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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Sorry for your experience. There have been many threads about visual issues in GW2. So far, this has not been addressed.
  2. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Boss_Portal_Device
  3. Anet has always stood by their decision to not make public information about how reports are handled or what action(s) may or may not have been taken. I believe that this is due to privacy reasons. And why would any of us really need to know anyway? Best thing is to report, block and move on.
  4. Reporting that I'm back online. Thanks, Anet!
  5. I read somewhere (recently?) that making items from fan-made artwork is a very difficult task.
  6. Reports should go in the bugs forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/106389/unable-to-log-in
  7. Client dropped me. Now, unable to connect to login serverBuild: 103632Error Code: 58:11:1:812
  8. I'm not understanding how your points correlate to your thread title?
  9. What's up with all of the extra question marks? ;) Seriously, though. Some people enjoy doing this. Anet hasn't seen a reason to change it. Do keep in mind, though, that some people have that thing that spawns a merchant as soon as their inventory is full. If that happens when they're looting a boss chest, it will automatically spawn on the chest and there really isn't anything that they can do about it.
  10. More festivals to keep players out of open world maps? Why bother with LS and expansions then?
  11. No, it means that PoF is the latest expansion. It wouldn't make any sense to offer them the other way around.
  12. Anet should stick to what they know. They are a MMO game studio, not a CCG designer.
  13. I disagree with point #2. Going into stealth absolutely should lose target lock. That's a good deal of what stealth is all about.
  14. I think that the OP wants to have more players in the story instance and then have the instance scale. I'm not sure why, though. There wouldn't be any reward increase, especially for those who join the solo player as the story instance is only for that one player's advancement. I think that development resources would be better served to work on new group content (fractals/strikes/raids). I'm not sure that there would be many players who would want to revisit personal story content for themselves or other players. The small group that I play with detests the PS and is glad to be well done with it.
  15. Maybe try posting your idea in the QoL Suggestion thread? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas
  16. What is to keep non-RP players from jumping into a RP instanced map and doing the very things that they are doing now to disrupt RP players?
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