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Everything posted by Hevoskuuri.3891

  1. I have no idea if this is related or not, but you might wanna make sure the problem is with the game, and not your mouse. My mouse started showing symptoms of breaking, mostly issues with the right mouse button just like you described. The first time these issues started to appear was while playing GW2, so obviously I thought it was somehow related to the game. It seemed to me that the issue only appeared in Guild Wars 2 for some reason, but days later I noticed the mouse didn't actually properly work anywhere. I spent so much time googling and trying to solve a GW2-related mouse issue that I never thought the problem could be in my hardware. So just a heads up; don't make the same mistake I did! Make sure your mouse is working everywhere else 100% of the time, before you start looking for GW2 bugs that might not exist. Good luck, I hope your issue gets resolved.
  2. Reporting in; TP being sluggish again. This exact thing has happened to me a few times since these reports started appearing in early December, but this time I decided to share. I attempted to insta-sell item X (in this case a stack of elder wood, for approx. 2s60c-2s70c profit per log), and I just kept hitting confirm transaction as soon as the game picked the highest-paying buyer. As you can see from the screenshot, the first 5 sold normally for the desired price. When I tried insta-selling the rest, however, the TP sort of freezed and got stuck in loading the buyer list, but I already had hit the confirm button again, so my elder wood logs were actually sold for the lowest possible price of 9c/log, instead of selecting the highest-paying buyer. So instead of getting a few gold for my elder wood stack, I ended up netting a total sum of 31s74c. It's thankfully not a huge loss, but I think this is definitely worth looking into. If I had attempted to insta-sell an expensive item such as an infusion or a legendary, this kind of bug would be devastating. I did not create a support ticket about this, but I can if that helps you guys nail down these problems. Oh, and this happened at approx. 6:30AM EET (UTC+2), in case that's relevant info. http://i.imgur.com/dKCzfHZ.jpg
  3. Like others said, the rental beetle exists purely as an attraction to non-PoF players. Once they get to try it out, they want to keep it, and thus will buy the expansion with more likelihood. The forced dismounting for whatever reason is annoying though, and I don't see why re-mounting isn't an option. I logged in on my non-PoF alt account just to see if I could rent a beetle and abuse that for faster map completion. Turns out I can't. Even if I don't sink into a lake or die to mobs, I will be dismounted anyway as soon as I switch maps, either by waypoint or by a physical portal. So it can be used for ultra-fast map completion in the map you can rent it in, but that's it. So I don't see why non-PoF players can't mount and dismount to their heart's content, as long as they stay in that same map. It's not a problem for me since I own the xpac obviously, but I can see why non-PoF owners are frustrated. Sometimes you will be dismounted during a race, and having to run back to the NPC is really disheartening. Since these races exist in core Tyria maps, are available to everyone and aren't locked behind an expansion in any way, I think every player should have an equal opportunity to play them and shine in them.
  4. Over 2k hours and no drops. A friend with much more hours than me was in a similar situation, but recently looted two precursors from a single WvW zergfight.
  5. I think Anet got the difficulty just right. As someone who barely had touched the beetle before this patch, I managed to get gold from all tracks in a single night. Sure, it took patience, many restarts, trial and error, and got frustrating at times, but in the end it was nowhere near as difficult as some of the HoT adventures, for example. You'll learn to handle the beetle surprisingly fast if you put your mind to it, and from there you just memorize the tracks and figure out the fastest routes, learn what bumps to avoid, learn how to handle some jumps and turns etc.
  6. Oh, how I miss Bitterfrost AFK necros keeping the berry nodes clean. That was actually a great tradeoff; these guys get some trivial loot and others can farm berries in peace without being hindered and harassed by those cursed wolves and griffons every five seconds.
  7. I don't, really. Only if it's a daily that is conveniently just about to spawn when I hop online, if I need to kill one for a collection, or occasionally for funsies if a friend wants to kill one. While the bosses are cool and it's fun to fight them in an epic-scale battle, IMO the few rares and 1:10000 chance for something actually good isn't really worth it. In the time it takes to kill a boss, I can do a full gathering round of winterberries, gather my home instance, do my dailies, complete a fractal, or whatever that probably will end up being more lucrative. I'm not a hardcore farmer who thinks everything in the game has to reap a profit, but there's simply no reason for me to go kill these things after getting all the achievements/collections. And after killing each one countless times, they're just not so epic and fun anymore.
  8. Like others already said, this is by far the best video on the topic. Precise, accurate, gets straight to the point and no BS. Good job, keep the content coming!
  9. I also did this on my first playthrough. The raptor just didn't do it for me, so I said what the heck and swapped to griffon. Then I just took and dive and superspeeded my way through the whole thing.
  10. I've never had a problem facerolling every story instance ever, but these 'git gud' comments can honestly be left unsaid. The range of people playing this game is enormous, we have 12-year olds, we have 80-year olds, we have casuals, we have elite hardcore players, we have physically impaired people, and we have people who just want to have fun playing the story. The fact that someone can solo a raid using one hand with their eyes closed, doesn't mean everyone can, or even should. Because of that range, creating a balance in the difficulty of an MMO to keep everyone happy is an impossible task. I personally think Anet is very good at this; they do throw in some challenge without making things too difficult. At least this is how I imagine most of the playerbase feels. However, like I said, it's always going to be near-impossible for some, and a walk in the park for some. It's not just this instance that's "unfair" to certain classes/builds/stat combinations; it always has been this way with the story. In some scenarios you're going to benefit from your unique class abilites more, and sometimes less or not at all. You're right about one thing though. 'Getting good', as in learning the deeper game mechanics, learning your class, and fine-tuning your build will be a big, big help. For some people, it's just not as easy as for others.
  11. Same here. Never play on patch day, eh? :)
  12. We can all share our opinions about whether the birthday system should be character-bound or account-bound, but it's never going to change. Like Gaile Gray said, characters have birthdays because they sort of represent a living being, not accounts. Besides, I like the fact I get tons of birthday gifts every year from my multiple characters. Sure, all the actually valuable stuff only comes once per year per account, but it's nice to look forward to it nonetheless. As for OP's question; don't delete the characters, especially old ones. Character slots are actually on sale right now (I think?) so better get more of those. Aside from all the gold-valuable items you won't get, you'll also miss exclusive account bound skins and titles and stuff like that you'll probably want.
  13. This would be great. 'Nuff said. Let me remind you though, aside from GW2timer.com there's a gem store-related pinned topic on the front page, where new and returning sales are updated every patch day (or whenever something comes up for sale). Usually there are imgur/youtube links to new skins/mounts/gliders as well. You can check the new goodies there without opening the game client, and works on mobile too. Of course, it's nowhere near as sophisticated as your suggestion, but creating a shortcut or a bookmark and making a habit of checking that every day will ensure you'll never miss a sale.
  14. I'm mostly a WvW player and IMO the legendary crafting process is quite fine. A little bit of everything for a luxury end-game item. However, personally I've always hated map completion (those CURSED hearts!), and that's why I chose number 3 poll option. Even with mounts it feels like it takes a lot longer than the ~8 hours needed for GoB (with boosters). It can also be acquired with little to no WvW at all by completing Big Spender, Master of Monuments and Veteran Creature Slayer dailies and saving the potions, something that can't be done for GoE. But then again, doing map completion rewards you with TWO GoEs, so I think it it's fair enough. But if Anet would one day go about changing the way we get legendaries, I think they should introduce a reward track for WvW to get one GoE at the end, and vice versa introduce a way to get GoB by PvE means (like being able to convert X number of writs into WvW potions or something).
  15. Oh wow, the heavy one looks good! I'm mostly a light armor main, but kind of disappointed with the light set. I need to see it in more dyes before making any decisions though, but I might just go with the heavy set and hope we'll get another pick next year.
  16. After about 50 tries I've decided to give up on this one. It's not worth getting my blood pressure off the charts. I've tried with multiple classes, followed every youtube guide perfectly, but I just can't beat this dude. I've managed to get him down to about 40% HP but that's it. Dodging and breaking both his bars has gotten rather easy (especially on Daredevil) but I can't seem to nuke him down fast enough; after breaking his bars I eventually run out of evades and he always one-shots me down at some point. Anyways, nice challenge from Anet and I really envy you godlike creatures who manage to kill him, especially with all gambits on. It's insane.
  17. There are third-party add-ons for bigger cursors. I don't know what they are, but you see youtubers and streamers using them all the time. I've been wondering: am I the only one who hasn't got a problem with the standard cursor size? Not once I've lost track of it, even in the biggest zergs and battles. Not ever. I see people talking about that all the time.
  18. For the first time ever I'm actually starting to like Taimi, so if Anet killed her off now after all these years, I'd be quite pissed.
  19. It's great to hear Arenanet is upping their game on marketing, this game truly deserves a broader audience and more attention on gaming news sites, most of them barely scratched PoF if even that. Like many have said, cherry picking comments made by fans may appeal to some, but personally I don't see it attracts interest on a wider scale. People need to SEE something concrete. The two things that have always drawn me back to the game are: the game is unique and distinct from many other MMO's, as well as it hosts a large variety of things to do for everyone. Multiple game modes are available to any of your characters, and you can jump right in without worrying about gear grind or endless leveling (with raids and high-level fractals being the obvious exception, but the claim is still true all the same. Everything CAN be completed without metabuilds and ascendeds). What I would love to see in a GW2 advertisement are exactly those; showing people that this is NOT your typical MMO, and the fact that there's something for everyone. Show them bits of intensive PvP matches, large-scale WvW battles, some bits of cool story moments, open world events, fractals and the like. Show off the beautiful game world! I think actually showing people what they are missing is likely to make them drawn in. Someone also mentioned a very important thing: showing old players what has changed. I constantly see comments in Reddit and other social medias about old players thinking about coming back, and asking what's new and has issue X been fixed etc. Drawing back old players is important, since those who already have max-level characters and lots of hours clocked in are likely to invest into the expansions when they see what Guild Wars 2 has become. That's my two cents. An off-topic question: are there any department leaders at Arenanet who are not named Mike? :D
  20. I loved the LS3 maps and liked the story, but you totally went next-level with this release. It's amazing! This was IMO the best story bit we've had yet, and Istan is absolutely gorgeous. Where the LS3 maps eventually relied on the map currency farming for replayability, this one is packed with metas, Brandstone hunting, adventures and events. Great job, can't wait for more!
  21. I honestly wonder what triggers those disconnects. I've been reading alot about them, but personally didn't DC a single time during the story. I also know people who didn't, and a few who did. Maybe it has something to do with different PC settings or setups? Or internet connection differences? Interesting.
  22. +1 on abandoning the rng system. I've always appreciated the gem store for the fact that the pricing is very fair and you always know what you're getting for your euros. With the exception of BLCs of course, but I've accepted those too, because of the occasional free key drops and not locking anything absolutely must-have behind them. The mount adopting licences were a nice idea on paper, however it's a bad system overall. I don't know anything about the most lucrative marketing forms etc. but RNG lootboxes generally give out a very bad image of the game/company, and the public majority opinion on them is usually negative. Countless players here would love to pick and buy a few skins right away, for even more than 400 gems, but because there's gambling involved, they'll skip. As much as I like the new skins, that includes me as well.
  23. I agree the new skins are amazing, but the gambling required to obtain them is a bad choice on Anets part in my opinion. Disappointing.
  24. I have to disagree here. Like I said before, the pass is a CONVENIENCE item, and if you want extra convenience, you pay extra for it. If you don't want to buy it, then you suck it up and use other methods to get to Crystal Oasis. Like someone mentioned in this thread, you only have to start the story and jump off the airship to the off-limits area, that will teleport you to Amnoon. Fast and easy.
  25. There are multiple ways into the desert without the story. The best option is the Lily pass obviously. If you want convenience, that's what the convenience item is for. Second best option is to use your guild hall and simply run from there. This, of course, requires the guild hall. The last option is to finish the story, and start the griffon collection. This will give you Spearmarshal's Plea, completely free with no cost or effort rather than getting to the sanctuary. It will teleport you to the sanctuary in Vabbi anytime you want, and is also account-bound, so it's a free teleport item for all your alts.
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