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Everything posted by Balor.8432

  1. Really disappointed with these last 2 chapters and I hope they are are not what happens (in quality and length of story) in the next xpac.
  2. I think the story is going into 2 possible directions dealing with commanders trauma over the past 11(? )years , 1.) Commander could be going crazy because of all the mass amount of magic he/she absorbed over the years from the Dragons Zhaitan, (Mordy and others even more so if a slyvari. Also got Leyline, God, Void, and Ancent magic like Seer(bloodstone), Dwarves, Agony (Murssat) and artifacts(legendary weapons). Commander has been exposed to alot of magic that made lesser beings insane like white mantle. 2.) Story could go towards the gods and their realms like Fissure of Woe, Realm of Truth/Torment etc.
  3. Only threats I could think of from gw1 that are in Cantha are demons of Kanaxai's type, out side of Cantha are the human gods and ghosts of Ascalon. Also we don't know what is east of the Charr empire/alliance other then homelands of the other legions.
  4. I played gw2 just for the story I am not a fan of the melee stacking to get buffs/heals type of gameplay for grp content. I loved gw1 combat a lot more, was more flexible in types of playstyles compared to dps/support only in gw2. Gw2 story is top 1 or 2 story for a mmo I played ties with SWTOR base game story. Though with end of dragons and IBS the story has gotten a little worse.
  5. Story wise no, gameplay wise you can get glitched story journals if you do the personal story at the same time with 3+ friends that are on the same quest with you but different pacts or different choices made like Grenth's temple or Ronarks map..
  6. I would like to know some gw1 open lore also. Where did the gw1 hero go/fate after Cantha? What happened at granite citadel to cause the deaths of gw1 hero's henchmen. Where did the Fiery dragon swords design come from the Gods original world if it was indeed Balthazar's sword? Where are the other bloodstones ? Where are the other portals to mists that Lord Odran made other then tomb of prime evil kings. What happened to Cynn, Mhenlo and Eve? Where did Bone dragons go after gw1? What happened to Evennia? What happened to the Scepter of Orr after Livia was done with it.? What happened to Razah?
  7. Streamers ruin games look what happened to wow When devs started to balance pve and pvp around streamers and their "millions" of followers. That is just 1 example, new world was made for streamers and look where it is now. Hopefully the devs in gw2 don't listen to them.
  8. For Joko and other gw1 NPCS in gw2, a lot of them could multiclass in gw1, Livia was using a mesmer and necromancer skills in season 3. Somewhere between gw1 and gw2 multiclassing came a lot less common. Only modern npc I can think of off the top of my head is Brimestone going from warrior to Revenant though I haven't seen him use any warrior skills since. For other npc skills we don't have some are prepared ahead of time for incase of bad things happening like Jenna and bubbles during white mantle attack. NPCS also don't have all the same skills as the commander does.
  9. I got to agree with Konig, when I recently did that mission again it with context of her and how Anise treats everyone different then Livia I would assume Anise is her daughter or grand daughter. Also her wanting to keep her identity a secret even after the mursat is dead would be she has more enemies and doesn't want anyone else she knows to get her hurt.
  10. Mist stranger outfit does not dye everything anymore there are a few spots that uses default grey dye no matter if all 4 channels are used with same color.
  11. In path of fire Kormir stated the 6 gods left Tyria and she was the last after Balthazar was chained, so its hinted at he was replaced.
  12. He wasn't close to breaking free, he only had 3 of his 8 chains broken according to gw1 lore. Their was 8 gates keeping him chained and he managed only to break 3. GW1 map. It wasn't his realm either it was his jail made by the other gods. Even in the gw1 fight you can still see chains on him Picture.
  13. Original story level requirements was changed to be every 10 levels from every few levels awhile back and a few things was lost when they did that and i think the in game mail you got telling you about the next story was one of them if i remember right.
  14. IMO Human noble that goes vigil or durmond, or slyvari that goes durmond. Those 2 have the most interactions with other npcs and lore up to icebrood.
  15. I always assumed it was the race of Seer's that made the Eye in gw1 when I played and give gw2 new lore my bet is on them even more.
  16. The Pact tech is mostly a mix of Asura,Human and Charr tech working together. Norn don't usally do tech and Slyvari are mostly plant/organic tech. Now for Charr choppers i assume its some type of stabilizer/ Gryro to keep it centered. Kinda like the engineer mini drones.
  17. I think there is a few mentions in game stating how when the female charr rebellion led by Kalla Scorchrazor ended and they had less of a Fanatical relgion based culture since the flame legion no longer held the most power. That in turn allowed the more science based culture to come threw even more so since most of the humans were wiped out by other things over time leading to only 2 places of them. Norn and charr never really fought each other in wars, and asura were still coming to the surface they had free time to focus on other things for once. I would assume them trading with the Asura and Dredge helped them improve also https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Ecology_of_the_Charr has some more info also.
  18. Same reason Shepard never got mind controlled by the Reapers or Master Chief could breath in Flood spores with a damaged suit. Despite them getting closer to the source of the infection then most other NPCs in their respective games. Would be a short game if the hero turned into a controlled slave or zombie.
  19. In Guild Wars 1 there was the Ebon Vanguard scouting the region and a few quests to kill flame legion there with Anton and a few others.
  20. I was reading different Anet Q&A's and other people's lore posts past few weeks and it got me thinking when they said the last Murssaat was gone on Tyria and made me think they might have a different home world like humans. Same with Seers and other elder races maybe they came through the mists also. Wonder how many races are natural to Tyria.
  21. It is canon. This was told years back - around 2010 - in an interview with Jeff Grubb. I guess in current ArenaNet usage, that would make it "psuedo-canon" or "canon until stated otherwise". But it was told to us as to why the states are called "downed" and "defeated" not "downed" and "dead". Either way, there's only two canon deaths that were not permanent: the Commander's in PoF, and Aurene's in S4. Of course there was this guy who died in the human PS but unexplainably survived. We literally (dictionary literally) have to kill him to kill Zamon, but he's alive and well in HoT. So I guess that's three canon deaths that were not permanent, but one death being retconned out no doubt due to ArenaNet devs not paying close attention. There was almost another - Gaheron Baelfire - but we prevented that resurrection. GW1, on the other hand, had mechanical deaths that were deaths in lore too, with resurrection spells mentioned here and there throughout the story. But for some reason, Rurik, Saidra, Togo, and Gadd died a permanent, non-resurrectable death. On death in GW1 i always assumed if the death was brutal e.g, Ruirk got his head chopped off, Togo was used in a ritual, and Saidra i assume was ripped apart inside and out by agony, that it wasn't easy to rez or even do able if the body was damaged to much. I know for story reasons they had to die. If i remember right blood stones also prevent the soul from reaching back to the body, though that makes me think if it wasn't retcon due to the Lich being seen later.
  22. We know a few where they died, grave stones for a few henchmen are in granite citadel (Alesia, Little Thom, Reyna). Anton died near the edge of the shiverpeaks and Kyrta Border (Snowblind Peaks).Devona ended up as Herald of Balthazar unwilling https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Herald_of_Balthazar,Stefan Became a ghost https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stefan_Baruch and Herta ended up as a talking head. I think i am missing a few more but i don't remember any more locations and/or fates of the others at the moment.
  23. In my opinion the guild wars 1 hero did more with less,. Granted the only dragons they fought was small compared to elder the dragons but they did fight a god that was almost fully released.
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