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Mini Crinny.6190

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Everything posted by Mini Crinny.6190

  1. Yeah i remember that, they nerfed power weaver and tempest but buffed condi weaver and tempest, only to nerf them both 2 weeks later 🤣
  2. Yep, I would go with that these elite specs were very rushed, all of them don't look that good from a competitive standpoint imo
  3. Best build for open world imo is Fresh Air Tempest, but there are some builds about that offer something a little different, If you are a wanting to be into instanced content or WvW then it's probably best to switch away from Ele
  4. Yeah, I don't think it's happening this friday otherwise you'd be able to select your alliance after Tuesday's patch i'd imagine, as well as it being mentioned on the update notes as well
  5. Not sure if it's been mentioned but SE stopped people selling duties in party finder, but they did not stop people buying duties in party finder
  6. idk, they stopped them queuing with beta characters but they can still swap to one after they que with a normal character
  7. I think anet realise that catalyst does need a lot of work and while it was a beta, I doubt they will fix everything by the time EoD comes but hopefully for the players that are going to play Cata in EoD, it won't be as bad as it was
  8. You can add Catalyst to that as well
  9. I mean, I lost interest before EoD came out xP, IBS was just incredible how it can go so low I just didn't want to play the game no more, I do keep a close look at this game but it continues to disappoint (for me anyway) Just gotta wait another month for Endwalker 😀
  10. lol I just mentioned that the armour is the same, he can simply move his armour from Ele to Necro without crafting anything, I couldnt care less about what necro does and what ele can't
  11. Ele and Necro are both Light armoured classes, I guess you have made Berserker armour if so, Reaper would be great to use with that so you can switch armour from Ele to Necro without crafting anything
  12. Just want to point out that Celestial got removed from PvP after season one due to Chrono and re-added a while longer which made Scourge stronger, Core D/D worked up until HoT was released, then with all the boon strips, it couldnt sit on all its boons it generated from Elemental Attunement.
  13. Just to add, if the number changes and bug fixes dont fix the problems which it probably won't, you can probably expect some more changes to catalyst sometime after EoD comes out, its a shame but that's how it is
  14. In terms of meta, no it's not but Weaver will be somewhat accepted in fractals and possibly raids if you know what your doing
  15. Didnt actually think Support guard was a problem Because other classes will get nerfed as well
  16. zzz people will argue about anything lol It was just an opportunity for me to put something there as first comment lol, thought it was pretty funny
  17. It depends really, yeah probably can get top on arcdps but that doesnt take into account all the barrier,boons and healing along with the rng nature of meteor shower that makes the damage easily negated, although i'd be alright if they buffed the damage a bit to other skills on staff Projectile speed probably won't help unless you want them thrown back at you quicker lol, Lava font should hit on cast, should of done that when they nerfed it by 40% because it was too strong in PvE
  18. There is another beta with all 9 at one time so maybe they will do it then
  19. Hammer is so worthless that staff was only hope it totally was related 😂
  20. No, they require you to be close to your jade sphere which is the F5
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