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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. Yeah, no, that's not happening. Way too rich for my blood. To say I'm disappointed about this would be an understatement; I understand making money, but this truly seems like price gouging just because Jade Bots are relatively new. New and shiny=profit? I guess so. That said, I don't spend what I don't have and keep my money for something I actually want or need.
  2. *banjo twanging intensifies* On subject: I can see the appeal, but at the same time I feel they need to focus on some QoL changes(i.e. visual clutter, sputters with the DX11 thing, and that weird freaking character tilt) before they put in something that could break things worse. Although technically they could scale down Guild Halls, a fair counterpoint would be how they'd implement the allocation of land and space: would there be lots that lead to individual instances? Would it be a communal instance stemming to a smaller instance? As for the marriage thing, I have mixed feelings: I used to play Perfect World and my real-life husband and I got married in game, shortly following, my friend and his then girlfriend got married. Long story short, they broke up, things went to absolute kitten, and they both had to pay 100 gold fee for divorce. Then again, Perfect World is...not a good game to compare Guild Wars 2 to, it was the only parallel I could draw though.
  3. I think my very first was Runescape followed by Ragnarok Online, Perfect World, Mabinogi, WoW (briefly), Scarlet Blade, and finally Guild Wars 2.
  4. Here in Texas? Often. Especially in and near military bases.
  5. *Continues to hum marching tune* Another funny conversation is in Kessex Hill, near the mine. This guy tells his wife (jokingly) to get him a drink. And she was like: "Get it yourself, you toad." and then he laughed (somewhat nervously) and said that he loved her. I don't know why, but that got a giggle out of me. I think it's because it sounds like a conversation my husband and I would have. XD I think one of my favorites was between Snargle and Bonnie, mainly the "You don't have a process." said with so much venom and it just...doesn't go over his head, but it's akin to if Hide the Pain Harold was given a voice.
  6. Laranthir. He will always be one of my favorite characters. His calm, logical, demeanor is just incredibly sexy. Add to that he had a silky voice and yep. I do hope that he finds love and is happy; I imagine he's been having a hard time as of late. Really close behind is Rama: he's handsome, loyal, in kind of goofy in the best way. Plus I feel like he'd be the kind of person that would look down at the ground, scuffing his feet when he tries to tell someone he likes them.
  7. I know it's my problem, where did I say that it wasn't? Stop putting kittening words in my mouth, thanks.
  8. Everything struck through is what I would not do. Now to say why. Copying a build from a meta site is frustrating, especially if you don't have the dexterity or concentration to pull them off. I'm getting older, my reflexes are shot in part due to a seizure and possibly a small stroke; I have no desire to push myself into a full blown panic because I'm not following a meta and people are going to throw insults. Oh and I also have really bad anxiety. Go me. Testing my own build would require me to a) join a group/find a person to join and to be quite honest, I'm not that good at monitoring a bunch of numbers in an attempt to milk something that, in the long run, won't mean much. I consider it a win if the people I'm helping don't die/takes less damage/can deal better damage; as I said, running a meta build is not possible for me. I would actually not mind investing an hour of prep work if it would help other players to have a successful run; hell, I do it on strategy games all the times. (I realize that this is an MMORPG and most strategy games are single player, but I would be willing to take the time to plan things, including the mentality of other players.) Discord is negotiable, but I would prefer not to get on Discord because, well, bad anxiety and it can cause me to lock up and just perform like complete and utter kitten. Joining a group is about the same reason as above, but with the extra bonus (?) of having my stats ran through a DPS gambit and as I said before, it gives me bad anxiety and makes me perform emphatically worse. I don't want to be the person to sabotage other people. I actually don't mind following advice, provided it comes with the intent of helping as opposed to just blasting about how great they are. That's how I've improved over the years and there are still many years to come. Trying over and over again is...well...this is weird. Going into a battle expecting defeat kind of sets you up for failure. Going in with a "we may lose, but this might be the round that we're victorious" attitude does actually help. That's not to say that the people that are feeling frustrated aren't valid in their feelings; I completely understand. I am saying, though, that failure is always an option, but so is success. As for investing in different equipment, I'd only do that if a strategy remains valid/viable over time as opposed to a mayfly summer. I see no point in improving my gear if it will just change the next meta. Also, I'm poor. XD I actually do play a build like that on my FB, I focus on healing and increased boon duration. The only down-side is, is that the people that are around me are the only people that are receiving that kind of thing because...anxiety. As for LFG, well, anxiety+ things coming up=me not being very reliable and that would suck. Sorry for the wall of text.
  9. I have no desire to change your mind because you and your opinions mean nothing to me. What is with "change my mind" threads? Why waste time when it's clear you have no desire to have your mind changed. Also, why make yet another thread about this? At this point, we've accomplished meme status.
  10. This so much. I think this would be a huge QoL . I'm not photosensitive, but it doesn't change the fact that it can be very distracting.
  11. This whole thing makes me incredibly sad; people can agree to disagree but don't. People can get better without being told they suck or they're a hinderance: positive reinforcement is a thing. Now I'm not saying you should pamper them or sugar-coat things, I am saying that calling people trash or whatever doesn't improve the over-all morale. I'm actually pretty disappointed in some "veterans" that believe that they are better than others , thus we get people get with an ego that deep down doesn't seek improvement for others, only validation through virtue of years they played. I'm not calling out all "veterans", as there are a lot good people in game; in fact my mentor for my Mesmer was a veteran and I learned a great deal from them, they displayed empathy and patience and I will forever be in their debt (within reason, of course. XD) If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm beginning to think that I'm not wanted in game because I don't follow a meta that changes with every patch or with people that are either unable to or don't want to change. Don't misunderstand me, I love this game and I've been playing for six or so years, but I do tire of this constant barrage of negativity. I know that the answer is to not deal with the forum or Reddit, but it's hard because I've grown to care about a select few; maybe that is dumb and maybe I shouldn't, but I like to believe even the most jaded person can be a valuable asset to this game. If this doesn't make sense, I apologize: I had surgery today and I'm still loopy from it. XD
  12. Your forces are under attack. Ahem. Back on topic. I would like that option; it may give me the incentive to actually get it. Currently the siege turtle is of no use to me and I have no reason to do the meta for it.
  13. I cuss a lot and even I was kind of thrown for a loop. I don't think it was edgy, per se, I just thought it was a strange departure from the usual sanitized game I've gotten used to. I don't mind cussing, but I do see how it can be a bit disconcerting given the past story arcs. I did love the story, though.
  14. I mean saying that this game is in maintenance mode is ignorance, not doing research is incompetence. I will readily agree that Dragon's End has it's flaws, as does the META accompanying it. However, this expansion has not been out long and there will inevitably be bugs and some fine tuning needed. I've said it before and I'll say it again: There's a difference between constructive criticism (a good example is your post: you've made terrific points and presented a solution to said problems) and just flat out bashing: I.E people calling the developers lazy and basically stupid. I actually agree with giving credit where it's due and pointing out things that are wrong. I do believe they are trying to address the empty map problem. It really am just tired of this baseless bashing kitten.
  15. Incompetence and laziness is not grounds for making assumptions. It's one thing to make suggestions, it's another to endlessly bash the people that make this game possible. If it were me, I'd be like: "These ingrates do nothing but bash what I've worked hard on, so why should I listen to a thing they say?" Again, this is just me and this is exactly why I will never make an actual game. Maintenance mode? Please. This game is still very much alive. Just because you don't want to put forth the effort to do research, doesn't mean there is silence.
  16. It's freakin' happening. Not gonna lie, I feel really giddy. *hands out snacks and drink* As an aside, the colors are quite...blinding. Thankfully I won't have to look at it long. XD
  17. I shall relax and savor every minute. Drink in the sites, taste the NPCs, and probably get thrown into Rata Sum jail (again). In all seriousness, I will definitely take it slow; rushing things takes away their beauty.
  18. Not gonna lie, I'm getting a bit hyped. I think I have enough HP to make my Guardian into a Willbender, my favorite class to play. Also, I want to see Cantha; I hear it's quite a sight.
  19. My squad vs. Mordremoth: Crap, lava! Fly fly kittening flllllly. *Mordremoth casts sky sling, it's super effective!* Maybe a bit too high...Umm, wait, why can't I land? Why can't I breathe? What is space? ...It is the void, it's our new life. Corpses go brrrrrr. I still say my favorite glitch is floating underground. It's probably normal in a sense, but still funny. XD
  20. Braham struggles against the tubes and wires that constrain him. "Taimi! Was our whole friendship a lie?" he screams, his voice as effective as his struggling. Taimi doesn't offer a smile, she really doesn't offer anything for a few beats and then: "You are just a means to an end; resistance is futile" The lights dim around him as his mind slowly seeps into the inky void of obscurity; where all the NPCs go to die.
  21. Yeah, this is really annoying. It's like: Yes, I'm 1000% I want to delete this freakin' item! "plz type in stuff" Me: fadjfkjsdaasdjhfsjkasf The system: What? Me: Ugh. Never mind! *Meticulously types out Hall of Monuments Portal Stone for eternity.*
  22. Ugh, yeah. That was a dark time for Star Wars fans. My husband agreed that after watching it, it no longer exists within our timeline. XD Of course, being the nerd that he is, he plans to binge watch all of them. I may or may not be joining him. I can only take so much of Jar Jar Binks and Anakin Skykittenwalker before I want to chew off a random appendage. On topic! I wonder if the neon colors can be toned down with different color settings? I had been curious and re-tweaked the color scheme on my monitor, it was definitely different.
  23. That's fair. In all fairness, I'm equally skeptical of the raves: I don't have enough information one way or another to feel any sort of way. My main issue lies with the unfairness either way: for or against. It's still an unfounded judgement based on, for the most part, visual and inference. I have no issue with opinions, although it does seem that way and I apologize for that. I just get so frustrated when people judge one way or another without first experiencing it for themselves. I hope this makes sense, my brain sucks.
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