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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I agree it could be a little more impressive. If it used a better ice texture (thinking like the ice walls we got in recent content) it would be pretty nice and not encroach on already existing gemstore skin territory.
  2. Yeah I don't quite understand why Guilds are dead content, but at this point it's been this way for so long I don't think it will ever get changed. There should at least be guild challenge versions of more world bosses or something.
  3. You've missed the part where this patch is just the beginning and they mention follow up balance patches around every 6 weeks following this. It's a very important first step and honestly a large change thatmisses the mark on many, but also hits the mark on many smaller changes is better than not changing anything about the big picture at all.
  4. Each their own. Would love a setting that didn't allow 2k DPS players to join my groups but we can't have it all
  5. Quality was high imoA little short, but the map(s) carried it, definitely. Had a great time exploring, haven't done the Drakkar meta or the strike mission yet though.Only thing I didn't like story wise was how Drakkar was made to be so menacing and then the Whisper jumps out immediately. Would have liked a bit more spectacle around Jormag's champion.
  6. They're there because of their partnership with Seize the awkward so I wouldn't expect anything. Not that it ever stopped anybody before from being disappointed, even when they said they visit a con only for business reasons and not to show anything.
  7. Every way that gets people to do parts of the game they wouldn't otherwise check out is worth it. If any minor inconvenience drives them away from achieving their goal of completing a meta achievement then I must ask why they wanted to do it in the first place.
  8. So is every other content in the game, including PvP, WvW and Raids. But this does not mean that all players have fun playing all of this content. Why? Because you say so? Because the game shouldn't be balanced around people who deal 2k DPS because they probably click their skills, use Soldier gear and never use their utility skills. It's genuinely awful that any downstate person can outdps these people who "try".
  9. Man, on that note that starting area is absolutely awesome. You come in, then this huge area opens up, cliffs, water falls, giant trees, huge caves all in one. You see updrafts, some points to jump from and you're trying to figure it all out. Genuinely amazing the first and second time through, a little less with mounts.
  10. Can you blame them? You could delete every field except light, water, smoke and maybe fire - and nobody would notice due to how little impact they have in battle. Little impact and the fact that stacked on top of each other like in any type of open world content they cancel each other out and it's random which one gets combo'd in. Maybe if they disappear after a few procs they could become more interesting. I think the problem Anet have is finding the right point inbetween the two. Open world and living story could be a little bit more difficult and maybe make sure that the people who really only hit 2k dps think about adjusting their builds sometimes.
  11. Challenge wouldn't add socializing, it just adds people flaming each other for messing up. Easiest way to have a talk in this game is to start small talk and be in a group with people or just use map chat for conversations. People talk all the time, but why would they just start blabbering?
  12. I think the active part means less gameplay from traits, like the 300 second cooldown on passive stances for Warrior for example.
  13. 100% with you on the Hammer build. It's also weird that they emphasize that Hammer 5 -> 2 combo by also allowing the 5 to refresh the 2 with the upcoming changes, while everything, including the Hammer 2, just lost all of the damage on it. I propose: GIve it a finisher! We need more of those. Finish downstates instantly, single target. Fits the theme too. I'll never stop saying this, but more big hit finishers that don't involve pressing F, but actual gameplay and choice of either using a skill during a fight or finishing it to literally finish somebody off needs to become more of a thing while we are at it.
  14. Could you provide some quotes or time stamps where this is said? Because you're making it sound like we watched a completely different video. He never implied this. He implied that most people follow him for GW2 content and as such these people either unsubbed, stopped supporting him on patreon or simply didn't watch those non-GW2 videos when they were more common on his main channel. There is no such thing as a gameplay video being too long. Going through changes and everything doesn't suddenly stop being interesting or relevant halfway through, unless you never cared about certain aspects of it to begin with. Many of the other streamers I follow directly upload their 5 to 8 hour streams to Youtube and it certainly did not stop their popularity or the popularity of the videos at all. Nothing stops people from just listening to it in the background while they play their own game, which is generally how most of this content is viewed. Again, I must ask where this is coming from because he never did this. The only thing I can read into this direction would be saying that many people don't fully enjoy releases, or that he says he doesn't personally enjoy these events or bosses that are scaled so that the lowest common denominator can complete them.
  15. He would be so incredibly disappointed with you for posting something like this. You clearly haven't watched the video, else you would understand that none of this has to do with GW2. He isn't "not sticking with GW2", he is doing what he has always done - produce content that isn't GW2. He will still produce the SAME AMOUNT of GW2 content, he will just show us more (again) of what he does besides it.
  16. Why are you people so obsessed with saying it will never come? They gave us a timeline of what to expect. Swiss needs to be done testing and in an acceptable state first, they are already focusing on finishing the Alliance system, which is built upon some of the swiss tech, right after. You don't need this reaffirmed every single time something about the game is said. This was a post about PvE. Another one who’s opinion won’t matter regarding WvW. I love when people use the term ‘you people’ . It is enlightening. Two years. Two years since initial announcement. ???? Hope you have a wonderful day!What else would I say to refer to a subset of people? You want me to always use "Those who believe X" instead of "you" when what I am directly replying to already spares me that work thanks to context? Two years don't mean jack, because it was announced in it's infancy. It was announced when it was a brainstorm session that they want to put out there as something they will soon work on. That's like getting angry at game devs who say "hey, this game you're waiting for will come out in a few years. Here is this random rock texture that is already done." because in your mind it directly translated to "game is done soon". They gave us that disclaimer telling us this is very early in development, if they had even started at that point. Since then we've had several updates on it, what else do people want? What should they tell us after they have told us again and again that it's still in the works? Show concepts? Show their dev work to us? That's useless and doesn't make any sense. So yes, I think it's a bit silly to ask for the concrete status of a WvW update on a PvE post.
  17. Why are you people so obsessed with saying it will never come? They gave us a timeline of what to expect. Swiss needs to be done testing and in an acceptable state first, they are already focusing on finishing the Alliance system, which is built upon some of the swiss tech, right after. You don't need this reaffirmed every single time something about the game is said. This was a post about PvE.
  18. Because they don't want to hold the entire devlopment of the game for over a year? lolNot sure what to tell you. Tweak your settings.
  19. Nice communication, thank you for that.Regarding Raids and difficulty: Future Raids should just have different difficulties. Why not make raids that have an easy mode, which is literally a "strike mission" version of the raid?
  20. "omg anet keeps giving us shitty looking armor skins that nobody wants in achievement metas for episodes""omg anet gives us a shitty emote????" Please...
  21. What are you on about? Warrior gets nerfed just like everything else. Hammer build got completely neutered and that was the main thing in WvW. Now it's 100% a boon removal weapon because all the damage numbers are essentially gone, thanks to almost everything being a CC and the new baseline "high damage" skills they've set out to balance for. Have you seen the cooldown on passive stances? These traits are trash now. It's probably best to use them, get out of combat and switch them for the next fight because 5 minute cooldown is just ridiculous on a trait. Warrior can no longer survive running through a zerg with bubble unless he slots them specifically in his skill bar and even that is not enough if you have to push through a choke probably. I agree with people saying this will result in unkillable zergs just clashing over and over again without downs, but I don't think we can say for sure. Tanky classes probably get away with more, although as I mentioned warrior won't have stances as easily available anymore. All in all I have to say I prefer being "weak" over being one shot. Numbers can still go up, but this massive changelist is a gigantic first step in the right direction. Rather overnerf upfront than later. Everything on a low level is easier to balance than when you just rush from one extreme to the other. So many "op" builds were found after other aspects of classes were nerfed, which then subsequently had to be nerfed etc. it keeps going and going, leaving some classes in the dirt while others are problematic, yet never on a level that high that they will be immediately killed off.
  22. No, this is just the thing they've announced months ago. People cried about too much damage in the game for years, now the damage (and healing cut) finally comes. On that note: What I feared became true and Warrior Hammer is no longer allowed to deal damage. My build got a lot less interesting, but we'll see.
  23. The new mobs deal damage? I haven't noticed anything dealing much damage at all lately, besides the obvious. I've struggled here and there in the latest release, during some events where multiple mobs spawn. Honestly this is how it should be. Tough, but not too hard to make it frustrating. In large meta events where the mobs are scaled up a champion tends to one shot a player here and there though. Core is just simply showing its age in this. There were hardly any telegraphs and mobs that deal a lot of damage tend to do so not on specific attacks but their auto attacks. Best way to deal with them is generally CC and burst them down. Health is really low.
  24. Unless they've had one of their new teams work on that for a while this is never going to happen, sadly.
  25. I think Braham's transformation is intentionally left in the dark. By the sounds of it he definitely crippled Ryland, but the protest of Crecia and Rytlock put an end to it before he died. I'm sure they would have stopped him from killing their cub. Personally I liked the ending. Seeing Aurene was beautiful, but the dialogue was missing a lot of parts I would have liked to hear. Everybody just waiting there like nothing ever happened felt weird.
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