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Blockhead Magee.3092

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Everything posted by Blockhead Magee.3092

  1. I like the people who are in a rush and are paying the market demand for lamps.
  2. The OP may be the first person I've ever come across who has never had a complaint about anything at any time. The rest of us have our first world problems to complain about.
  3. I'm with the OP. Jumping puzzles suck. I do them when what I want requires it, but (other than scarlet) its my least liked thing in the game.
  4. I can't do what other people have done so please change the game for me! Its all about me!! Oh, and kill all thieves - for me.
  5. I used to care about the story years ago, but the predictable tropes and over used plot devices turned the story meaningless. The good part of living story releases are that it provides a new map to explore and potentially some fun meta content.
  6. Its a shame that these time gates exist. It wasn't a good idea before and its not now. There is no benefit to the player base by making everyone jump though hoops based on a time frame. Collections - good stuff. Treasure hunts - more good stuff. Chaining those together - excellent stuff. Make people wait just because.....
  7. I knew it was just a gimmick to sell that boss thing in the store. Didn't change any of my play style for it. Good luck to those of you who keep plugging away at it.
  8. Swindlers Equilibrium and the new Weakening Strikes minor trait I think bring sword mh to a nice threshold and under quickness if someone is killable you should close them out before they get away. If you're capable of hunting down and killing all of those thieves, what exactly is your problem? Thieves have already been nerfed to the ground, if the class were eliminated however, what would be your new excuse to rage over a game mechanic that frustrates you? I'd be to busy partying about the demise of thief to be frustrated by anything!
  9. My hate for stealth remains as strong today as it was when GW2 was released. Thief has always been the most hated user of that hated skill. I cheer every nerf and continue to hunt and kill thieves whenever they rear their low down, dirty, evil face. Manta is: All thieves must die! Nerf them to the ground and eliminate the class. Aside from that, yeah, thief took a big hit and aren't as much of a threat as they used to be.
  10. No downed state - not a fan, but its a thing nowNo rally - would be a variation of the no downed state and worth doingCore professions only - not a chance, the effect on peoples gear and attributes would be a huge painNo mounts - all for it, won't happen5 lords per capture point - better that they just raise the hp pool of the existing lordsNo siege except for rams (or no siege no gates) - bad idea. No cannons? No oil? No motor? A lot of work to get those removed.Yak attack (all npcs everywhere become champ yaks) - might be interesting. It would greatly increase the importance of camps to keep those yaks rolling.Gates revenge (gates fight back vs player damage, not siege) - weird, but why not.Double heavy loot bag - a must. Best draw to get more bodies in to check out wvw.Healing reduced by 50%, no might - No, to much effect on gear and builds.Waypoint bonanza (keeps and towers get uncontestable permanent waypoints) - would bring the fights - might be fun.No tactivators - eh, probably wouldn't have much of an effect on drawing people in or how they play. Add, crazy emote day. During a blob battle (you know, the ktrainers) everyone randomly stops at the same time and dances. Some laugh, some rage and the fight goes on.
  11. I know it won't get removed, but I'd be happy if it was.
  12. Walked away a few seasons back and haven't returned. Doesn't sound like anything has changed.
  13. I'd like to see alliances finished and then Cantha. One is a probability and the other is a pipe dream =)
  14. Its good to know that they're still progressing on the plan and haven't abandoned it. That s the good news. The bad news, to me, is that it give the impression of being a year or more away. If true, that's a bummer.
  15. Not to worry, after your clan has been branded, I'll skewer that annoying plot device, kill the dragon and have a nice cup of tea.
  16. Its anecdotal but the results appear to show that most people like it the way it is. As do I (primarily a WvW player).
  17. Taimi is a plot device. Make her go away. Die, retire, go mute, whatever it takes.
  18. No no no no no. You want a mount? Make a golem or charr car and have at it.
  19. I concur that the message suppression system is set at to low a message count - regardless of putting up a tag.
  20. If I came back in some way, I wouldn't object. However, its come and gone and I was there. So from my point of view, I want new content. I'd also like to point out that there was some really bad stuff in S1 to go with some really stuff too. The worst offender was Scarlett - the less we have of that Mary Sue, the better.
  21. Anet can release these things however they want. The good thing is we can keep my money in our pockets until they turn back from this foolish method of releasing skins.
  22. Been calling it Steve as long as its been released. Sure, not everyone does, but its a name that fits IMO.
  23. The movement on the mounts is disjointed. I'm used to my charcater being able to stop and turn on a dime and the mounts do not. Its slightly nauseating riding them. We could certainly use more waypoints. Running on a mount or running on foot means were still running to get where the fun is. I do not find running to be fun at all. Those who do like to run can always do so, those who do not are not given the option. Otherwise, I'm enjoying the content and new maps.
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