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Everything posted by Ashen.2907

  1. I would prefer being asked to type Y to delete those items rather than the full name. May not seem like much of a deal but would be a nice QoL improvement for me.
  2. I would say that it should be accounted for in class balance by the devs rather than "is accounted for." Otherwise agreed.
  3. There are story elements restricted to raids so there is some degree of precedence. If ANet decides that not enough people are doing a piece of content that THEY want to push who knows what we will see.
  4. Have you considered petitioning your government(s) regarding the legalities of sweepstakes and similar activities? Restrictions such as you are seeing here are almost always due to a company finding it too expensive to set their sweepstake up to the wide variety of restrictions, fees, potential fines, etc. Sometimes it isnt a matter of complexity rather than cost.
  5. Have you considered pursuing Legendary Armor? It is free to transmute. Otherwise the fastest way to get transmutation charges is to spend cash.,
  6. Beating the game and expansion stories is...something I only do once. It takes a fair while and I find it fairly unrewarding. If I start the story more than once I mainly do it for an achievement or two, and even then I often don't go all the way to the end. Fixed it for you.
  7. If that were their concern they would have lowered the amount of coins earned in fractals, not removed them entirely. The, painfully obvious, reason for the removal is to encourage players currently engaging with fractals to switch to strike missions.
  8. And plenty of people do CMs. Are you sure that there are only 3? Fractal CMs are, in fact, existing content. They have stated that they are removing rewards from them.
  9. A reason. But at no point do they explain how they expect removing rewards from a type of content to NOT cause a reduction in the player base for the content. Purposefully reducing the player base for content, when content that is not popular has been abandoned in the past, is solid indication that abandonment is part of the intention. So, as rewards are being removed and not replaced, is this a not-so-subtle indication that the content is being abandoned? Removing rewards is part of removing content. With fractals de-emphasized even the addition of new strikes with EoD represents a net loss of rewarding group instanced content.
  10. Nothing is free. Giving away some content means charging more for something else.
  11. "Axing" existing content, by making it unrewarding, means that even with several new strikes there is a net loss of rewarding content with the addition of the expansion.
  12. Does the removal of mystic coins as rewards for high end fractals represent an intention to abandon this game mode? There does not seem to be a balancing increase to offset the reduction.
  13. I think that a more effective, "solution," might be to reduce the overall effectiveness of boon stacking so that there is less of an incentive to push the envelope of stacking. If full boon group comp resulted in a 5-10% increase in performance those dedicated to pushing the envelope would still get a benefit from doing so, but those less interested might see less pressure. As it stands the suggestion, while well thought out and presented, does not address the boon meta, it just spreads responsibility among a greater number of characters. There was almost certainly more than one source of might, often more than one source of fury, etc in the group comp anyway.
  14. Where did the money to buy the reward come from? I can pretty much guarantee that there was more time, skill, and efort put into getting the money than goes into any particular in game means of earning a reward for many of us.
  15. Not going to lie, this one has negatively impacted my perception of the expansion. I waited years for an elite spec that allowed my Ranger main to not have to have a pet/companion with him. NOw, unless I am willing to be at a mechanical disadvantage that option is gone. Also, not a fan of cutesy Wall-E(ish) style. Wallet closed.
  16. Love the gameplay in GW2. The story, and the story telling, are so consistently bad that I at times I find it hard to believe that it is unintentional.
  17. Complaining about how something affects many (unnamed and not present) others, rather than just focusing on explaining his perception of a possible issue is a pretty solid red flag that the supposed issue is self inflicted IMO. OP, You are speaking for yourself. Attempting to couch in terms to make you the leader of a movement or something of the sort completely undermines your point.
  18. Insulting someone is not ok. Saying that insults build character is fine. It is an opinion about psychology, not an attack. It happens t o be an opinion with which I disagree, but that doesn't make it an inappropriate opinion. Of course acting on the opinion is a different matter altogether.
  19. I like this.....and have eye color affect vision quality. Height could affect vision range as well. And being asuran could cause you to blow up as soon as you log into the game.
  20. Well, Tuesday is named for a god of war, and Tyria is in a constant state of war, so....
  21. I do not like the asuran race. I detest having to interact with them as part of the story. I resent the fact that the game writing doesn't allow us to treat them with the disresepct that they show our characters. The implementation of the asuran race demonstrates a gap in the talent on the part of the writers for the game... But, if they are going to exist, as anything other than a source of leather for making cheap slippers, then don't make them yet another cutesie pixie(ish) diminutive species. Let them be the shark faced, rat-like, ugly scum that they are.
  22. You mean everyone else who wants to be able to chose character race without having to consider game mechanic impact? Seriously, YOU are the one arguing for adding more min/max to the game, not the people who oppose your suggestion.
  23. The idea of purposefully creating situations where a character might be excluded,, or otherwise be at a disadvantage, due to their race is absolutely awful....especially as a post launch change. I would never have bought the game if this had been in at launch, and would stop spending money on the game immediately if implemented.
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