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Everything posted by starlinvf.1358

  1. I would say they wouldn't do it, simply on the grounds of defeating its purpose as a gold sink. Using QOL as a gold sink motivator is an oddly interesting approach to the situation, because it seems uniquely capable of scaling directly with the player's personality, without creating a treadmill problem for "best in slot". Its impractical for the average player, and only has utility in a very particular type of buildcraft.... one where the player is already at maximum cost efficiency. When it was introduced, it was objectively anti-cost effective to make a legendary armor set for any character that ran less then 6 builds of either wildly different, or incredibly granular in how its stats are managed. Which was a similar issue when Ascended armor first came out, as it wasn't worth the 10 fold cost increase unless you NEEDED the infusions slots for Fractals. Asc gear is too expensive to salvage for runes, and only have a small amount of stats (~2% overall)..... which left its practicality (for sharing) entirely on the fact that Zerks was the only stats we ever used, and one rune dominated the meta. Asc being account bound, and allowed stat changes, was explicitly done to lower the barrier for Alts in fractals. IE it was never meant to be used to elevate a "best in slot", or bypass the costs of gearing up multiple characters. Just because we use it that way does not equate that the situation is acceptable from the Dev's perspective. Especially when Asc and Legendary gear production costs are the ONLY successful long term money sinks the game. Now that Asc gear is beyond saturated, and our collective gold production rate is by far the highest in the game's history, the legendary weapon and armor collecting is the only non-seasonal (including the life span of LS chapters) that are drawing wealth away from the player base. Gear templates doesn't change, or was ever meant to change these factors. If that was their goal, they would had made the system an "Unlock" style that you Feed gear into to make those stats and runes/sigils available.
  2. Its the metallic shader they use on the chain. Its there to give it the reflective quality so the light effect stands out on it correctly. I don't know if its the exact same shader as Juggernaut, but without it, if it went with matte material lighitng (which many heavy armors do have) it would just look spray painted when using dark colors.
  3. So a simple thread reveals the community's prejudice and racism......
  4. If we're following that thread of logic, then its fundamentally bad design to even offer alternative options out of fear of disparity between them, the need to comprehend and compare those options, and the need to advertise the existence of an alternative. And for the record.... 10g is peanuts in today's gold economy. You're also ignoring the fact that it can also be a response to gold inflation, since they've added a TON of new sources for liquid gold on top of other reward streams. Consider 300g was a big deal, and the price of Precursors (or even some legendaries).... then crept up into over 1000, only to fall back down when crafting became a supply source. When the game was in its first year, it took me days to weeks to get 10g together from the limited sources of valuable drops. Today I can make 10g off of low effort daily rewards. You're not even close to recognizing whats happened in that time span of Story releases, and much less making a comprehensive argument about things not having a 1:1 comparison.
  5. Then the solution is to get rid of drops and make all rewards liquid gold, which is then spent on buying everything you want from NPCs. This is the pinnacle of practicality, but players would think it "feels bad".
  6. The entire concept of how the classes use gear is antithetical to account-wide gear templates as a concept. Gear templates only save ONE state of gear configurations. With armor divided up into 3 weight classes, and what weapon/sigil combinations builds use, makes that specific combination unlikely to be applicable across more then one class. And the whole point of having gear templates is to get around the need to roll multiple characters of the same class for QOL reasons. The entire design of the game was never in a position to make recycling equipment "convenient". Because the intended build diversity makes the odds that multiple builds having the exact same combination of armor weight, gear stats, weapons, runes and sigils, expected to be incredibly rare. And the one case where this might practically happen (Zerks Scholar Force) is clear sign that something is wrong with the game balance...... and further lends toward the pointlessness of gear templates, if everything uses identical loadouts.
  7. But then comes the catch 22. Most festivals are getting their events locked in, because they're afraid adding every year will overwhelm new players and trigger FOMO fits. Its already a visible problem with new players complaining about there being "TOO MUCH" to do in order to get the achievements cleared, despite the fact that its now set up to be reasonably worked at over multiple years. Vet may not like that, because "they already did old stuff and want new stuff".... but thats the reality of our culture right now. Adding stuff creates a gap that new players consider hostile, or not adding stuff to let the gap close that Vets complain about lack of novelty. But what both sides in common is the sheer amount of incessant whining about rewards being gated, but typically won't participate in any activities unless there a reward to directly entice them into it.
  8. The issue is that the Chill unto itself isn't all thatimpressive..... but the Rune was designed to be vehicle for Reaper's traits. Chill used by a Repear is still decently powerful. But on launch of HOT, Chill used to do all the things it can do now BETTER, AND was an entirely new condition damage type when traited. On its own, Chill slows movement and increases cool down times. In the hands of a Reaper, its increasing outgoing damage, decreases incoming damage, and starts to inflict damage. Unless theres a build that handles both shouts AND chill in some significant way, the Rune (like many others) have limited applications.
  9. I think it now gives 2 champion bags instead of 1. But I'm not sure how that compares to what farming groups can get by skipping it. Only 2? Pitiful.Thats 10 ToT bags, plus misc T5 and T6 mats. Better then any other champ bag to date. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Large_Candy_Baghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Large_Candy_Bag/historical Plus the fights are way easier too.... They take half the time to kill, the break bars are clearly scaled down, and most of the PUG killer aspects got massively toned down. It takes, at most, 2-3 people to counter their mechanics for the whole zerg. Which surprises me when PUGs can't collectively generate enough CCs to break them, or field the 1 or 2 skill effects needed "just on sheer coincidence". Necros keep getting pushed as the best Farming class this year, yet I've already seen 3 large groups fail Lich due to a lack of errant boon strip...... how is that even possible when everything a Scourge does is both AOE and Boon strip?!?!?! A couple of reflect walls is enough to tackle Viscount.... and AOE Healing IS a lot more prevalent this year, yet people scatter/cloud during the fight, and end up getting punted across the map from ICCCBMs. Out of the bosses, Steve is still the only real threat... and his damage is noticeably lower. I don't know if its because they scaled him down, or if its the new slew of barriers, but the downed rate of his attacks are well below half compared to previous years.
  10. Its a quirk of the UI when it checks for valid combinations, where sometimes the crawling process hits a dead end, or can't filter fast enough, and thinks the recipe is invalid, despite it being correct. Some specific orders do have broken links internally, and other times it gets stuck due to the player being faster then the filter check. In the former case you have to reset and change the order and it should work. In the latter case unloading an item or resetting it clears it up.
  11. everything outdamages pistol/pistol...... Except maybe shortbow auto. But you never shortbow for damage. Staff Rotation..... usually in the top 5 DPS... literally Auto attack and Dodge.
  12. Its because the Rev weapon sets are really lacking flexibility. For the other classes, most weapon skills serve 2 or 3 functions with clear trait synergies. But with Rev each weapon skill only has 1 function in combat, and a hand full have a Finisher to combo with a specific skill for its paired legend. Theres also the fact that Core Rev has no mid-range weapon.... like at all. Its either 3 types of Melee, or a 1200 Ranged power Weapon. Another thing its lacking is an accessible 5-target cleave, which Great Sword essentially exists for. Since Revs have already turned a traditional melee weapon into a Ranged weapon, the Greatsword is the perfect vehicle to create a set of weapon skills that combine both melee cleave with mid-range attacks to round out this blind spot. Or are you going to try and convince me that Shortbow does that job?
  13. The whole Revanent concept is channeling the power of Legendary figures in Tyrian History. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/King_Jalis_Ironhammerhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Dwarf_Stance https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shiro_Tagachihttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Assassin_Stance The Rev's skills and traits are directly modeled after them, and is meant to craft a play style that takes after their personalities. Shiro was legendary assassin and Body guard to the Canthan Emperor...... but in a fit of paranoia, murdered the emperor in cold blood in a the heart of a sacred shrine during a festivel ritual, and stole immense magic power in his place. Shiro was cut down minutes later by 3 Champions trying to come to the Emperor's aid. Mortally wounded, the magical energy escaped his body, and the resulting shockwave turned the surrounding seas to Jade, and the nearby forest to Stone. As a Rev legend, Revs learn to use his signature dual sword combat style, skills which allow him to rapidly move around the battle field, and can cast a small version of the Jade Wind that turns enemies into solid Jade. His Devastation trait line is all about enhancing damage through vulnerability, bypassing defenses, life steal, and raw damage bonuses.
  14. Those are the Legends that define the utility skills. IE F1
  15. The invasions are how you do the achievement if you don't have POF. If you have POF, its easier to hit the maps.
  16. is this some kind of new thinly veiled marketing campaign?
  17. Being in a guild doesn't really change that. RIBA maps are organized, but its still going to be filled with PUGS that only think about themselves. Guilds don't have the ability to lock maps, so you'll never get away from them. All you can do is, and should do, is camp the area until one spawns, and call it out while going min DPS to give people time to show up.
  18. But keep in mind the ORDER of your bags does matter, as it affects how the slots behave. So unless you're only using basic bags, stuff will auto sort based on the type of bag is associated to the slot number.
  19. Rev as a class is designed around having an Espec. The few Meta level builds of Core Rev are usually the result of the Espec not being any good at the one thing you need it for, or in the wake of some kind of nerf. If you're dorking around Open world and maybe Fractal/Dungons, then a straight forward power build is your best option. Zerks and/or Marauders, Devastation, Invocation, and Retribution. Shiro/Jalis. Sw/Sw main set, and either staff or hammer second set depending on what kind of boss you're fighting. Sometimes Shiro/Ventari for certain meta events where the Bubble is useful. Something you have to understand out the gate is that Revs are designed a lot differently from other classes. They are made for long fights, have excellent sustain and generally high stable DPS, but have incredibly weak recovery, making them highly susceptible to burst damage landing, condition pressure, and mistakes in positioning. That might sound like a PvP only problem, but what I just said applies more to PvE then to PvP/WvW. This is because Rev defensive skills are made to counter Onslaughts/Bursts from enemies; but are so timing sensitive, that the 2 extremes of damage found in PvE [sporadic hits or piano drops] leads to a lot of resource waste. They also have to deeply spec into certain stats in order to get anywhere with them. Offensively they can put out a LOT of damage.... but their design favors using their weapon skills as preemptive defensive tools, despite the implication that theres some kind of rotation you have to follow. Which is partly why Rev damage rotations are insanely long in Raids/Fractals, but aren't even listed as being a thing in any other game mode. Even without trying for rotations, Revs still put out substantial damage in their auto attacks, with heavy bursts in their 4 or 5 slot. That said.... Shiro is basically your only good power damage option, and none of the core Legends offer strong self healing without building partially around it. Rev condition builds aren't even on the table outside of raids/CM-Fractals due to an incredibly long ramp up and easily disrupted rotation. Hybrid/Concept builds are possible, but they rarely get past the novelty phase and are rarely practical. Even Class specialists that come up with these builds will tell you that they have very clear weaknesses, and their success is mostly attributed to opponents having no idea how to fight it. Its not dissuade from the class...... just making it clear what you're getting into. Fighting as a Rev in PvE demands you to be a lot more aware and knowledge able due to how difficult it is to reverse mistakes. Nearly all of the Rev's weapon and utility skills involve reading a situation to know when and how to use these skills for maximum effect. Trying to play purely reactive leads to a lot of wasted skill use and Energy to get out of trouble; but intelligent use skill effects is at the core their energy management scheme. In some builds, taking hits is even desirable. https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_Power_Sword Its recommended toward mixing Zerks and Marauders 50/50 since it helps force you learn how to carefully manage your defenses, without it getting you killed all the time. Key notes here is that Sw 3 is an evade, but slow to wind up..... but timed right, it lets you avoid very big hits without having to waste dodges. Sw 5 is a teleport and heavy damage. You can use it change positions, or get up ledges if you can find an enemy in range. Sw4 is mostly for Multi-target damage, and hits hard. Sw2 is mostly designed to prevent targets from running (PvP), but in PvE space its main value is minor break bar damage and whirl finisher. Reposing Shadow on Shiro is an Evade, a Stun Break, and repositioning tool. This is you only get out of jail free card, but is put to equally good use for getting out of a spot BEFORE it becomes lethal. Phase Traversal is the polar opposite, teleporting to a target and giving you quickness. If its not obvious yet, these 2 skills are good for helping you weave in and out of boss fight when things get dicey. Impossible Odds is in a weird place after it got nerfed. The movement speed bonus is useful in or out of combat, but is ruined if you have any movement debuffs. The Doublestrike is only really effective if you can stand around doing auto attacks, or have some kind of effect that can benefit off of it. Jade wind is a powerful Breakbar hit, and is good for Stunning trash mobs around you to ease up pressure. The healing skill is more for extra damage then actual healing.... so in practice you use it to top off against minor damage, rather then try to use it to heal from low health. In fact, most of your healing from Shrio builds comes from life stealing traits. Jalis's utilities are a lot more situational. The Healing skill has condi cleanse, but doesn't give you a whole lot of HP. Inspiring Reinforcement is mostly a PvP/WvW build, but you can benefit from the Weakness it inflicts, and can use it with Blast Finisher (on hammer or staff) to get swiftness. Forced Engagement (the chain) doesn't have much use beyond being another CC, since the duration isn't long enough to make a big difference. Vengeful Hammers is good for decent healing if you're surrounded, and in some cases is worth diving into a cluster fight with the added sustain. Rite of the Dwarf is currently awkward due to its high cost and cast time. Its main value is that of a stun break, but the damage reduction can be used to try and power through incoming damage if you don't have much choice. Stacks multiplicative with Vengeful hammer, but the math only yields 60% damage reduction.
  20. Solution...... Get the entire community to properly organize themselves, and make all the randos leave an organized map. level of practicality, Non-existent. Solution...... Take your not filled map, and open a squad to fill it up. Level of Practicality, High. Solution..... Get to a map BEFORE things start, and catch the first wave of organizers. Level of Practicality, Time Management life skills. Solution.... go to the forums and complain about it. Level of Practicality, (insert Venom quote).
  21. ..... if you made it for fashion, just reskin ascended gear. You can make enough weapons for half the classes ( IE: all the ones that use swords) for the cost of 1 shared slot. And not even have to go through the trouble of moving it to the shared slot, changing stats, and redoing sigils every time.
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