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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. So why is nobody mad when they put infusions in there? Same difference? I can't be mad about a 200g item being in there with a tiny chance.
  2. It was way too strong before. Did everything on a 30 second cooldown. Just look into yourself and think if you truly can't understand why they did this.
  3. You get used to this very quickly. I never latch onto anything anymore unless I want to or it's a tiny object that I didn't see, like a root sticking out.
  4. Which would have to make those low target skills insanely overpowered in order to be worth anything. Doesn't work.
  5. I hope they actually do this. We will get bots camping Veteran spawns for participation and then we can farm Kill x Players there for free :)
  6. I don't make it a full time job. I'm a casual player (target of the game?). I didn't think 20k was bad after 7 years of play. Could I have gotten more? For sure... but 29k AP to start the pinnacle weapon collection seems high I currently have 22k AP after roughly 6 years with a break a few months after launch. I can still get 7k from dailies. Do you do the festival metas for the 50 AP?
  7. What do you expect? That people are fine with taking forever for old content? The easy solution is to just do it with friends or your guild. Never had an issue with this, even when I pug as a solo most of the time.
  8. Each weight class has their own "skeleton", meaning they're specifically made to work with that type of armor. Outfits are different, because they are made using their own weightclass technically.
  9. They cost.. what, not even 50g to unlock? You will ALWAYS own the most recent one and they are an incentive to at least log in once in 60 to 90 days.As far as I am concerned these are pretty good terms.
  10. Nothing stopping them from staggering the release as they have done a few times. Would welcome that, makes it seem less dead during the wait for the next shiny.
  11. You manage to link an article that talks about an issue, but then you talk about a completely separate issue that has nothing to do with exactly that. There is also this thread for further reading for you: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109755/wvw-performance-and-map-cap-testing/p1 Skill lag literally comes from the game server not being able to handle all the calculations and packages, the time it takes for your skills to activate and be registered as such. Lowering player count would be an obvious fix to that and they are just testing whether that has the intended effect or not, while also exploring other possibilities.
  12. And the very obvious solution is to not overstack servers or leave them if you are not okay with waiting. Almost like there is a drawback to stacking.
  13. I wouldn't disagree, but that should go along with at least doubling the amount of servers available and limiting transfers/hardcapping how many people can be on there.
  14. I really hope this works out well! The lag makes it so hard to enjoy the game at times. Thank you for acknowledging the issue exists and looking into potentially fixing it.
  15. They ARE the content, but that doesn't mean the foundation of a mode should remain unchanged forever. Adjustments to map or mechanics should happen somewhat regularly, honestly I'd say every 6 months would be fine if they happened at all. Stuff like changing some terrain around for example. Giving an objective multiple capture points or something.
  16. Right, but those aren't the issues outlined by the original post. Your point is the trait doesn't offer anything on its own.. I replied that in theory it should be fine for a trait/skill to do that...
  17. I see nothing wrong with traits that rely on group support. It adds additional depth to builds, theoretically. Getting additional barrier in shroud also sounds like something you would want. As a Scourge maybe less so, since you will probably cap it by yourself already.
  18. Yeah 2 sounds a bit extreme, but it will probably not change much at all, as always.
  19. It's an interesting gameplay mechanic, that's all. There is no issue stacking Might, but that doesn't detract from having a new mechanic you could or could not use if you want to.
  20. I mean, they do make sure ever since PoF that enemies generally have boons on them. Many of the enemies at least have Might, or effects that create Might for their allies. I've used that spell before the buff too, because it's an easy way to aoe tag mobs without using a weapon skill.
  21. Wells not meta..? Weren't they taken basically everywhere because they are powerful and effective? Are we playing different games?
  22. HoT has a bit of mastery gating, but that is because you're supposed to actually play the maps and do metas as you go. Doesn't take long at all.
  23. I don't care about other people. I chat to friends, I meet friends through parties/guild, rest happens on Discord or Teamspeak.
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