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Everything posted by Eddbopkins.2630

  1. This is no where near the same thing. This is a horrible analogy. Build Templates didn't even exist in GW2. You can't "steal" something that never existed. A better analogy would be, there was no such thing as cable in existence. So we found a way to watch multiple channels on our own for free. Then the birth of cable appears, and makes it illegal to use any other method besides theirs, and you have to pay for it now. It is, but ok. Here's a more genre-specific, but identical analogy: Busted hackers:"Please let me keep the cheats I installed"To consider arc a cheat you gotta be naive and have a clear lack of understanding of what arc did.
  2. be proud, charr forever. Die mouse! (Not irl, just your character) (in character as a charr hater)MOUSE?! LOOK here you oversized pussycat/goat faced ugos, now that you conquered all of Ascalon and slaughtered and eaten generations of people you want to make peace because you're being threatens by a greater power? A dragons. Just because your false Gods of the Titans and the cauldrons power have vanished I think it's time you reap what you sown.Time for Schrodinger's cat philosophy to happen. And this time you filled it with poison your self.
  3. People already have left in the thousands. If AOC is actually any good tonight, I'm gone as well....if that happens it will be the saddest day of my video game life. But if the game you've played for 7 years never changes then it's time to change yourself.
  4. I want more emotes in general. I want to be able to just play the game threw emotes and role play properly.
  5. One game mode for the entirety of a games life span is just plan stupid thinking. Specially when your predecessor has so much.
  6. Delta (arc creator) had agreenment with anet that he will not update his templates, when anet release theirs I seeBut what I'm seeing is that new new anet template will be a far cry in abilities then what arc has?
  7. I still don't get it...and probably won't till I actually try and use it.
  8. Wasd, z is 6, x is 7, c is 8.V DodgeTab closest TargetCaps switch weaponsMouse3 is 9Mouse4 is 0 If I forgot anything I'll add it in.
  9. /support..... FortyThousand people and not even a private response/message from or to anyone from anet. That's what there supposed to do I guess right? Not listen or understand FortyThousand people's request for QOL and language updates.FortyThousand people isn't a small number.
  10. We already missed like 3 monthlys? At least 2 I think.....PvP seems to be to difficult for this era of anet devs.
  11. Would it really be shocking if cantha was just completely destroyed? A decimated area unrecognizable and barren waste land. No mobs to kill no living life at all. Would that bother some people?
  12. There may be enough reworks and changes that the next balance patch 6 month from now is acceptable time frame???I mean there's alot if changed imo. They put some work into this balance/rework patch. I'm very excited to play these changes. And scourge seems it will be something very different yet very similar to it old self. Warrior getting a new support roll in the meta maybe? That be great to see possibly? If ele changes work out because of the other changes that be great to. Seeing ele as a threat in PvP would excited me aloot.Looks like the devs want to change things and that is a good thing imo.
  13. O man....I hope the charr don't align them self's with dark powers like the searing days and slaughter the humans again. If they do maybe the Norn will help us this time instead if being traitors and allowing charr free rain to walk there territory. The charr need to leave the lands they invaded/stole and return them to human control. They need to stop slaughtering the ansestral ghost of the ascalonian people and further destroying the once beautiful lands they ruined. There can be NO PEACE otherwise.
  14. This game is driven by metas. And right now the meta is how you described. It will change. There is no dedicated rolls in gw2
  15. This guy right here has been on the forums and giving sound advice since day one. And this is no exception. 5 man team q g3 and below at least needs to happen.
  16. 3> @Crozame.4098 said: NA top 250 starts at gold 3....we got u beat
  17. I'm on the fence...One hand the match maker uses what class you are to set up the match and by switching it messes that up.On the other hand counter picking your class against the enemys is a fair strategy to use. I'm leaning more towards not allowing class switching soly on the fact the the match maker uses the class you are in to set up the match
  18. Buying an expansion or not having one, is not pay to win. It's what every game that has quality is required. F2p accounts already have to much going for them....it's my God honest opinion that they should NOT be allowed to play ranked PvP as well. Let them play all they want in unranked. Ranked is supposed to be competitive and alot of core classes just don't offer as much as pof or hot classes do in PvP. Also its a nice incentive for free to buy the game.
  19. I did once kill a Dev in wvw on my ele. He/she was a Necro I kinda chased her alot, and by the time I saw the enemy Zerg I killed him/her. This was a long time ago on ebg. But in my defense the enemy Zerg that he/she was apart of was hitting our closest keep in ebg to our spawn. noregrets!
  20. Lol score roll back. That requires effert and attention to be put into PvP. And we only get that every 6 months on balance patch.
  21. Here's my 2cents on weakness....https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21611/weakness/p1
  22. I vote for all of it.........if they build it people will come.Everyone talks about splitting the population...but at this point there is no population imo. If they dedicate them self's to a bunch of new game modes they will have such an influx of activity that there servers might have a problem. But this is my hope anyway. But making new code is difficult to do.....much more difficult then gem store reskin after one another.
  23. I feel Holo has to maybe blast finishers on to low of a cooldown. If they didn't have so many they wouldn't have so much healing.
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