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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. DPS loss is big enough of a punishment for bad groups that need to make every k count. Good groups don't need it whatsoever. All this would do is make the game more annoying to those who are still learning, maybe a bit more frustrating if you're making some mistakes. Ress plays are fun though and fun shouldn't be removed.
  2. Doing hearts is the answer to all of them. Join metas whenever they happen, finish easy hearts on multiple characters each day. Mistonium is really simple, just do each of the different rift events. For Kralkatite you want to do the Astralarium heart and the one to the south of it, ignore the pirate one because it's annoying to do compared to those two. Branded Mass took me the longest time, but the hearts are really quick and if you do it right you can set yourself up to do them quicker the next day. For the second and third heart you can simply stack up on the items to deliver, by killing the wurms and keeping the relics/grabbing all of the supplies whenever they're up and finish the heart by breaking off the fights. Next day deliver the items to instantly finish them. You need 20 supplies, not sure about relics.The last heart is really easy, just talk to the sad NPCs and pick the right choice, it's always the same so remember their lines or where each one stands. Most importantly: Take your time. Don't burn yourself out by grinding the same tasks over and over.
  3. That’s what people said about the the other Mount Adoption Licenses that have Griffon and Beetle skins. If you don’t have either mount, or have no interest in getting either, you can only avoid those skins by paying 1,200 gems for select licenses. Thematically, it was right to include branded skins in both the Warclaw and Skyscale bundle. The original set was for the core set of mounts, of which the Warclaw and Skyscale don’t belong to. People paid 1,600/2,000 gems for 5 skins. That’s what was agreed upon when you bought the pack of Branded mounts, and that’s what you got. Anet said they would not adjust previous Mount bundles, or add another skin to the mount bundle. They had this conversation when the beetle was introduced, and people wanted the Branded/Wintersday sets to be retroactively changed to include a Beetle version. Anet basically said no, but didn’t take off the table they’d use the same theme for other mounts. Yeah, because they'd have to increase the price of an updated brand pack etc. People wouldn't want that at all. Actually pretty smart what they are doing. As for Griffon and Beetle: They're easy enough to get to be honest. Griffon might be a better argument because of the gold required, but that would just be another goal for people who have to catch up on all the content anyway, which is definitely a good thing. Ideally you wouldn't get skins for them until you unlocked them, but that could also cause some issues where people are mad they'd rather get better chances at base mounts etc.
  4. Since I like 3 of the offered skins this was a good deal for me. Glad I can have some variety and am not forced to sit on Shimmerwing and get bored of it quickly.
  5. Considering that it is the mount with the least skins, of course they'd push a bunch of them at once. Plus since the journey takes far longer than the one for the beetle, getting a random skin before you even unlock it feels very scummy.
  6. If you're looking for something easy just collect the flying orbs on Jahai or Thunderhead. Besides that just tagging and killing as many random mobs as possible would be the way. Weak, ambient creatures preferably.
  7. Montages can be cool. It's not just for personal bragging rights, but there is definitely a crowd that enjoys people pulling off combos and what have you. However, these types of videos are never evidence of something being strong or weak, because obviously the footage is very much cherrypicked and not representative in general.
  8. That doesn't mean the rewards are increased, it means what you do awards you with more participation on the event (read: people who are late or in large zergs will need to contribute less to still participate in the event), which should make overzerging the events less likely.
  9. I think any human being is able to put their thumb on space and V and press both at the same time. In fact, I believe even my dog can do it. But since there is absolutely nothing to gain from it, because it is never required for anything there is no reason to do anything about this. It's a learning curve for PvP modes to be able to do it, or you simply don't.
  10. I can't be bothered to learn the maps. I prefer the simple gameplay of WvW, where I just have to kill an enemy, not worry about what the rest of my team is doing or whether or not a point is capped or not, because that simply comes afterwards.
  11. PvP? WvW? Open world? In open world it could have 10 seconds cooldown and would still be near worthless. It really doesn't do anything outside of extremely niche situations or WvW, but the cooldown would not change that.
  12. But that would make 0 sense, as her being ALIVE is exactly what you are describing already
  13. Reaper I guess. Second healthbar readily available, lots of damage and the strongest down state in the game, able to outheal the damage of many mobs easily. GS skills are also very strong and easy to use. The concept of how the different combos work are also very intuitive.
  14. I want to see a very support focused spec that also offers a lot of splashing heals, so that shout warrior can rise again. It's a bit lacking since shouts can only do so much, but if we had some weapon skills and a utility heal for allies that would be really fun imo.
  15. I have my infusion in my backpiece so when I don't want to use it I just hide the backpiece :) But I don't have many that fit my character anyway so it doesn't make a difference to me. It's not a perfect solution but it isn't the worst. Just giving the trinkets a toggle would go a long way though.
  16. Thing is those people DO do the metas, however since you can only get rewards a single time and they stay on maps for longer than that there is exactly 0 reason to do them again that day. Maybe the rewards should reset after a long time frame, 6 or 8 hours. Instead of only on reset.
  17. You actually raise a great point there and that reminded me of how utterly stupid and out of character the cast's reactions were when that scene unfolded. No way they would have been upset about a clearly still sentient Caithe being branded they way they were. Especially Rytlock. Aurene saved their bums multiple times and suddenly he is like WOAH YOU EVIL?! I think they completely subdued that flimsy story thread by showing us the Crystal Bloom and how they worship their new shiny dragon overlord though.
  18. There are a bunch of bridges, so you might want to rotate between them. What I've found is that at least one of them has something going on at a time.
  19. It's not like they closed their eyes and ears to what's been happening. They won't suddenly turn on us like that for no reason. Their goals shifted over time as well.
  20. Sure, the top tier rewards of the chest are super low, but the rewards you always get are worthwhile this time around, esp with the number of boxes. If crafting materials don't interest you then I recommend you never salvage something ;)
  21. That's how I felt with the rented ones. Since I have my own I rarely ever stick on something and if I do I feel like I deserve it for being lazy and flying closely above the ground, sticking to some dead tree lol
  22. The camera angle matters. If you have it centered you won't lose much. If you look slightly up or down you lose a lot more juice.
  23. It looks like you participated in a meta that's not eligible for this event. What meta was it? Choya Pinata (I was collecting coins + participated at the kill) got nothing yesterdayForged Hounds (I now know that this wasn't eligible, but didn't at the time of the previous post). Many people do this event expecting to get one, was a bit of a let down!And the Doppelganger fight after the Augury Rock meta didn't give me anything either. Today I did Serpent's Ire multiple times and received rewards. Pinata also gave me boxes. I guess it didn't count my participation towards the event for some reason yesterday, but it seems to have resolved itself.
  24. I've participated in over 15 full metas and I received exactly nothing. What am I doing wrong? Where are my stupid boxes.
  25. You need to calibrate all the mirrors and stand at the top of it, below the Vista.
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