot of things for those of us who don't like mini-dungeons and/or jumping puzzles.
  18. I'm not sure that Anet sees this as a problem that needs to be fixed. We can only comment about it and hope that they change their minds.
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