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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. As for the poll in that other thread, everyone already knows that the forums represent a very small sub-set of the playerbase, so any forums-based poll is inherently flawed as they don't provide a reliable sample size. It doesn't prove anything.
  2. Look, just because I disagree with your premise and ask you to back up your claims doesn't mean that you can personally attack me. You know nothing about me, so please stop. You have outright dismissed any discussion of your own topic by claiming that your position is valid and then attack anyone who disagrees with you.. I never once advocated the position against your claim; rather, I only asked you to prove yours. Which you can't. Because you don't have the data. Only Anet has the data.
  3. I literally just gave you every visible example. You're just a false hope fallacy trying to exert confirmation bias. Visible example in your experience and in your perception. That is not hard statistics. It is inherently biased. Sure, there may be dozens or even scores of players in these areas that you mention, but where is your actual proof that those account for such a large majority of the player base to factually back up your statement. The real fact is that you have no true facts. It's not even worth arguing further with you. One cannot argue on opinions. Good luck.
  4. So, you don't actually have any proof other than anecdotal. Ok, I understand now.
  5. For me, a ranger main, the soulbeast merging mechanic was fantastic. To a degree, it still is in its current form. I recall when it was released there were many cries for pet-swap while merged. I never agreed with that sentiment; having to unmeld and swap and meld back was what kept the mechanic from becoming too powerful. Apparently, it was still too strong and thus the change to what we have today.
  6. Go to Lion's Arch and literally ask all the people sitting at the bank.That's not proof of your statement.
  7. Please, let's not dissuade folks from posting their opinions. That is what the forums are for. It's ok to have a difference of opinion (some would even argue that it is healthier), but please don't make efforts to silence others.
  8. Maybe, eventually... I've now finished HoT, starting PoF and I certainly do not have enough gold to convert to gems to buy the story content I didn't get by buying full game and expansions. Either there's something I'm missing regarding gold or gathering the 1000g+ needed to get all Living World seasons takes much, much longer than playing through the normal story, which feels a bit disconnected for skipping that content. You don't need to purchase all episodes at once.
  9. Maybe ANet sees more income from the raiding community?
  10. I agree that this is not abundantly clear from Anet. It could be better. However, it is the model they have chosen and LS chapters are easily obtained by converting gold -> gems.
  11. I don't do this often, but in the small sampling of my experience, I seem to often get a chalice. Nothing else of import, though.
  12. Did you just start your first economics course? Funny. No, but it would seem that some people in the forums lack this simple understanding.
  13. because its not about one single profession and is more about us as a community demanding classes be gutted, and homogenized because people can't accept their own responsibility. And that we as a community need to come together and be more helpful to the devs; So our game can get better rather then making them sift through the vitriol of people hating on a class because its not one they play. While that may have been the intention (and a good one, I might add), it doesn't appear that the thread has maintained that focus. The Professions main forum is for all professions, not individual ones -- that's what the sub-forums are for. As such, I just didn't understand why this would have been considered a "general" topic since it does seem to be a discussion of professions. /shrug Still, I wish the community luck in this endeavor. From what I've read throughout the forums, I'm not sure that you will attain the end result that you intend.
  14. Curious as to why this is in the General Discussion forum and not the Professions forum.
  15. Then, why would people travel to the maps where these chests currently reside? Already, people complain about the older zones' populations.
  16. Because choice is good and something new breaks up the stagnation that is GW2.How so? It's just cosmetics and maybe a few extra story steps and a city. After that, it will play exactly like any other character of the same profession. How does that really change anything gameplay-wise? A new profession really brings change. But a new race is mostly just cosmetics... Idk, not really worth the effort? A few tonics and just opening the map for any character via story should do the trick just fine.Nice try. I've been fighting this battle for quite a while, but you will never win against Tengu-lovers.
  17. Not a single NPC in the mission explains how the tank works past the initial pre-event, which can easily be missed by anyone playing through for the first time, as there are three others to do, so players who did not do it, don't really have a chance to "learn". Many, if not most players don't look at or do achievements, or look up guides the first time through playing a main story mission (which this clearly is). If it was a strike mission or raid unrelated to the main story, this advice would be valid as it would be expected for players to know what they're doing beforehand, but Visions of the Past is part of the main story and thus, largely played by those who do not look up the mission or its achievements beforehand so as not to get the plot spoiled. I did not feel like there was enough guidance during this mission and imo there should be a tutorial NPC or tooltips during the mission to explain the mechanics (those of the tank in particular). So not the guy next to the tank who when you get in starts a tutorial about getting ammo shooting targets then grenades then more targets is not enough. I didn't say you needed to do all but if you are that player getting confused everytime new content is added there are ways to learn. The strike missions prior gave no training. You join you learn. This one you can't even fail it just can take forever. What are they supposed to do put a big msg press F to get in tank. Press 1 to shot. Press 2 for grenades. If it's not clear then maybe you joined late idk but again ask stuff. Plenty of prior solo story stuff we'd get stuck at some bosses and had to learn so this is no different. Like that the whole story one where he would suck you in and heal to full if you didn't cc fast enough so don't hide behing this is story it should be basic I've done the event 4 times. This is the first I hear about a tank tutorial. I guess I just don't walk the right way. Also, I've never entered an instance where the pre-events that I do know of hadn't already been mostly finished. That might have something to do with it as well. This should be like a real strike mission, locking everything until a vote starts it and no players can join after that. That would get rid of a lot of the kind of confusion I've ran into.I've only done it once, but this was my experience as well. I showed up and people were running around doing the pre events which were almost finished. I didn't get any credit for them. Then, the escort started so I just played along. Fortunately, I had a group that had done this before so things went smoothly.
  18. Is speed such an issue here? It's not so large of an area.
  19. By definition, an expansion would... well, expand upon current content. I believe that an expansion, with new maps, has shown to be a significant enough draw to bring players to the game and spend money. While I agree that working on new things instead of new maps would be nice, I don't believe that it would generate enough revenue.
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