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Everything posted by Blude.6812

  1. But Anet must be aware that raids and strikes were a failure and not well received by many players. As you said a 'niche' and I would add a very small vocal niche. Anet shouldn't be so intent to continue in the same direction for modes that are not really warranted.
  2. Simply put, it would be a much better experience by stopping the losers.
  3. Amazon cloud/servers had an outage earlier this week that affected many platforms, and that invision stuff is what controls the like, sad etc. and is part of the forums.
  4. Give all your stuff away. Delete the game. Use a F2P restricted account. Join gamblers help group.
  5. Can't even see my own effects, boss tells, body ect during boss fights, groups, and zergs etc. Other than the log in screen and staring at your creations for hrs, this whole conversation seems pointless.
  6. I have bought games early and got burnt. Now I wait for the reviews, patches and sales (e.g. Cyberpunk). However I do want the bonus items AND with Anet I am purchasing with eyes wide open and know that launch day is going to be a hot mess and there will be lots of updates required.
  7. Weird, Alt-tab and windows key work fine for me (DX beta). I disable the win key while playing so it doesn't work when I hit it by accident.
  8. I am sure they do know but they don't care.
  9. Anet responding to the loud minority, SOP for Anet.
  10. Although that sounds harsh, they (Anet) could simply say no to the restore because of it. Then again an understanding support person could give a one time restore with the caveat that they wouldn't do it again. Having an option for the player to restore characters themselves wouldn't even be considered for a variety of reasons that wouldn't be in the games best interests. A separate account and PW (free or otherwise) would seem the best way of addressing the issue in the future.
  11. at least 72hrs (if you are talking about a new account that you just purchased). The restriction is clearly shown on the purchase page for EOD. "Gem delivery may take up to 72 hours after purchase." There are other restrictions based on the type of account as well.
  12. Fishing competitions would be fine as a separate activity like crab toss etc.
  13. Right! it was archived , but they did seem to agree that there are unlucky accounts.
  14. Actually I remember that they talked about outlier accounts and some have them but Anet have never addressed the issue.
  15. Darn, after all these years and there are still things to learn about!
  16. Only time I use it is during shooting gallery like interactions and the odd time jumping. Regardless, the game shouldn't pick up a target that isn't even on the same level or same area than the one you are actually fighting and the drakes are actually closer as well.
  17. Targeting --that it would actually target the enemy that is in front/ close to you. For example, the flax farm in TD. Surrounded by drakes while harvesting, start ranged attack and I see I am locked on to frogs the NEXT LEVEL DOWN underneath the flax farm. Not the only place this happens BTW.
  18. They are account bound. Unlock on one toon, and they are available for all.
  19. Good, because I didn't see a fix for launching the game in the patch note!
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