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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. Honestly can't complain about powercreep when nerfs just earn laughs from the professional balance posters. Once every spec has got their fill things will look much better. There will always be 1 or 2 overperformers, no matter what. You don't have to agree with their decisions either. Every power down should be welcomed.
  2. I don't care what is sold over the gemstore as long as it's not some form of numerical advantage, as long as we continue to get new weapons and armors to earn ingame as well they can do whatever they want. I'll pay if I like it, I'll keep my money if I don't.
  3. Getting stunned is the least of your worries on a Warrior to be honest, so getting some inbuilt synergy into the kit is a good thing. You have a stance, Outrage and headbutt itself being a stunbreak at least.
  4. You can solo it if you are willing to lose a lot of time and your sanity
  5. Nothing holds it down in PvE, maybe that it's a little bit bland in terms of skills. Not a lot of flavor in there. Shows its age in some parts. No ranged pressure at all except for gimmicky rifle builds.
  6. The closest we will ever get is flying through the VM nodes and extending your flight. Lots of fun in the S4 maps doing that.
  7. ?? Toxicity exists in all games wayyy before teapot streamed gw2, lmao get used to it. You sort of proved my point there. Not because of comments like yours. You're getting the cart before the horse on the toxicity debate in MMO's. Just stop, it'll get you no where. Toxicity exists with or without Teapot, even though he's not even that toxic, but he can be so I'll give you that. If you don't think Gw2 doesn't have one of the best communities in the game , then you're sadly mistaken. It is by far one of the best communities to be in, and me being honest with reality here in terms of Gw2's marketing (or lack thereof) doesn't change that fact and is actually for the most part irrelevant from community aspects of the game anyway so you bringing it up is irrelevant to the actual discussion that this thread pertains to. Twitch plays a major role in a game's success now on a mainstream level, mmo's fall into a category where that is vital to it's success. We live in a different time unfortunately. Marketing has drastically changed since then. This is a debate that will go no where mainly because the people in here don't acknowledge reality, I know it sucks to see your mmo of choice dying, but it happens. Why do we spent time on this earth, each breath drawn being one closer to death? The "x is dying, accept it" is not an argument. Never has been, never will be. What does it add? What does it explain? Nothing. Nothing is more annoying to see than "hehe ded gaem" memery anywhere, because people will actually believe it. People who don't understand how the server system works, join an empty map and then cry they can't play the game because it's bad and everybody left a long time ago will also say this and they are partly to blame why that is such a meme now. Yes, the game is (((dying))), as goes for everything the second it launches or is born into this world. Twitch is not a means to measure an almost 7 year old game. If you wanted to make that argument, you'd look at Youtube much rather than Twitch. Much more people who play GW2 also watch Youtube. Even so, it doesn't even matter. Your post makes literally no sense. Youtube runs from a view count based system with a different philosophy of video structure than a live stream from a game with real-timer viewers. If you're referring to the Youtube Streaming side, then I can see your point, in which case you would further solidify my point even more. You basically agree with me that it's dying then? Then there was no point to respond.... How is Youtube different? People who are interested in something watch content pertaining to those interests. It's been said countless times already but GW2 is an awful game to watch being played. You don't watch streams for the games, you watch them for the streamers. Period. No exceptions. Just one time viewing doesn't count. I even said it, but more people use Youtube than Twitch. If you were to find an actual representation of people interested, you watch the long or short term interest in Youtube viewership. Sample size is like 40x higher and more representative. If you do not understand that I cannot help you. You missed the entire point of me "agreeing" with you. What you said is meaningless. It holds 0 value, because "x is dying" is not an argument that is useful in any way to any type of discussion. It's fluff, because it can literally and figuratively be applied to every single living thing or creation in our universe.
  8. ?? Toxicity exists in all games wayyy before teapot streamed gw2, lmao get used to it. You sort of proved my point there. Not because of comments like yours. You're getting the cart before the horse on the toxicity debate in MMO's. Just stop, it'll get you no where. Toxicity exists with or without Teapot, even though he's not even that toxic, but he can be so I'll give you that. If you don't think Gw2 doesn't have one of the best communities in the game , then you're sadly mistaken. It is by far one of the best communities to be in, and me being honest with reality here in terms of Gw2's marketing (or lack thereof) doesn't change that fact and is actually for the most part irrelevant from community aspects of the game anyway so you bringing it up is irrelevant to the actual discussion that this thread pertains to. Twitch plays a major role in a game's success now on a mainstream level, mmo's fall into a category where that is vital to it's success. We live in a different time unfortunately. Marketing has drastically changed since then. This is a debate that will go no where mainly because the people in here don't acknowledge reality, I know it sucks to see your mmo of choice dying, but it happens. Why do we spent time on this earth, each breath drawn being one closer to death? The "x is dying, accept it" is not an argument. Never has been, never will be. What does it add? What does it explain? Nothing. Nothing is more annoying to see than "hehe ded gaem" memery anywhere, because people will actually believe it. People who don't understand how the server system works, join an empty map and then cry they can't play the game because it's bad and everybody left a long time ago will also say this and they are partly to blame why that is such a meme now. Yes, the game is (((dying))), as goes for everything the second it launches or is born into this world. Twitch is not a means to measure an almost 7 year old game. If you wanted to make that argument, you'd look at Youtube much rather than Twitch. Much more people who play GW2 also watch Youtube. Even so, it doesn't even matter.
  9. They listen to many suggestions made by the community and countless ones have made it into the game already. People being upset their only class they can play is getting nerfed will never be valid criticism anybody should ever consider.
  10. Trait switching alone is going to be very valuable. Switching from some trolly roamer build to a small scale fighter on the fly in WvW? Crazy good.
  11. Just kill a boss each day and you'll be fine if you only want the reward tiers.
  12. grouping up automatically removes trash mobs now? when did they implement this? I get your complaint. If I wasn't able to kill them as I went I'd be angry too. Groups make mobs even more trivial than they already are. Don't forget OP also complained about maps being empty, only that their reason as to why seems rather lazy.
  13. "Real" MMOs release an expansion and then follow a model that is essentially LS. This is the same thread you made last time just under a different pretense and there are multiple of it out there and talked in already right now.
  14. Sure, many people will benefit from this in one way or another. I definitely will, on multiple characters. I must say I was rather short sighted in making that comment because I had only considered builds as in gear, not traits, thinking not many people even have secondary sets. Switching traits will definitely be great.
  15. Server population has nothing to do with how many players you will encounter, it's only relevant to WvW. Dungeons are niche content, people aren't awake or are at work/school right now.
  16. Agree. The ressurection of the Istan map is not desired by ANet. Because we now should farm the Dragonfall map. Although the Istan farm hurts the economy (according to ANet), the Dragonfall should be beneficial for the same economy because it is encouraged by the map design. This will last until a new map will be released and then, suddenly, the Dragonfarm map will become bad for economy and the new map farm will be the new beneficial factor for the same economy. Istan requires the bare minimum of attention and work, whereas for Dragonfall you are absolutely required to actually participate in as many events as possible because you WILL run out of keys. Gating the "gold" behind keys was the absolute right decision and is a thousand times more healthy than Istan ever was.
  17. It's not shameful at all. Only a tiny fraction of the total playerbase will even benefit from this at all.
  18. It was a major stepping stone of the arc that we ended last episode. No, because I haven't played when LS2 rolled around. 3 releases that still followed the 2 week cadence, then we went to the one we have right now with several months in between. I couldn't find the exact date when S1 ended, but S2 started on the first of July 2014. Was there a long break between the two? Because everything would indicate that they were close together and that it only really started with Dragon's Reach Part 2. Why wouldn't they tease a release that would come out in a few weeks? I simply found it redundant to mention because it's not the same situation at all, as I explained. Though, if you really really really wanted to, one could argue that it's the very same situation but with a much larger gap between releases - which again, would simply stay true to the way they usually tease stuff.
  19. Just can't replace the type of people I've met on the battlefield. Brothers and sisters! Rise up! I've always said it, as long as the gameplay loop is solid something doesn't need to be changed, just gradually updated and fixed whenever an issue crops up.
  20. They already started working on season 5 after episode 4 released. Oh absolutely, but working on something doesn't necessarily mean they had it planned before season 4 ended, that's what I meant. As I mentionned, Season 4 ended in a way completely unlike any other endings previously : Without any hint on what comes next Episode 4 or Season 4? Season 4, I didn't really spot any sequel hook after the finale in episode 6, nor much of any hints during the whole season, beside maybe one mention that Jormag and Primordus were rousing again, which I found odd, as both had been "addressed" before. Now that I think about it, I'm not even sure I saw that, I might be imagining itYeah, S4 ended and finished an extremely long and ongoing arc. I don't think they have those creative difficulties - they can literally go anywhere and now would be the best time because there aren't too many open threads in the recent past that would absolutely need answering. And to reply to the other thing further up: We didn't get a teaser at the very end because of what I just said. We finished something really, really big. It wouldn't feel right to tease an upcoming release right at the way we ended this one. Besides that this is the first time we didn't get an expac, it wouldn't really make sense to tease a living story release that is still months in the future. Makes sense for an expansion, not this. We haven't had an LS season after an LS season yet. This is new territory. No, season 1 does not count. That was a switch to a whole new business model basically. Considering all they have said, we might get different types of content now as well. Them saying it might not always be a new map we're getting hints at that as well. Maybe we get to expand on already existing maps, maybe it will be instances dealing with missing links. Nobody really knows, we can only guess. However, this could also mean that this season will be far shorter, which could easily lead all the way to an expansion again that's not too far off.
  21. Yes, you can't wait for somebody to tell you that you just willingly choose to ignore large parts of the game to complain that new things don't come out every 2 weeks. This isn't Fortnite. Devs communicated a ton with us since February, more than ever. You base everything you say on wrong assumptions that you make, it's obvious to anyone that it's coming from an ill-informed place. Maybe stop playing the game, or wait until we do get an expansion if you don't care about anything happening right now. How many teasers do we usually get before content releases? A couple weeks before it drops. Don't expect anything before 3 months passed. Like, why complain about them "being silent"? They're not. Far from it. We know about a balance patch that's coming right around the corner for example. We knew ahead of time instead of just guessing it might come. Something they've only recently started doing. Why would they break the system they have had for years now, of just teasing when it's almost ready? Just to please the few unruly children who cry everything's dead when they close their eyes?
  22. Because you will never know whether your group will stay together or not. The moment a single person drops out and needs to be replaced you know your answer.
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