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Everything posted by Hashberry.4510

  1. Incentive hmmm, I know! I dunno we could have maybe a dungeon finder tool, with maybe a bonus for jaded old men to jump in and mix it up with the kids.
  2. Ya the mini game ruined it for me. Big dissapointment.
  3. I enjoy the elite specs more than most. The rest of the xpac is just there.
  4. Give them the speed boost when adjacent to a mounted player just like in WVW, it works great there.
  5. Someday, story telling as an art form instead of a bludgeon will be back in style. Buts its too late for Anet.
  6. All those krewe cheerfully taking crap from their betters like at the Megadestroyer.
  7. Horizontal progression is pretty well tapped out. At this stage all they can offer are scavenger and cheevo hunts.
  8. Its serendipitously a wonderful product that really was too good for this market, so all sorts of improbable things have occurred, starting with survival in the absolutely horrid for mmo launch year. So the creators made something amazing the market has not quite known what to do with, as the studio is kind of always stumbling upon greatness, kind of thrashing around with this OG amazing game. Hard to follow up really, they can’t add too much.
  9. OK serious here. Leggy as a prestige skin I could care less, I sell the mats. Even leggy QOL was only a minor draw. Not that the armory is a thing, its a major QOL and should have a pathway in the content we like, without being forced to play with people we don’t like.
  10. OK I checked the Seas Pavilion, yes it can be pretty bad there. I’m so used to the weird choices they make it feels normal!
  11. Perhaps post processing affects this? Mine is off I do not notice the issues you are having.
  12. It was wildly informative when the kittenizer was overtuned when this joint was new.
  13. With leggy stuff driving the economy it looks like an OW path will work well as another mat sink. We always need stuff to drain all the goodies they give us. Moar demand to suck up all this supply!
  14. I am an old time gamer. I always hated the social requirement for forming groups, negotiating with gatekeepers. LFD was the best kitten thing WoW ever added; we sorely need that here.
  15. After what they did with fishing its clear they have nothing creative to offer, just some boring variation on mounts (so overdone) with a dull cheevo hunt attached. I hope folks who enjoy housing get it though, good luck.
  16. I think targeting is deliberately borked because of thing like mesmer skills dropping target, etc. Bad reason for such a horrid approach imo, really a huge flaw.
  17. I would never tip an HP run comm they are parasites
  18. Its amazingly poor considering they trashed IBS in order to get on with this. What a reckless choice. A gamble like that needs a great follow through, something that Anet has never been good at.
  19. Shrug, these folks think they can have entertaining open world metas without the tiniest bit of organization. They will always be disappointed, except the lucky few who happened on a working map.
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