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Everything posted by Ashen.2907

  1. Ms Smith made me suspect this, thank you for confirming.
  2. Yeah, I had to double check the date of the post.
  3. Sure. The drastic effect that local lighting conditions can have make this a reasonable suggestion to me.
  4. An encounter design which allowed us to attack a dragon's back or head would be cool. It would take some set u p/explanation though. Did we use special tow cables to pin the dragon down in an area of slightly rolling depressions where we could climb on the dragon's back, get to its neck, etc until the phase where the dragon breaks free, flies up and nukes the area with fire until the tow cable cannons can be repaired? I know that there are limits, but more can be done.
  5. Yes there are small design differences, and yes that changes things. For you it is the difference between making an accurate/honest post and not doing so. For the game it means minor variations that may make a given weapon fit a given character visual concept better. Personally, as mentioned previously, I don't like the skins, base or variation, that I've seen so it doesn't change anything for me.
  6. The images of the different variants show more than just color changes. Do you have access to niformation not provided to the rest of us, or perhaps just haven't looked at the images yourself?
  7. At launch one of my characters used a mortar, flamethrower, grenades, and autonomous turrets...with visuals/fashion to match. Another character, at launch, had matching machine pistols as part of his fashion statement and design. All of my characters, at launch, participated in story including tanks, helicopters, aircraft, submarines, artillery, and so on. They worked with characters designed around a ww1-ww2 aesthetic in the process. Cyberpunk fiction and fantasy have blended elements since the 80's with the advent of Shadowrun (and perhaps other source materials that I don't know). Again, I prefer a classic fantasy approach as well, but GW2 has never, not even for a minute, been a classic fantasy.
  8. Games are not letting people with disabilities down. Creating a product that some people cannot, will not, are less able to use is not letting those people down.
  9. I am not sure that GW2 was ever a, "classic fantasy." From launch there were submarines, aircraft, machine guns, artillery, flamethrowers, and more. I would have preferred a lower tech level myself, but that ship sailed before launch.
  10. My only issue with the idea of scaling story mode dungeons down is just how bad the implementation was for Arah.
  11. At the other end of the spectrum is the view that anything at all is better than, "Predator, Xiuquatl, The Shining Blade or Twilight....or Chuka and Chumpawat!"
  12. Sure there is. Getting them and decorating them is a time sink for some people. It is content for them and so prolongs play time, generates interest in other content (to enable decoration), and so on.
  13. And katana's are represented inaccurately (by real world standards), and medieval style armor's are represented inaccurately (by real world standards). It does not matter where the game, the individual artist, or whoever got the idea. They are using it in a fictional manner.
  14. My view of AP is based on the "achievements" they represent. Great, so you followed some dolyaks around in WvW, or killed some ambient creatures, perhaps you spent some time standing in LA and clicked a few buttons repeatedly to craft some armor with zero chance of failure. Yeah, that high AP score means so much. That isn't to say that there are not in game "Achievements" tied to tasks requiring skill, significant effort, and the like (many of them come with a title). However, much of anyone's AP score is going to be derived from mindless, no skill, low effort, repetitive chores not worth bragging about. I cannot remember the last time that I bragged about loading the dishwasher after dinner (+5 AP) 100 times.
  15. The nice thing is that you do not have to pre-purchase. No one will come to your house and threaten to kill your goldfish if you don't. Meanwhile others CAN pre-purchase if they so desire. Everyone gets to pay for the game when they want. Yay.
  16. A Gatling gun does not have to be huge. It is the design functionality that makes it a Gatling gun, not its size. So a rotating multi-barrel automatic firearm is a Gatling gun. That said, the original Gatling guns were too large for even two hands to wield, requiring a weapon mount to use. There are Gatling guns today that are far too large for any one person, or even several people to wield by hand. A rocket turret, which launches rockets, is by definition a rocket launcher...still I was referring to Aim-Assisted Rocket.
  17. There is a gatling gun skin for pistol and engineer already has a rocket launcher.
  18. I prefer a single main character, but over time have built a stable of alts that do not get as much love as that main.
  19. Apparently the server that we are paired with is very active oceanic time. During NA time frames we are consistently outnumbered.
  20. Not necessarily. I would be fine with the loss of outnumbered pips if I wasn't facing the outnumbered situation continuously.
  21. I get that, and appreciate your point, but it seems a bit off to actively remove rewards for underdog situations BEFORE attempting a system, if it actually gets implemented, to fix the matchmaking issues that create those underdog situations. I don't play WvW primarily for tangible rewards, but they are part of the experience. Actively making the game mode less rewarding for those that ANET has decided to push into vastly outnumbered situations, while increasing the rewards for those who outnumber us makes it feel as if ANet is trying to drive us away.
  22. Replacing the four bonus pips for being outnumbered with a permanent increase of two pips is a loss when the matchmaking system creates an situation where a server is ALWAYS outnumbered. Please reconsider this change as it is punitive for servers where playing WvW at all is an uphill experience. Increasing the rewards for those that outnumber us while decreasing our rewards is demoralizing.
  23. I got the candy corn gobbler a short while back. Being able to get WvW XP boosts for just a little silver has been great.
  24. More than nine years of WTF and a tea set is what throws you off?
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