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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. most ppl dont even know theres a dps meter called arc dps.. and most ppl stick with their first created character and not willing to use diff class diff build based on situation.. raiders and fractal ppl adapt for efficiency... can't say the same for everyone I guess... maybe its how an mmo is and always will be.... but one thing is certain, raiders or not, efficient build or not, its the motivated ppl and those who wholeheartedly participate and give it their best makes these kinda events a success. coz they find ways to improve themselves either by build, gears, playstyle and participation and awareness and being present in the moment
  2. The rewards are nice imo. I havent spent much ub magic and lws3 currencies to unlock the unique map specific resource nodes before... Now that they giveaway lots of currenccies, I can spend 11k ub magic without any worries and it always get replenished on next lw spotlight week after I spent them.
  3. boss 4 and 5 mean different things to different ppl.. they both are not that hard but when a meele reaper looks at boss5, he will definitely think its super easy due to cleave radius and spin 2 win. but when a rifle deadeye looks at boss 5, he knows hes a dead meat. and boss 4 needs to be bursted down quick else itll fill up large part of the patform with black aoe and unwary players would never notice never know what killed them and also the occasional proximity mines that move towards you when encountering boss4.. if u run berserker build, the moving proximity mines take a huge chunk of your health unless u dodge nicely. overall, all bosses are not that hard... it'll take atmost 2 tries each boss for most casual players to get accustomed to the boss fights
  4. oops just now noticed.. thers a sword too from the collection.. Whisperblade it looks similar to the one she was using.. maybe the same thing.. anet thanks..
  5. No.. it isn't the Queen's sword.. the one u linked is a greatsword... when u noticed the sword on her hand during "meeting of ministers" its totally different than the one you mentioned... the gs u linked is a translucent rusty iron greatsword... but the one queen holds is more like an illusion.. like how mesmer clones are... her sword is also a clone.. totally different
  6. seems you arent enjoying the colors in its full glory.. if u consider white as grey, i think u've set the color temperature to warm instead of cool.. either that.. or... u use nightlight feature in windows
  7. totally forgot such setting exists in options.. mb.... thanks for pointing it out.... but then again I already set it to high without even knowing i did that and for some weird reason the blur hasn't happened until now and neither does it even now... sad
  8. I would like mystic clovers as one of the options to choose from the chest as these return to lws encourages legendary armory, and giving out legy amulet and stuff... and also skin collectors need not feel demotivated since they arent giving out all the skins.. they just give 4 skins out of 14, I guess? and they are only gonna do it for like 2 more sets... anet just planned to sacrifice 4 skins from a total of 4 skin collection sets at maximum 16 skins over a period of what 3 months? and nothing more and most ppl choose coins anyway coz the skins arent that awesome(not saying theyre not cool. I'm grateful for their decision to promote lws and increase player influx) except a few in the pact weapon skins collection set.
  9. We are in the right spotlight week with story around DR, krytans and "her majesty Queen Jennah" 🥴 Since we can retrieve Queen's slippers from that thieving lil rascal mushroom its only fair that anet make some arrangements to get Queen Jennah's Sword that she uses on the story step "Meeting of Ministers"
  10. Whaaaaat? There was a motion blur on raptor? I'd love some motion blur on raptor and while using nitro boost on beetle and Griffon dive... Any option to enable motion blur on these stuff?
  11. Maybe they fixed the boss to scale properly since we can't expect every event participant to take the event seriously and most ppl just stand and watch occasionally tag monsters. if boss has too much tough and vitality, maybe the event would be boring like how they made the crack in the ice, brahm Rox elite svanir fight and elite spider fight
  12. Are they? I didn't know that. Both boss has some one shot mechanics... Stunbreaks can save you like 10% of times other times you just die If you get knocked back into a teq finger poison aoe , u die in 1.5 secs or less. If you get slapped by gerent into its blue expanding donut, u die gerent often places a blue donut under it sneakily when the area covered by player skills flashing and light effects and fireworks all around, it kills most players If debris fall on you when gerent does its rampage ground slamming, you die unless you use some toughness gear but using a toughness gear reduces damage output and others have to compensate for your reduced damage since the event gets scaled by your presence... Gerent charge attack will take 50% of your hp Teq often surrounds itself with poison aoe and some slow damaging aoe and sometimes suck you underground if not careful. Both boss events have chance of failure if ppl didn't participate enough ... Enough mushrooms not stomped, 6 ppl handling turret doesn't use skill 2 off cooldown and was trolling
  13. Arctic quaggans are the cutest... The blue things that run around are not quaggans but some kinda cross hybrid between jellyfish and Krait 🤭. Yuck. And as much as I like Arctic quaggans, I wouldn't even dream of having a quaggan as a playing character... Maybe you can ask for quaggan combat transformation tonic or something... Or you can ask for guild missions where you can transform into quaggan and quaggan specific skills to navigate a puzzle or something.
  14. But I salvaged most of my ascended gears already... Like 40 - 50 maybe if they include recipes for ball of dark energy and glob of dark matter to get clovers, coins, it'll be nice😌
  15. Sry for necroing this thread.... But I couldn't hold my joy after a rare drop... can confirm... got an Invisible Boot Box today in Tangle depths Treasure mushroom just after the Chak gerent meta. so they still do drop after all.. it happened when i least expected it 😋
  16. How would a follower or a friend know in which part of the map youre in? A map might be as big as mount maelstrom... How would a friend find you if you both are not in the same guild? And actively representing the guild.... And one more thing I experienced from gw2... seems noone experienced it before. Someone out of the blue whispered me some bad words and it seemed they blocked me as soon as they completed their whisper... I tried asking who they are and what have I done to them to deserve such praise from them😒, but the chat system responded me that the person is offline... Then I tried mail, then the system informed that they blocked me. Then I asked in map chat mentioning that person's name but it seems they were never on that map to begin with... Is it even possible? Maybe I joined a squad and said something in squad chat and left the map after the event completion... They got the name from chat for the whisper or it could be the stalking you guys are talking about... Idk so weird... So is it possible to block and follow a person? 🤣😂
  17. Everytime I read a post about lore related to legy item it makes me sad... My existing Exordium legy weapon didn't show the lore popup after legy armory released 😢 😫😭... Why anet? Why? Did I not deserve my Exordium? 😭. Same goes for my kudzu, adinfini,aurora,vision,legyarmorsets... So sad... Feels as if my legy don't like to be with me😭
  18. so 7 pulses mean, 7 times the power damage mentioned in the skill and 7 stacks of tormment mentioned in the skill ? just making sure after gearing the character.. it says desert shroud: (x7) 1820 dmg.. does this mean 1820 * 7 ? ie for every pulse it does 1820 dmg? thanks for clarifying the difference..
  19. Hope some other necromancer Expert in forum can clarify this for me 🥺
  20. thank you so much... now another question that is based on the first question... the optimal build for scourge in snowcrows use only one punishment skill.. and with teh trait, it is available only after 20 secs... the trait applies 2500 burn for ~ 6 secs but if we choose harbinger shroud trait instead, it applies ~14k torment for 16 secs on a 17 sec cd skill ie f5.... snowcrows suggest sadistic searing instead of harbinger shroud... so... im confused.... harbing shroud is better right? or am i missing something? or the alacrity buff from others reduce punisment skill cd but alacrity doesnt reduce cd on f5 skill ? or the normal deser shroud pulses 7 times and repeats the 2k torment over 16 secs x times 7? ie ~ 14k torment(improved by bursting sigils) over 112 secs once the normal desert shroud completes its pulses?(does the pulse work that way? or.. idk) clarify plizzzzz 🤯
  21. according to the description in trait it says the trait doesn't have icd my question is... will it cause burn on manifest shade casted after using punishment skill? or for every manifest sand shade? if it procs burning for every manifest sand shade, why the description says "next manifest sand shade" instead of "every manifest sand shade"? or.. it doesnt proc burn for every shade? any necro expert? clarify this for me plizzz
  22. When I noticed... The bar went up and then after it got refreshed in 2 mins, the bar went down... Does this mean for every failed event, bar goes up? So even if 10 groups got successful kill and 11 groups failed, will the bar stay the same? And one more thing... Does the bar reflect the public instance success rate or both private and public?
  23. So I kept asking myself , maybe I'm not looking at it the way a normal player would... Then I thought of joining all welcome groups in lfg for the marionette event these groups never ask any kind of kp or li or anything you don't need to have it at all... When I joined, the squad was at 20 ppl and it gradually filled up... The subgroups were unlocked and we were told we can choose our own subgroups... Most ppl didn't know how to choose their own subgroups at all... So I thought this is the kind of players that would be deemed normal.... No one was kicked out of the group for any silly reason whatsoever... Then comm explained stuff about subgrouping and still a few ppl didn't move to/from the subgroups... It took a while and then we were all set... No one have us food or util... Comm had some copy pasta to instruct players how to do various bosses and what to do and prepare for lanes ... We spread into lanes and commie used the minimap pings and minimap drawing to instruct players and some squad chat... No platforms failed... Only strategy we followed was, when it was time for the warden 5 to show up, ppl from lane1 all went to lane 5 and joined with them in platform... And the aether cannon didn't even reach 25% ... We got a kill and so I thought this was pure luck or maybe it has something to do with the strategy we employed to minimize failure... After the run, 20 ppl left after completing their daily rewards... And I thought ok.. experienced ppl left and we will fail this time .... But once again after sorting groups, we jumped into the fray... We got one more kill and I became a bit restless how could we get a kill with fresh players in squad even if they're not synchronised with the squad? So I doubted if this was indeed a random squad and not composed of a guild full of players to deal with difficult platforms ie lane 4 and lane 5 also lane 3 to be sure... I checked everyone's guild who are assigned to lane 3,4, and 5... They're not at all from the same guild maybe a few from same guild... But not more than 3 ppl are from same guild so everyone on their own... We ran 5 times and we got 5 kills. I don't even remember the commander's name but everyone was grateful for the commander. Now I decided to join another private squad this time with 100li requirement... However this squad didn't know about any strategy or anything... They all thought since everyone's a raider , they'll take care of themselves and no need to help anyone and we didn't employ the strategy to go help the lane 5 at last phase... I did notice a few ppl go downstate but they were soon revived and ppl were talking about using the inspire skill it's obvious that ppl adapted themselves to the event ... Then we improved upon the run with discussing with commie and we helped lane5 on the next marionette runs... And we did 3 tries and got 3 kills... I won't say the run was perfect coz a few ppl went to wrong lanes and commie had to call them out in chat and send them to their respective lanes and few hiccups with ppl going down and rallying... But we got 100% success rate even though squad got new ppl during each run Now.... The way i see it, the actual players who do play the game have adapted themselves and devised nice strategies to finish the event successfully ... While the forum warriors in this forum not at all playing the game but just post some wild assumptions that ppl would leave the game if marionette was tough... And I stayed in gw2 coz gw2 was a babbybottle else I would've left already.... marionette wasn't the only event available to gw2 players... C'mon... U expect us to believe that? Triple trouble was a thing before all this... And it happens every 4 hrs ithink in event timer and rewards are far better than marionette and drop chance for ascended and we can't repeat the event as we wish and we have to wait for 4 hrs for the next one... if a new player tried to join an unorganised tt event and most often ppl lfg for it but are not organized like the TTT group and when not organized, the even will fail often... And new player would not have an idea of the TTT guild and it's timings and most definitely they would experience tooo many failed wurm events... So what your saying is, they'd leave gw2 right away? Funny. TLDR: Conclusion : ppl have started adapting themselves to marionette... Whether you like it or not... At this point only one question remains... Even though the event is fun, ppl won't have the right motivation to do this event everyday without any proper rewards like an infusion or some form of rare drop... My only request to anet is to improve rewards in this event for private instance and as some ppl mentioned keep the public instance permanent... And hope this decision by anet increase raid playerbase and increase player influx
  24. idk what went wrong with these ppl... dont u guys find doing triple trouble event a bit different and fun and engaging? and this event is not that much demanding in terms of coordination when compared to triple trouble.... and kills are possible as u are well aware of it.... and it just need 50 ppl .. whereas TT 3 squad tags 150 ppl and more anyone can screwup the total event by either killing the abomination at wrong time and trigger the cobalt gunpowder reset timer at wrong time or.. fillup the 3rd phytotoxin extractor without being in sync with the other squads... and yet.. here we are complaining and trying our best to prevent anet from making some fun content like this and content that might help improve ppl to get ready for next level content in gw2... Am I looking at it the wrong perspective or u guys just outright reject it? or am I rejecting it?if i am rejecting something, what is it? 🤔🥴
  25. are u sure? by the influx of new ppl into the game, I would doubt your argument.... My guild filled up to the brim from 120 members to 491 members in the past 2 months give or take... and the new players are interested to do fractals everyday pinging in guild chat to join them in doing fractals and all they talk about is how to close gap with the rest of us and how long will it take to complete stories and how long will it take to full gear ascended and when to sstart legy armor, weapons... and stuff... if those new players are motivated to get right gear and enjoy all form of content in guild wars2 why not the returning players who already own most gear and stuff.. and existing pvprs who grind teq, TT and occasionally do fractals and wouldve geared some characters already? or Am i overly optimistic? and ure overly pessimistic? what will happen if we keep on asking anet to give baby bottles ? would the future gw2 players all would get a fixed mindset that anything thats more than skill#1 shd be deemed unworthy? I believe its a right time anet try to introduce ppl to new and lil bit of hard content to get them ready for indulging in all kind of content gw2 has in store for them pls dont try to push the future gw2 players and current ones backward and stagnant.. let them take their baby steps and let them one day experience the joy of running a 100m dash by themselves and get the excitement and rush of the moment... Ive seen hard to play single player games than gw2 and still those games are popular and ppl try to improve themselves rather than outright give up without a fight.... The fair point u can make here is anet shd give us time for the players who need to train for this new next step... ask for extended one month or make the public event permanent.. that's a good and valid suggestion and that is the first step if ppl are willing to improve themselves rather than grind the same old rice flour rather than make a sweet bean bun from it
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