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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. You'll be able to buy it sooner or later through statuettes
  2. No legendary has ever been worth the money to make it just for the convenience alone. This isn't something new. They ALL are long term goals to work towards and as such come with the price tag. They also exist as a means to regulate economy.
  3. How much time is spent thinking of ways to nod back at prior stories or even easter eggs in certain situations? Also things like a certain cow with teleporter sickness, that clearly come from a place only the deepest of lore can begin comprehend?
  4. 1k is an awful sample size> @Turkeyspit.3965 said: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/cjusk0/1000_satchel_of_loot_drops_value_spreadsheet/ PSA: take notice of after1000 satchels, how many Gifts of Sigils / Runes dropped. Oh yeah, I am totally mad that "super rare" doesn't mean within 1k boxes.
  5. It reminds me of the desert fox, which is one of the most adorable things in the game imo. I got it from a chest, but I won't use it personally.
  6. You can. As for every outfit you just uncheck your helmet.
  7. Those at least have a use. They need to think about the people who buy a lot of keys, simply because those are the ones most annoyed by getting useless items. Chest has been awful for a while now with many dead drops, but they started reducing them over time this year.
  8. This is a huge boon to everybody who owns even a single one. They're a dead roll. I have over 100. I don't need any more. Now if only revive orbs were gone...
  9. One person doing it is okay. Having a 100 people doing it in a zerg would blow up their servers even harder, resulting in an even lower cap where they will be turned off completely.
  10. You should lose all gold you carry on death, leaving behind a bloodstain. Dying again means you lose all your sou- gold.
  11. Yes, but it's not happening. At least not before Alliances. I am convinced they will change the reward structure at some point.
  12. "pve nerfed into oblivion" what Go and farm. It's the same it's always been. Dragonfall, RIBA, Leather and even Auric Basin during Bauble week are all very popular and good farms. You could also upgrade materials and sell those for a lot of profit. Stop making up some silly narrative about them not wanting people to farm.
  13. They're not very good at working together, apparently. Though it needs to be said that they've simply been kind of overused as an enemy and probably shouldn't appear this numerous as an opposing force.
  14. Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:SummerAnet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies... Balance patch was good for a majority of people. Shame your class got nerfed, but everybody goes through that sometimes. LS release would still at the very least be 1 month away. Considering how their releases work, we won't see anything from it until 2 or 1 weeks before it drops. Unreasonable to get queasy about this just yet to be quite honest. The people who work on chairs are not the ones developing content. Should they just stop working because we don't get a content patch yet? Should the gem store just cease function because there is no patch? Last balances were not only not needed, not for 1 class, but totally the opposite to what players were asking for. Im happy for you if you dont got that feeling, bu you should not ignore the rest of the community.That's your opinion. Ele buffs were great, Scrapper definitely needed a nerf. Whatever they changed, it was needed. Now it might be they overnerfed certain things and missed the mark on those, but most of what I see is just upset mains crying their class is "absolute trash worthless" now, which is an absolute overreaction. Genuine question: Why would the system change? They've not told us that would be the case. Every single doomsaying post has this in common. They just assume because they've not heard anything it will be different and the game is dying because of it. People wouldn't be talking about it if this was episode 7 of season 4, because it's only been 2 months. Why would it be different now? You might have a point here if those "stupid" items didn't fund the game and if this wasn't work done MONTHS ago. They didn't just last week finish the chair and press the big red RELEASE button. If I had to make an educated guess, the chair was done several weeks if not months ago and then they decided when the best time to put it into the store was. Releases are staggered and planned, because the amount of work required for them is simply that high. If they really poach their map and whatever designers for this then idk, but I doubt it would cause any significant delays that wouldn't have been there one way or another anyway.
  15. You can change it and if it's not the right target simply press it another time. I've not had any issues getting the target I want consistently to be quite honest.
  16. Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:SummerAnet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies... Balance patch was good for a majority of people. Shame your class got nerfed, but everybody goes through that sometimes. LS release would still at the very least be 1 month away. Considering how their releases work, we won't see anything from it until 2 or 1 weeks before it drops. Unreasonable to get queasy about this just yet to be quite honest. The people who work on chairs are not the ones developing content. Should they just stop working because we don't get a content patch yet? Should the gem store just cease function because there is no patch?
  17. in my point of view, I am feeling like the game is actually dying because we didnt receive any constant and proper contents for a while, only gem store and some stupid events. You mean like between every single LS release ever? It's been 2 months. There is nothing to expect yet, but we got a festival that hasn't been here for many years in the meantime.
  18. Hardly anybody is quitting, but posts like these make the normies feel like they should
  19. Well once you have selected one you know where it is and thanks to the green text you can scroll there even if you don't.
  20. What? Finally releasing something they announced almost 5 months ago? And you guys misunderstand. It's not replicating anything, they merely meant that you can mix both types and won't need a full set before it becomes useful. Your benefit is that you will never have to chase after a new rune set again. That's great. No need to have upgrade extractors handy for valuable ones and switching them between characters to set them up faster will also be cool. Not to mention the use for sigils. I want to use a Staff, but my Ele is a support so I want a support sigil in there at least. No more swapping or having to craft another Staff just for that.
  21. They've answered that question and said explicitly that they look very similar, but are in fact not the same creature.
  22. I solo that guy all the time. It's just another worthless champ, I don't see the issue. That stuff is basically legacy content anyway.
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