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Everything posted by Healix.5819

  1. The start is Cursed Shore. It doesn't reset when they add new ones, it shifts because the current week is calculated based on the number of sets. You can calculate it by going (1+week)%(# of sets), so for example, it's currently week 14, so 15%10=5. For week 6 for example, it went from Maelstrom to Iron Marches because they added 2 more sets, changing it from 7%6=1 to 7%8=7. For week 12, it went from Bloodtide to Straits of Devastation, because they again added 2 more sets (+ 2 extras which should replace the duplicates in Maelstrom), changing it from 13%8=5 to 13%10=3. 0:[Cursed Shore], 1:[Maelstrom], 2:[Timberline], 3:[Straits], 4:[Sparkfly], 5:[Bloodtide], 6:[Frostgorge], 7:[Iron Marches], 8:[Desert Highlands]*, 9:[Auric Basin]*
  2. That's because it was near the start of the cycle when the new ones were added, and they're at the end. They should start appearing next week, with the next 4 weeks being new ones, then the remaining 2 a week later, replacing the duplicates in the Maelstrom set. As long as they don't add any new ones, which shifts the position in the cycle, all of the new ones will occur within the next 6 weeks. This should be the current order: [Cursed Shore], [Maelstrom], [Timberline], [Straits], [Sparkfly], [Bloodtide], [Frostgorge], [Iron Marches], [Desert Highlands]*, [Auric Basin]*
  3. They are probably blocking other DNS providers. If you can access it in your browser, the DNS wasn't a problem, so changing it would have only made it easier to connect to different servers. You can use the -log option to have GW2 log what it's trying to do. The log will be written to %appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.log when GW2 exits. If it's only failing to connect, ensure any security software isn't blocking GW2, as you've already confirmed you can connect. The other likely error would be an unexpected response when downloading a file, which would be caused by either security software, or worst case, the firewall of the network, which will require a VPN to bypass (or a network admin to fix it). To manually try a different server...
  4. I'm assuming you couldn't access the link in your browser, confirming you actually can't connect to the server, and it still didn't work after using Google DNS? You can check what the DNS is providing by opening a command prompt and entering: nslookup assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com. nslookup assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com. nslookup assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com. The first is your default DNS, the second is google, the third is cloudflare. Since you're on a public network, it's possible that they're blocking what you can access, which will either cause these to give no results, or all have the same results with their own IPs.
  5. This error occurs when GW2 can't download from the patch server. Either your DNS is outdated or something is blocking GW2. You can try accessing the server in your browser (http://assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com/latest64/101), which should only show a line a numbers (the first number being the current build, which is currently 154410). Clear your DNS cache by opening a command prompt (search the start menu for cmd) and entering: ipconfig /flushdns If needed, switch DNS providers: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using
  6. Are you sure you were using a valid weapon for the profession? In PvE, if you open the hero panel and click on the weapon slot, the weapon should appear on the left, but it won't equip. In PvP, it equips. I can confirm a low level elementalist can still equip its elite weapons (2h hammer, sword and warhorn).
  7. They're trying to tell you how to equip it and to change its skin, since the only purpose of this item is to apply a skin to it. To just equip it, you can simply double click it from the inventory.
  8. The door is usually down before I run out of charges, and you can weave in a blast dismount if you need filler. The trick with fireball is you can attack at range and stay out of combat, which allows you to do more damage.
  9. That was true before fireball was a thing. People used to use waystations to break the walls in Gyala, while only a few used the turtle.
  10. CoherentUI is gone. It's CEF now, and a problem with it wouldn't cause the game to silently crash, unless your system ran out of memory. To see a reason for the crash, open the Event Viewer (search the start menu) > Windows Logs > Application. Look for an error at the time GW2 crashed, which will give you a reason why it crashed.
  11. This requires you to not be hit for 5 attacks in a row. You don't actually have to use dodge to evade the attacks. There are 2 attacks that are obvious with telegraphed areas, and 2 that aren't. For the 2 less obvious, 1 is a quick kick (~1s to avoid) and the other is a shockwave that you can jump over. If you think it's not working, you're likely being hit by the quick kick or are stepping outside the ring, which resets it. The easiest thing to do is stand right next to the guy, keeping within the inner ring. Whenever he finishes an attack / turns to face you, simply run through him to avoid the attack. If you see a circle line start to expand outwards from him, wait for the line to fade once it reaches the edge of the outer ring, then jump to avoid the shockwave. There's a counter where your boons are to show how many times you've avoided being hit in a row.
  12. It's definitely not random, it's just been shifting whenever they've added more. I'm guessing they're inserting the new ones into the order rather than adding them to the end. For example, if at the end of this week they inserted 1 new set on top, the current week would repeat, as it would shift by 1 week, becoming the next week. When they added set 7 and 8, set 7 replaced week 6, then for week 7+ it went set 5, 6, then reset back to 1. This makes sense if set 7 and 8 were inserted before set 6, with set 7 being the new 6, and considering how it has gone, set 8 is 5. With the new release, it went from set 4 to 2, so 2 of the new sets were inserted before set 2. Next week is bloodtide, then after that should be frostgorge. The newest sets are all going to be last, and since there's 2 extras, the duplicates in the maelstrom (or bloodtide) set will be replaced. - After rechecking this, they're simply adding the new ones to end of the list, it's just a side effect of how it's indexed (week in time % number of sets). Cursed Shore is actually the first set in the list, which is why it looked like the new additions were inserted before it. You can calculate it by going (2 + # of weeks since rifts were added) % (number of sets). For example, the first week was (2+0)%6=2, the 6th week was (2+5)%6=1, then 2 were added, so the 6th week became (2+5)%8=7. The current order is 0:[Cursed Shore], 1:[Maelstrom], 2:[Timberline], 3:[Straits], 4:[Sparkfly], 5:[Bloodtide], 6:[Frostgorge], 7:[Iron Marches], 8:[Desert Highlands]*, 9:[Auric Basin]* Considering Bloodtide was actually last instead of Maelstrom, next week may see the duplicates in Bloodtide replaced with 2 of the new ones, so the next 3 weeks will complete all of the unseen ones.
  13. It goes through all of the sets in a random order, then restarts. Problem is, when they add to it, it restarts. The new ones should occur within the next 8 weeks, or it's bugged and they're not actually in the rotation.
  14. It counted the first week and stopped counting after that. They probably dropped it because it scales for 1+.
  15. They will never add an option to disable the reminder because it's intended to annoy the casual user who would just opt to ignore it. You have 2 choices: 1. Enable the authenticator. It's the only option where you won't be locked out of your accounts due to a problem outside of your control, as you generate the code yourself. Both email (enabled by default) and SMS can have the problem of being delayed or loss of access. 2. Disable the SMS reminder by launching GW2 using a batch script.
  16. Work around - enter the PvP lobby and equip it there. I also tried fractals and WvW to test if upscaling to 80 would work - it doesn't.
  17. I can confirm that at least no rewards are lost. I could still hear it, so I knew when the rewards were given, then restarted. The bouncy chest was waiting and re-entering took me to the same instance where I was able to loot the chest.
  18. Some keys share the same circuit. Old and cheap keyboards for example can't press wasd at the same time, whereas gaming keyboards specifically have wasd on their own. Verify your keyboard is capable of pressing z and 2: https://www.microsoft.com/applied-sciences/projects/anti-ghosting-demo However, if something has those key combinations reserved, it'll have the same problem, so you'd need a clean OS to be 100% sure.
  19. Unclaimed objectives, except for the daily login, are automatically claimed when you login to a character after a reset. Anything beyond the 1300 cap will be lost. If you qualified for the completion chest, it'll also be given, but the daily won't trigger the achievement for 10 AP. You can watch it happen if you're online when the reset occurs.
  20. It doesn't think it's an overlay, Windows is detecting you've launched a game is trying to activate its gaming overlay. If you've only been looking at the game bar settings, note recording should also be disabled. You could try this to actually remove and disable it.
  21. This has always been complained about, and it has definitely cost them sales. If ArenaNet had any intention of changing this, they would have done so for the vault, instead of making it worse. Anywhere else, owning the expansions would only be a plus, giving you extra objectives, not replace them. They could have gone with earning x astral instead of x objectives for completion, then offered varying amounts of astral based on what the objective was (ie 5 astral for dodging, 20 for the mini dungeon), and bonuses could be offered to random or lesser completed objectives.
  22. You're not supposed to know. For guild members? Track changes to the member list. A new name with an old joined date can be matched to an old name. The account ID would be classed as personal information, so it shouldn't be available without an API key. Create your own ID instead, then you can link account names and account IDs to it. If someone leaves, changes their name and rejoins, you're not supposed to know it's them, but if they tell you they changed their name, you can simply link their current name to their old ID.
  23. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arina_892_Snow_0XV1_Obscure
  24. They remove objectives that are bugged. People reported that not all kills counted, so they were likely removed for being bugged - they required dealing the killing blow to count.
  25. Volunteering doesn't actually mean your instance is empty, but rather your instance can be merged into another one. Volunteering will only end if the map it's volunteering to fills, unless the instance is being forced to close, then nothing will stop it.
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