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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Another case of not being careful what is wished for. The forums cried and complained about GW2 not being on Steam and cried and complained about no access to LS1. So we should now cry and complain that Anet actually listened?
  2. Going into beastmode is the profession's F5 key. I have it bound to one of the side buttons on my mouse.
  3. That would help to explain why they went with dual maces for ranger when literally no one asked for it. /smh
  4. I thought that one of the core design principles of GW2 was to not have dual professions because the devs found that to be ridiculously difficult to balance in GW1. If so, then no I don't think that this idea is even feasible to consider.
  5. Hmmm.... I thought core Tyria was made up for new players.
  6. Yeah, I'll still bump around on the map and maybe even complete it on my main, but I don't anticipate spending any further time on it for the same reasons.
  7. This has already been addressed! And people say that Anet never listens 😉
  8. Do you really need to ask why? I thought that everyone had figured it out by now.
  9. I get that, but maybe new players shouldn't insta-jump to the latest content and learn to play the game first? We can all dream. 🙂
  10. This annoys me, too. At this point in the game, players should know how things work and don't require a tool-tip to hand-hold them.
  11. Maybe it'll become a gem store item for 1600?
  12. I think that the idea here is to force map re-playability. If you get the mastery on the map and move on, then there's no reason to return to that map. It's a way for Anet to pad population numbers on map, at least when these maps were newer.
  13. Anet has the metrics and knows what content will bring in the most profit. It seems to be the more casual, open world player group based on how much resources appear to be invested in that content. Yes, they may "lose everybody else" but it might be that the groups you seems to be advocating for (PvP, GvG, raiding, etc) just don't make up a large enough portion of the player base for Anet to heavily invest in keeping. Maybe if that portion of the player base spent more money, Anet would begin to cater toward them? But then, it might be difficult to determine which players spend on the game so they can only look at the statistics that they have for where the bulk of the population gathers and plays. It's kind of a catch-22: in order to get more invested in WvW, PvP, raids, etc... there needs to be more players playing that content, but players aren't playing that content because of the lack of investment in it. I'm not sure that there is an easy answer.
  14. Why not 50? That's a nice, round number. Anet should give us 50 template slots for free.
  15. No, I played the HoT story and did the events on the map for XP and got the masteries I wanted/needed just through general game-play. What you define as boring may not be the same for other players -- the HoT maps are probably the most populated ones of all. Fishing? I haven't point a single point into fishing other than the one to get the skiff. I think that fishing was a mistake, so I don't engage with it. Heck, I would even go so far as to say that I find fishing boring. What MP do you need that forces you to do fractals?
  16. Wow. Getting mastery points is called playing the game. I'm ultra casual and I've managed to get all of the MP that I need. I'm glad that there are more MP than are needed to max out everything.
  17. I guess it's also making this consistent with the jade bot personal waypoint, which also has a 10 minute cd.
  18. This isn't policing. This is advising. The poster suggested that they should repeatedly post the same topic and I was simply reminding them of the CoC that they claimed to have read. I only posted the relevant part so that they didn't need to go and look it up for themselves.
  19. Perhaps. However, it seems pretty clear to me. Don't "repeat an existing topic in the same forum or a different subforum" and they are suggesting re-posting after every patch.
  20. Should never have been an hour to begin with.
  21. If you know the CoC then why do you advocate breaking it?
  22. Yeah, no, the OP does not represent any fraction of the community other than themself. What hubris!
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