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Everything posted by Hashberry.4510

  1. I used viper armor and weapons with enough trailbazer trinkets to get the health up to 15k or so.
  2. I find the perceived story quality varies with my state of mind. Some days the story is everything wrong with mmo story telling, others its a lovely relaxing play through (though Braham and Taimi are always annoying).
  3. I would love if they just retuned the old metas so they are not so face roll. As it is the newer players have not seen any difficulty. They overstack and ignore mechanics then give themselves a hefty pat on the pack for being so stronk. Its a bit pathetic.
  4. Always entertaining when the chak pull down a skyscale that afk too low.
  5. Combat movement speed is where it is important, and (should) be a balance tradeoff. Mounts got nothing to do with it.
  6. These T shirts are kind of a joke play on tech geek style, aren’t they? I think they are supposed to kind of suck?
  7. Doesn’t Tequatyl take more damage on the head?
  8. In honor of bauble week: how about three stacks plus an ascended piece in the forge gives a flibbertigibbet or something.
  9. Ehh, you saved all that stuff in case you needed it; it was worthless otherwise. Now you don’t need it at all and its even more useless. Time to let go.
  10. If Legolam can melee with his bow, he can certainly shield slam you with a pointy quiver.
  11. I think this is why established instance players do not like group finders (they hate it in Wow as well). These players want everyone to use a system where they can pick and choose who plays, for a variety of reasons. I would rather not have my play gated by such people.
  12. If you had just kept all those Teq spoons in your inventory the epic drops would come out your ears (nods).
  13. Just add an auto group finder. Players can auto join any old group if they like while others can still make their own groups. Everybody wins.
  14. Other players are the most annoying mobs in the game, especially when gathering is involved.
  15. Ahh but it feels so good when you get that sweet purple shiny.
  16. Well the game is an elaborate (and fun!) scheme to expose folks to the gem store. I guess the wish list works against that.
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