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Everything posted by Blude.6812

  1. Spirits has mobility when 1st introduced and then Anet removed (nerfed) that ability for no real reason making them useless. I haven't used them since that nerf. As for my Warrior, he hasn't used banners for years.
  2. LOL so only one thing to say when the ok boomer is thrown down and that would be OK Whiffet.
  3. Not a bug, working as intended. But it is wrong!!! It is just a part of the continual nerfing of the ranger.
  4. I have so many different boosters. Just going to use in one of my 80 level toons. I would have preferred a choice of an item rather than locking up what I believe is a useless redundant item to give away for a pre-purchase.
  5. Hopefully those that saw the 'builds..." comment jumped on the troll!!
  6. Never heard of a mes getting banned for porting to JP end chests. I have used them numerous time both with my mes as well as using using portals with my other toons for years with no issue. As for the trolls, they use vendors, merchants and just about anything they can place over rewards, etc. to get a reaction. Anet could fix them.
  7. Over reaction to a mechanic of the game that one doesn't understand yet. As for the trolls that place stuff (chests, vendors, portals) over items that others are trying to access is something that Anet is aware of but has failed to address.
  8. The forums have a search option. Mods please merge.
  9. Because 'WE' do not need it.!! No one needs it!! YOU want it and your DEMANDS do not reflect what others may politely request.
  10. MOD---- not WE!!!!!!!!! change to to the poster wants or the op poster demands!!!! again not we.
  11. You got mounts, and the only time WPs SEEM to be expensive is at the beginning of the game for the 1st time player. Even then there are ways to minimize costs using portals. Get a pass and travel around for almost no cost, use the living story scrolls to get real close to just about every single area on the map to lower costs, use PvE and WvW portals for free. Teleport to a friend can be helpful and if you multiple level 80 characters that you played the few coppers/silvers are virtually nothing for WPs. There are likely many more ways that I have forgotten. It becomes a non issue very early in the game.
  12. Maybe some low level intern does. However , responses and actions are extremely rare, Then again some of the requests (demands) should be put to rest.
  13. It's been asked many many many times since the game has launched. And has been completely ignored by Anet from the 1st time players requested cursor options. I believe there is a 3rd party program, which I have never tried, called Yolomouse that some use. I stay away from 3rd party program for GW2 but that is another discussion.
  14. I am wondering if the forum search feature wasn't working when the op started this topic.
  15. I would add to check that your mouse drivers and firmware are up to date. I was getting ready to buy a new mouse due to some play issues. For some reason I decided to check and update my mouse drivers and firmware, problem was solved.
  16. I would like all the PvE dailys to be available to those players that have all the expansions. For example todays daily - - "Daily Heart of Maguuma Miner Daily Maguuma Jungle Miner Daily Crystal Desert Bounty Hunter Daily Orr Vista Viewer Daily Southsun Cove Event Completer Daily Antre of Adjournment Jumping Puzzle" I have no choice, and would prefer to choose any 3 of the 6, not the 3 forced by Anet. ( and will look in WvW for ones like vet, spender and monuments when I don't care for the one ones Anet picks.)
  17. Targeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Didn't call you a liar at all. I was challenging your blanket statement opening statement about development being needed. It is something that you want, which is fair, but many don't want it is also legitimate. As many have said there a variety of ways that you can make the game harder for yourself without affecting other players or wasting developers time. If you just asked something like 'Hey players, I would like to make the game harder for myself, do have any suggestions?' with out calling on Anet to make changes to the game. I am sure you have many great suggestions by now. Have fun with them
  19. It's known as an outlier account, and apparently they are quite a few of them.
  20. You left out a forth choice to check I would like another option in the poll. Something like instantly! stick around until a specific line is crossed. Stay till the bitter end! This is just another bad poll just for the sake of making a poll.!!
  21. At least be honest and say 'Things that still need to developed for me'. And there are a lot of ways to make changes to your character to the make the game harder for yourself. And again if you can't find any more ways of making the game more difficult for yourself, I would suggest it's time for a break or even retire the game.
  22. If your guild didn't or doesn't offer you training sessions, time to find a new guild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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