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Hot Boy.7138

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Everything posted by Hot Boy.7138

  1. I don't agree because toughness is a stat and stats all come from the amulet you use. Vitality, I could have maybe seen your argument because classes do have different levels of health, but toughness is the same. It's true that warrior are hard to kill, but that's because of the traits they take to mitigate damage. And I'd say scrapper is the biggest example of that. Scrappers take such a tiny fraction of the damage I would do to a necromancer. But most, or every, class has ways to mitigate or avoid damage. I think anet has done a good job of making it pretty equal, but in different ways. There are some extremes that need to be looked at like DD thieves having unlimited dodge, scrappers having way too much damage mitigation, and necromancers seemingly not having enough. But for the most part, I like that defense/damage mitigation/evasion is fairly balanced, but in different ways.
  2. As someone said earlier, this build has always existed. As a mesmer running an off-meta build, sword thieves have ALWAYS given me a lot of trouble.
  3. i run berserker amulet and i don't run a one shot build and i don't consider myself falling into a noob trap. In this particular case, I don't think the issue is the amulet. The issue is being able to have so many attacks all hitting at the same time so that when you are removed from stealth from doing damage, it is at the same time the target goes down. Anet should apply a 0.1 sec cast time to mantras and make mirror blade on greatsword unblockable. And a MAJOR change i would make is to give mesmers the choice of having either stealth or clones, but not both at the same time.
  4. It's simple. Must toxic players. Let them play, but make the chat inaccessible to them. first offense, muted for 3 hours. Second offense, muted for 24 hours. 3rd offense, muted for a week. 4 offense, muted for a month. And if they go a period of time without being nasty to someone in chat, the penalty should reset. When i say mute, I mean no access to chat whatsoever. No whispers or guild chat or anything. But let them play.
  5. Hands down astalaria. I wish it were a series like the black lion weapons. Cause I wish i had an astralaria sword, greatsword, pistol, etc. Everything. Astalaria is amazing.
  6. It's not as easy to kill with the introduction of Mirage. They can easily reset the fight over and over again until you eventually get one shotted. I play a zerker mirage, and I can tell you that even with a berserker amulet I'm damn hard to kill. I made a post about it a long time ago. I proposed that anet should make mantras have a 0.1 sec cast time, so they can't be instant cast on top of other skills. And to remove the unblockable feature on greatsword 2. There is no skill involved in a one shot, especially a one shot from stealth. Skills are displayed in one's ability to counterplay. If you totally remove the chance of counter play, how is that skill. Anyone can memorize a burst combo. it shouldn't be so rewarding. Revs have a lot of burst, however it leaves you with room to win still by being a better player.
  7. the expansions phenomenally increased the fun factor for me. I've played since beta, and as long as anet released more xpacs in the future, i'll continue playing. If they decide no more xpacs, I won't invest any more in this game.
  8. For a future update, can you make it so traps do not begin recharging until triggered. It's a cheese that some builds can lay down traps that are literally the size of most conquest points, and lay them down again as soon as they are triggered because they already recharged.
  9. depends. what class is around that is trying to kill them, and what defensive CDs I have available at the time. It's not your fault if any of your teammates dies. There are so many factors at play on your screen and in your thought processes that your teammate would never be able to monitor. And the time it would take to explain your thoughts before you committed to any actions would be a loss. Just do your best, and whoever rages and blames you for anything, probably blames everyone else for everything and doesn't have a sense of self-accountability. pvp is dynamic, not static. everythign happens and changes on the fly. So just do what feels best in the moment.
  10. I have to agree with you completely. Giving one build access to all of this is broken and overwhelming to fight.
  11. I definitely still hate that permanent window. Hay um....Mr.Ben? Ummmm when can we hear an ETA or any news about Swiss release and automated tournys?At least a solid year in development now. Please keep this thread on topic
  12. Please read the portion of the post where he stated, and has repeatedly stated over and over again throughout the thread that he already has issues with his vision, and is asking for a way for it to be turned off or lessened due to those issues. Which is not a bad idea, at all. More Options is never bad. Perhaps they shouldnt use visual impairments in a game that has way to many visual problems already. There are less annoying and intrusive ways for the mechanic to work, and they should have done one of those. I agree, having more options is always a good thing. Giving those who want to turn it down is fair. People who don't want it turned down don't have to opt in. Options are always good.
  13. i haven't done the story yet, but i like what they're doing. it sounds more immersive. I hope they don't change it.
  14. Confusion is broken in it's implementation. People will try to justify its balance. What I do is when I fight a condi mesmer, i know their damage is usually front loaded so I will cleanse the first burst of confusion, and then i'll try to pressure them as much as I can. If it's a thief, I cleanse as often as I can cause their damage don't come in waves like mesmer. It comes steady.
  15. yet there is no issue with mesmers applying confusion and torment. Basically, not letting the enemy move or attack. How's that not crutch? Why you mad, bro? I don't play condi. I hate condi mirages too. The issue with confusion isn't with mesmer. The issue with confusion is in confusion itself. It shouldn't stack in intensity, it should behave like retaliation and stack in duration. Torment is fine as it is imo. But having the ability to load a player up with both confusion and torment at the same time is broken AF, and beyond a crutch. I'd say mesmer having stealth is a crutch. Mesmer having the ability to load a target up with both confusion and torment at the same time is broken.
  16. lmaoo I complain about retaliation all the time. It's such a crutch. Definitely how it feels to play mesmer.
  17. when POF launched, i advocated for infinite horizon to go baseline. It seems like it should be baseline. But after 2+ years with it, I still want it baseline for PvE. But I do not want it baseline for pvp. Where to draw the line? Even my sword spec that i swear is not OPed, would be OPed if it were baseline. Idk if Anet wants to drastically skill split for pve and pvp/wvw. But having infinite horizon be baseline in PvE would drastically improve all builds of mirage in pve. And replacing the traits with something else once in competitive modes.
  18. LoL yet you want to nerf/ delete a trait will affect all weapons/ playstyles even the active and high skillceiling power interrupt playstyle not overperforming at all? A playstyle/weapon you don't even see as an issue yourself? Yes makes sense. Shows how much you know and understand and thought about the class you complain about.Let's just stop there as the rest of the post above is simply a meaningless wall of text and accusational ............ (fill whatever wall of text you like to here). First of all, do you even know what Condi Mirage spec I'm talking about? If not, have a look here:https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/mesmer I'm sure, sooner or later, you will realise that Infinite Horizon is utilised by this build. Honestly, I don't care about what impact a nerf has on other specs. That's not for me to look into. You may post your suggestions freely and noone is stopping you. So will I. So what does IH even do? Well, straight from the WiKi: The sharing of Mirage Cloak Mirage Cloak forces all active clones (not phantasms) to use their respective Ambush skill since clones share your auto-attack skill. So, how does it impact Scepter? Well:Launch a barrage of chaos orbs at your foe, inflicting either confusion or torment each hit. Condition duration halved for clones. Looking at in isolation, you'd argue - so what? Well, couple this with Mirage's Mirage Cloak then. Every time you dodge you get a 2s window for:Launch a barrage of chaos orbs at your foe, inflicting either confusion or torment each hit. Condition duration halved for clones. With Speed of Sand, Blink and other escape mechanics, which Mesmers have access to due to good reasons and design choices, things get worse and out of control in terms of their potential to inflict stacks of conditions within a really short period of time. Coupled with that, there's tons of protection offered by Chaotic Dampening and Mirage Mantle. And if you manage to stack conditions on them, Arcane Thievery comes into play to EASILY transfer 3 conditions back, steal 3 boons - wait....and also slow the enemy down and give you quickness. All this at 1200 range and guess what, Unblockable too! Now if all fails, you still have signet of midnight to get a short stealth and blind up to 5 enemies. Well, take a stunbreak too - its all freebies, why not. Let's also add on top of this Duelist's Discipline to recharge pistol skills (25%) on interrupt (really easy to land) and give active illusions a 100% chance to cause bleeding. Evasive Mirror allows you to get 2s projectile reflects with every successful evasion. So, what is condi mirage doing?Landing conditions, avoiding physical damange, evading & reflecting and finally getting out of harm's with with minimal effort. Few seconds later, its back to rinse and repeat. Now, I'm going to leave Chaos Vortex up to your imagination! C'mon, let's get over this joke spec! Holy kitten i give up. So your only argument is that one build you complain about use that trait and that is reason enough for you to ask for nerfs to that trait, during that you even admit that you don't care what affects this will have on the class as a whole/ on other builds. You admit that you are not able to look at the bigger picture so you are able to see that nothing what you complain about actually is rly caused by IH itself, and that is is possible to nerf/ rework this build to your satisfaction without killing/ dumb down the whole spec/ other builds, that it is possible without even touching IH. As you say yourself, you simply don't care about the bigger picture. You are obviously biased. Case closed. It is fine when you personally don't care about an ICD because you barely use the trait but balance suggestions should not be based on if you use something or not. Following that logic i don't need to care for any Mesmer related stuff because as a multiclass player i can just play another class or i can be even more happy to be carried by Condimirage when it needs even less skill and not more. An ICD on a dodge trait makes no sense and also that got explained already several times not only by me. Feel free to search and read these posts explaining it if you are interested in understanding stuff outside of the traits you use and care about. Do you play other classes? Could you imagine to put an ICD on Engis or Warriors dodge trait and give it further requirements to work (like a Warrrior needs to have at least 2 adrenalin bars up or a Holo needs to be in overhead for the dmg trait to work?). How would it be possible to work with that trait active as a player? It is not active at all anymore, it would become even more passive because every active use is burried under an ICD every time the player needs to dodge for defensive purpose only or burried under further restrictions.. But i am already repeating myself. As said if you are interested you find at least my post easy in this thread explaining this step by step in the most easy way i am able to. I'm just not paid to care about traits that I don't use and things that don't affect me. I don't work for anet. I'm not on the balance team. That's just how it is. So yes, I don't care at all about nerfs to Infinite Horizon because I rarely use it, but I encounter it often in pvp from staff/scepter users. So if it gets an ICD, i think that's fair and the change won't do collateral damage to my build. But it would do collateral dmg to other builds not using staff or scepter but using IH. As said it is fine when you say you personally don't care because you don't use the trait, then Anet can just skip your post as not relevant for the discussion. Because that builds not use IH do not suffer when it even gets deleted is obvious. It is a difference than saying there is objectively no problem with ICD on IH in general, there is just no problem for ICD on IH on individuell builds NOT USING IH. But i look more on the bigger picture means looking at all possible builds and if they get more skillful or less when you have an ICD on IH. And the answer is clearly less skillful, less active with ICD on IH.All of my posts are relevant. Anet will decide for themselves what's important for their internal discussions, as they have always done.
  19. LoL yet you want to nerf/ delete a trait will affect all weapons/ playstyles even the active and high skillceiling power interrupt playstyle not overperforming at all? A playstyle/weapon you don't even see as an issue yourself? Yes makes sense. Shows how much you know and understand and thought about the class you complain about. That was exactly my point why nerfing IH is the wrong way, IH is an active and high skillceiling trait in general (as long as ambushes are well designed) the only things make Condimirage playstyle that passive are the ambushes and even NORMAL autoattacks from condi clones, which are wrong/ too passive designed. When you compare normal clone autoattacks from power weapons (=zero) to clone dmg from condi wepons (= an afk not dodging scepter Mirage killed me with 2 autospawning clones from Singet of Illusion before the Signet even created the 3. clone and that with only NORMAL autoattacks, not a single ambsuh) than you see where the problems start already. Mirage with autoattack based clone dmg only double the imbalance problem inbetween core clone power and condi dmg. When you ask for IH nerfs/deletion you will dumb down the spec instead making it more skillbased or more active. This and a lot of other points you have to consider when talking about how to balance Mirage. I explained them all very detailed and that for good reasons already several times. That is why just complaining and hoping 100000 other complains about the same wrong things without a single argument will make a wrong claim right (will make enough presure to force Anet into another bad balance change dumbing down the game because listen to gold and below players who don't even have a single argument and can't explain their random opinions at all) is a bad way. And when you rly would care about a skillful game balance you would not act like you do. But you just biased want stuff to get nerfed because you can't deal with it and without rly knowing/ understanding anything about the class and game mechanics behind the problems. Wrong, in particular when you ask for such drastic changes (and to your own goal contradicting changes, lol thats the best, you shoot yourself in the foot, in case your goal rly is a more skillful and active mesmer class and not just a dead class) then you cannot go the easy and uneducated way of trying to join the masses hoping you get your will without the need to understand and explain what you are asking for. Only ppl do not rly care about what happens with a class they hate and only want to see it more or less deleted from the game act like you. It is not constructive at all and just shows why it is not a good idea to ask ppl with low skill and low knowledge of game-/ class mechanics. If you want to put all your hope into Anet devs then don't open your mouth at all. But if you want to make balance suggestions (or more just complains in your case) then do us all a favor and make them with brain and explain why you think what you think (or l2live with the fact that no one with more than 1 braincell left can take you serious). What you do is Janus-faced. You also don't look at a bigger picture, quite the opposite: You look at a very narrowed and for that distorted and shortviewed picture and it makes me feel that you just try to hide that you don't have the class knowledge to understand and explain your own opinions (thats why you still refuse to explain). You just run with the equally clueless masses (i have to assume that because not a single IH-complainer could explain to me until now why IH is the problem and why all my arguments are wrong) and hope to get what you want without having a single argument yourself.All what happend until now in the whole forum is ppl repeating "IH is the issue" like a broken record without even understanding what they are asking for. That is how it looks and you (all) will never be able to change that impression without starting to use arguments and explain your balance suggestions/ thoughts. Even my 5 years old brother already can understand what it means to constructive diskuss instead stamp his feed and whine and claim. Also he already understood that the first way is more succesful and that the second way can even hurt/ contradict his own goals. This was rly the last time i directly react to you. If you do not change i am done. You can do what you want ofc but i will then just ignore you and that with good reasons! Time to grow up! For the record, I do think his proposed ICD on infinite horizon is fair. 20 sec may be too long, but it's not a bad idea. And that wouldn't affect me honestly since I actually run the Dune Cloak 99.99% of the time. the other 0.01% of the time I may use infinite horizon or Elusive Mind if i'm in a 1v1 tourney.
  20. because you mention sword builds, i just wanted to point out that it's not random ambushes and dodges. I run sword only and have always since launch, i can tell you that it's true that sword mirage are great at interrupts. But interrupts take keen eyes, planning, timing, and balancing that between when you actually want to avoid damage and when you think it's more important to get that interrupt off. So i do think staff mirage, and to an extent scepter is a problem. I don't see other weapons as being problematic. For one, sword clones all run into melee before attack, thus dying before they really do anything. And two, I don't want my playstyle affected because of condi staff users.
  21. mesmer, no competition. Who teleports and clones, plus DUAL SWORDS! i'm sold
  22. It's obvious why anyone would want it nerfed. the Devs have already stated they think it should be nerfed too. I personally think it's okay because it is an elite, and elites should feel powerful.
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