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Everything posted by Blude.6812

  1. Yep, should have been locked right away with a note saying this has been discussed before and Anet has already responded with a definitive answer.
  2. Maybe if you took some time and searched, you could have read discussions that have already had the developers attention and contributed to those without reviving a personal 'dead horse' topic.
  3. Nice derail to sneak in another request that has been overwhelmingly dismissed .
  4. No, not when only 1 person wants it.
  5. Have a peek here. https://www.ayinmaiden.com/aurora
  6. I think the forums needs an 'Ideas that never should have seen the light of day' section. So NO!
  7. I just typed 'GW2 How to make gold' in the google to see what came up. Lots of guides and suggestions out there that would help you. 1st one on the results was https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Ways_to_Earn_Gold It even reminded me of a couple of recipes that I forgot about. Off to craft them and add a few more gold.
  8. I understand that The Anet surveys (not the ones here on the forum that are generally useless and skewed) had a non disclosure terms that had to be agreed to. Time for Anet to have a look at those reddit links.
  9. 1: Cursor options for better visibility. 2: Options to turn off other players bling/effects during group events, bosses etc. 3: Fix Targeting, targeting targeting!!!!!
  10. The old saying 'patience is a virtue' comes to mind. It isn't thought about when it comes to the trolling, when will it be ready or DEMANDING info posts.
  11. No No NO, only the very rare one is an amazing idea. But yes, the search engine is your friend.
  12. Sitting on 974. Used at the very least 1/2 that amount or more over the years. And I don't ever waste them on useless bling/minis. They aren't that hard to collect and store if one is more discriminating on what they purchase with them. And as pointed out, logging in can get you 30 plus. Just take a few minutes and log in everyday.
  13. If you could be completely honest with out getting infracted (not rude, not swearing etc) then it would be fine. I would like another one like a dunce cap and a beating the dead horse emoji would be more than welcome.
  14. Give it up on the same old request about adding dueling in PvE. Not wanted or needed. and has nothing to do with mounts.
  15. Sometimes one has to wonder how ideas like this can even come to mind let alone actually request them. Anyways , NO thank-you
  16. LOL another one. It is not going to happen according to the devs. Give it up, and BTW try a search.
  17. Not again🥱. Same old topic discussed and dismissed.
  18. In game cursor options have been asked for many many times over the years, and ignored. 3rd party are your only options.
  19. This has been asked multiple times over many years and Anet has completely ignored it ( at least I can't recall them responding in any way to the request just like requests for players to turn off others effects during big fights ). So 3rd party is the only option. Too bad they can't come in and explain why.
  20. Nah, if you find it so easy/bad etc., don't bother with it any. No need to change it just for you.
  21. Been discussed, not going to happen. Search. From Anet staff (even though she has moved on) "...However, we do not have plans to localize for other languages. By the same token, we cannot accept and implement community-translated text, because verifying and implementing the input would be very time consuming and costly. (Consider that inputting text involves things beyond words -- it also can involve videos, animation, and more.) We have received offers to do community translation for Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and several other languages. We regret that we are not able to offer Guild Wars 2 in every language, but doing so simply would not be feasible, even with the kind offers of the community..."
  22. They skipped Canada too. It seems to me most sales (and contest) like this one are consistently geared to US.
  23. No for the suggestion. It is obvious that the op didn't think (this one through) at all.
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