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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. New weapon implies new skills, though... Which is supports his point even MORE. ... and making alts doesn't do anything for you because alts aren't new ways to play a class. It's just more of the same class. So you believe that especs are different from each other more than classes are different from other classes... I disagree. I think you misunderstand ... even if you roll alts in other classes, that doesn't extinguish people's desire to play a specific class in a different way. That's the appeal of especs. If picking a class was a meaningless choice, then you would have something there. They can still play a specific class in a different way, that’s just one way to.That depends on the mode. META in competitive play forces one's hand to play specific classes/builds. Open world, not so much.
  2. I'd like to be wrong, but I think that ship has sailed.
  3. I think it is because players are bored with the current specs.
  4. I'm such a casual player that this quest naturally time gated for me.
  5. Bah! Do it the right way! I did. :)
  6. I often used the pet swap to heal me rather than save a dying pet.
  7. It might yet be possible for Anet to be working on more than one thing at a time.
  8. Blame the players who burn through new content in a matter of hours and then complain about there being no content.
  9. So what I'm finding is that before the layoffs they were more than 400 employees. They laid off 143 from that number and that leaves 257+ employees currently working.What I can see from the statistics is that the studio is not growing because A - they don't need more employees or B - people are leaving as fast as they hire new ones.More like C - they can't afford to have more. I mean, what's the point of having to lay off ~150 employees if you start rehiring those positions right after it? Blizzard fires ppl and reopens the same position, but with a lower payThere's likely no point in them having more employees thoBlizzard has a completely different revenue stream. I so wish people would stop trying to compare Blizzard with Anet.
  10. I would have preferred the unexplored, untouched locations personally.
  11. Wow. They just announced that an expansion is in the works which puts it a year or more out and already people are ready to go beyond? Sheesh.
  12. Gotta fix underwater skills before any major underwater content.
  13. I thought that the cap was to de-incentivize gold sellers?
  14. This has already been requested/discussed. The forums search function is a wonderful tool. ;) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/92498/maybe-a-new-character-select-theme-and-screen-please https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89292/suggestion-new-background-character-selection-screen https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97233/new-character-select-background-music
  15. Still, as many have pointed out in more threads that I'm willing to count, one cannot compare GW2 to WoW. The business models are too different. Of course Wow can do the things you list because they are a subscription based MMO and have way more resources to put into them than GW2. Also, I am not a game programmer (and I suspect that you aren't either?) so I don't know how easy or hard it would be to implement new races in GW2. Only those working on the actual game code can know for certain. They are also the ones who would know if the armor skins "could potentially perfectly fit" on another race skeleton "without having to modify it much". You shouldn't just assume it's so easy because another game company has done it.
  16. I might have missed this earlier in the thread? Where is it said that new content has to be completed in a set amount of time and/or before the next new content is released?
  17. It also depends on your goal(s) as a player. There is a lot of content that I haven't completed because I lost interest or found something else that I enjoy doing more than that particular content.
  18. Mounts are the incentive to buy the expansion. The rental idea has been brought up many, many times and many, many times ignored or discarded.
  19. If I recall, sharing a mount isn't likely since the act of mounting is a transformation on the character. I don't believe that the code will allow for two characters to transform at the same time onto the same model, which is only account owned by one account.
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