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Everything posted by Eramonster.2718

  1. 1) Evade, reflect or simply walk out of the circle. It depends on group setup(?). If the healer can keep everyone alive and okay with it, its possible to just ignore it. But if its stressing the healer or running without one, its best to avoid taking any additonal damage. Comunicate with the team if unsure. Personally, I only pay attention to avoid the bombing pattern aoe, We Bleed Fire(x2), Afflicted with Mai and Veteran Grenadiers. Find the rest trivial. 2) Best to work in pairs. I find splitting 3-4 players left taking the first coin and 2nd along the way. While 1-2 player(s) go for the coin on right works well though might need a player to assist at the 2nd last junction if solo. 3) Probably won't see many ele(weavers etc) by pugging. Restrictive.
  2. Love the Asuran LFG :lol:. Would've joined and said "It's a small world".
  3. If the player can't give a proper reason or simply do it out of spite to ruin LFG, just block.
  4. Lengthy, long drawn out fight with open world's Bounty Board level of difficulties. 3 Bounty Champ(1 at a time) followed by the Boss. Minnions swarming in before every encounter. Not keen of this Strike. Fog surrounds the entire ring, there's no scenery together with repetitive music for entire fight (18-25mins) :frown:. Clunky with the ring locking out players temporarily when started. Confusing toggle and message when bazooka ran out of ammo. Bulky enemies, making their movement animation as if in slow motion :sleepy:. Rng rewards but mostly blues, greens and few rares.
  5. Well I dont disagree with what you suggest I just dont understand how that isnt giving strikes and players a strike level or rank of some sort and conditioning rewards to encourage experienced people to either play w less experienced people or do the specifically higher tier of the content, kind of ala fractals. Seems like it would allow what you suggest, which is not locking out new players while also still making it worth it for experienced players.The problem is not that easy to be solved by using rewards. Would've been solved, even for other scenarios and games if it is. Be it Raids, WvW etc. Even Fractals, a content with tiered difficulties and rewards, same issue exist. Strike is just another content facing the same issue. Can only conclude the problem is not Strike.
  6. It doesn't solve the problem OP is having except proving it can be done without KP/Li. But do get your points. There's nothing stopping OP from starting a group. If groups with requirement fills slower compared to groups without, there shouldn't be any significant difference to fill up. If afraid to lead due to afraid of failing the content, find a way to work it out, grasp what's missing or needs to be improved etc and place a lower requirement/standard for it to be done.
  7. More like the stats are not suitable for the task.
  8. Since ANET has said the point of the strike missions is to lead to raids....they need to keep up with that theme. The Cold War strike reminded me of the dragonbash holo instance. If they want to give us different flavor strikes that's good but always add raid mechanics MAYBE even from the current raid i.e. the Vale Guardian fight is the Shiverpeak boss etc etc. I played Cold War today and I guess they added new abilities because their ice powers are different and deadlier now (ice fields, ice reflects and blizzards).A mini patch? Felt the same for me though.
  9. Long compared to other Strike Missions, but not close to Forging Steel yet. Just stack to kill minnions and 3 champs(punch bags). Final boss is a massive reinforced punch bag. Boring overall. Entire strike is based on 1 timer(?). Which makes it success or failure, without worrying about gold/silver/bronze participation which makes it similar to raid which seems more appropriate.
  10. Think what maddoctor.2738 trying to say is the answers can change depending on the situation. And what OP wanted to know is players bad experiences with commanders.
  11. If your dps is low and the group succeeded it means you were carried by other players of the party/squad that did the necessary damage to succeed. Eventually, you will be in a group with players that can achieve the same numbers as you and the content will fail miserably meaning no enjoyment for everyone. So there is something that needs to be fixed if your dps is horrible, you can't really rely on others all time, your luck might run out. TPMN.1483 referred to low group DPS.That implies everyone did low DPS and noone carried anyone else.Unlikely there will be any conflict for a success. If there's one, I can only think of there's a conflict of interest/expectations (the group failed to achieve certain criteria. Eg. Gold/Silver/Bronze which usually doesn't matter/maybe certain events to nit-pick). Take this example. If the group succeeded, unlikely there will be any conflict or the group doesn't mind going with it. Teleport can be seen visually, DPS will be reflected as a result together with the number of times teleported. If teleport is the problem, try to minimize, keep it low (or better; not repeat it) and things will turn out fine.
  12. It's tricky to balance at this point imo based on how necro works. The difference between power vs condi. Condi needs time to build up, ticks and deal different damage (mostly on Burn and Torment-condition, Bleed and Poison are similar). Most of necro condi ticks for a long duration compared to other classes (other classes can burt/inflict multiple condi at a faster phase while necro are more constant for a longer duration, hence the benchmark will not be high). And in most cases, benchmark DPS in on a single target, not AoE.
  13. An accurate meter, even better with logs is preferred. It's much more difficult to quantify or judge something with lack of data. Eg. Player A & B shares the same class but one shows "green" while the other "white". But the group is capable of clearing the content with "white" not necessary "green". Leads to more questions, what if its just slightly below the benchmark to hit green or is it unacceptable for that encounter even though it can be done etc. It also requires the meter to calibrate for each setup, encounter etc. more work for vague results.(An example in game would be combat log. Messy with some data omitted, making it impossible to determine what happened at times :frown:.) Conclusion, a meter tool should be accurate and undisputed with data to function/be perfect. How the data/result is handled is up to individuals. (Is it truely a problem or impossible with it? Can it be done or improved; on it or as a whole? Etc.)
  14. Give Portal to Stealth profession classes :smile:.
  15. Need to be in the group then to comment but;What happened or what caused it?How did it start or triggered it?How did they know your stat and traits?
  16. It's still the same HP sponge boss for many, hardly any group moves the boss before the change. Just with the new changes, players need to kill 1-2-3 channeling kraits at 75%, 50%, 25% respectively. Inflicting "Vulnerable debuff" does speed things up. Pros and cons for having pets/minnions up during the encounter.
  17. The Jellyfish is now stationary after the changes in Aquatic Fractal. The boss will occasionally eat a player nearby in which affected player need to use Struggle to break free. The boss will be vulnerable(debuff) if successful, taking extra damage for a period. Do take note the boss can and will also eat nearby pets/minions instead of a player, not sure if its intended thus lose out a chance to inflict it with "vulnerable debuff".
  18. It happens, but extremely rare for CM/T4, but can be very common in T2/T3 while climbing personal fractal levels, unless there's changes (eg. When T.O, S.O, Sirens etc was first introduced, there are players dodging them). CM/T4/Recs are usually done in sets to avoid dailies to be missed out, unless stated otherwise in LFG.
  19. Need details. Did the player mentioned why he left? Was it before the run start or after a wipe etc. Was there a healer? most T2 PuG runs without healer. Anguised Tear of Alba only gives +10AR (+5 with mastery). Its possible to clear T2 with lower AR(yellow range, not recommended doing the reds) and to be low manned. Maybe just need some reassurance.
  20. @anduriell.6280Druid never gave any problem especially after the pet nerf (but do see Ancient Seeds a problem and unpredictable). Always go for the kill(pet too if possible asap) and never face your back to them triggering LOYF. Annoying yes but not deadly with the absence of boons. Don't come across Druid often in WvW, kinda assume it fail the test of time(can't thrive since players know how to counter them hard) or haven't met a player mastering it. There are alot of annoying to deadly build in WvW (immobilzing Deadeyes, CC Heralds, Knockdown Tempest etc). @KrHome.1920Can't do much if its latency (any higher than 180ms most melee skill wouldn't connect either).
  21. In order: 1) Healbrand - Boons.Hard to give up on this one :sunglasses:. 2) Renegade - Good utility support, alacrity, anti projectile and stability.Rare to see one in pugs but valuable. 3) Druid - Aoe heals, spirits and basic might + fury.Second best choice; literally :tongue:. 4) Scourge - To pull downed players off from Grasp to ress during Boneskinner.
  22. Did run a similar build or the general idea to play around immobilize. Its fun and good to kill bad and panicking players.All the build variant or at least the ones I've tried with this idea had problems. Mainly boons or vulnerable to CC.WvW - Tested it work for the first week. Noticed more players playing around the same idea. Experiencing players gaining more understanding and countering the build.PvP - 50-50 during the first week. Weak for high level game play.
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