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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Yeah, my emails go back at least before COVID with no response.
  2. I think they ignore them. I've sent many emails there that have never had a response.
  3. Wouldn't heroes defeat the purpose and meaning of Player versus Player ?
  4. I use tiger for the F2 fury in melee. Guaranteed to not be meta though since I'm so very casual. Still, I like the synergy with Sw/D in melee with tiger. F2 for fury, unleash for sword ambush then swap back for F1-F3 skills on unleashed tiger. Repeat. /shrug Works for me.
  5. This, again? (sigh) https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/92924-aviator-box-and-other-items-placed-under-chests-purposely-to-annoyprevent-players-from-looting/?do=findComment&comment=92923 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/25620-aviator-memory-boxes-in-treasure-chests/?do=findComment&comment=25619
  6. I see my guildies' mail carriers when we're waiting on an event and they're selling things off.
  7. It's not a simple request. In order to implement this suggestion, Anet would have to re-do all of the armors from scratch which would take years of work (we already know it takes around 9 months just to make ONE armor set). So, yeah, it may not be revolutionary, but it is certainly not a simple request.
  8. That's a bit disingenuous, no? Didn't they just make banner changes that the Warrior subforum was calling for?
  9. I agree in that this is entirely subjective. I don't think that makes it unethical. Also, in your movie example, the studio may have decided that it was in their best financial sense in the long run, to which I alluded earlier. None of us know what factored in to this decision by Anet. If it didn't make good financial or business sense, then I doubt that they would have made it.
  10. I guess people are running out of various forms of "Legolas"
  11. Same. Except, in many cases, I see a toon decked out in legendary gear and think, "Ugh, that's hideous."
  12. Not sure that I agree about it being ethical or not. It being wrong to change something like this is subjective and I can understand why some people would be upset. However, it is a business decision that, as you point out, can only affect the financial bottom line. Anet has weighed the risks and decided that this particular change has more positive benefits to them in the long term.
  13. This point has been repeated over many previous threads which the OP could have found very easily by using the forums search.
  14. Because your point was irrelevant. Anet (and by extension NCSoft if you want to go that route) owns it all. We only pay for a license to use it. Maybe read through the terms of service.
  15. So, WvW without actually playing WvW, including the same rewards as if you were playing WvW?
  16. But that's just it. No one has any rights to any content, purchased or otherwise. Anet can pull the plug on GW2 at any time, and no one would keep anything or get any "refund" for money spent over the years. You clearly do not understand how this model works.
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