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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. They are too easy with people running good builds and/or kiting them into the oil. They are too hard for other situations. It's hard to balance to that happy medium.
  2. See also: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting(a later thread opened on the same topic)
  3. Still, that's helpful, in that it at least suggests an additional per-chest cooldown, as some are theorizing.
  4. There's a similar discussion taking place on Reddit. There's no consensus about the details and very few doing any sort of testing in the form that @"Manasa Devi.7958" described above. However, a combination theories seems to explain the symptoms, including the idea that there are multiple cooldowns/time-gates involved: The 10-day cycle, in which we can only open each chest once until Dive Master is completed.A further 3-7 day cool off for each chest, in which any specific chest cannot be opened.Possible other forms for "diminished returns", such as character limitations or 'flooding', i.e. attempting to open a chest without a key or too many times per cycle increases the length of the cooldown.Some people not realizing that there's a channeling time now for opening the chest (generally, there are plenty of things that will interrupt it).Misleading animation, e.g. whether the chest "looks open" might be unrelated.All of the above could be true and it could also be bugged. But if it's bugged, it's inconsistent: not everyone seems to be affected.
  5. There's no reason to expect that using an AC should be a no-risk proposition. Proper defense, like proper offense, uses a combination of tools.
  6. You are wrong. The bounty did not spawn on the first map, just like Ellutherius (about three weeks ago) did not spawn on one map instance in 5 hours, when the squad finally found a new map instance to play on.On the contrary, when the map first launched, the spawning of Shamshir on the bounty boards was completely suppressed — that's the issue that was fixed. You misunderstood: I did not say the ambush mechanic was bugged, I asked to have it removed, because the bounty spawns are bugged at times, and this ambush nonsense then only adds to the squad's frustration.This thread is in the bug forum. If you want to ask for a feature change, separate it out into its own post instead of piggy-backing on a distinct and unrelated issues. (The fact that both things frustrates you does not make them related; it just makes them frustrating.)
  7. First, the issue raised by the OP in December has since been fixed. Lady Shamshir shows up as a bounty about as often as any other. Second, the ambush mechanic is not bugged, although of course it's annoying if you're just trying to complete the achievement. But that's a matter of preference, not of bugs (and there are other threads dealing with that). RNG is RNG and there's no guarantee that you're going to get a bounty no matter how many ambushes show up (it's just unlikely to suffer it more than a couple of times).
  8. Here's a list illustrating that this is (a) confusing & (b) frequent enough to warrant a change. This doesn't cover all the times someone has been scared enough to post that that think they lost their rewards — it's just the ones I managed to find quickly. Previous Reports, Current ForumsMay 2018 and hereApril 2018November 2017October 2017Previous Reports, Forum ArchivesJuly 2015 & July 2015june 2017Previous Reports, Reddit2015may 2016june 2016july 2017oct 2017oct 2017
  9. tl;dr it's time to update Scholar Aiti's message regarding GWaMM and HoM. It no longer fits the likely circumstance which generates the mail. This proposal does not suggest a change in mechanics, only a change in the wording of the automated email (and its relevant translations). Background, in Brief: Currently, any time GW2 & GW1 servers have trouble communicating, the game revokes GW1 titles/achievements (GWaMM and Hall of Monuments) and Scholar Aiti sends a message explaining what happened. The email made sense originally, when the vast majority of people affected were those who hadn't earned those points (but had them in GW2 due to a bug). These days, it's more likely that those receiving the email have earned the titles/points and the situation is an accident of the new mechanic (which requires GW2 to validate those titles/points periodically). The goal is to ensure that no one who properly earned titles/points thinks the game is saying they didn't. And to (hopefully) let folks know the situation is both temporary and will fix itself. Proposed, New Text: I propose that AiTi's memo be updated to something like the following: Original Message
  10. You've tried both shutting off Focus Assist and (if that didn't do the trick) turning it on for priority updates only (and then specifying zero apps for priority)? Another article suggested turning off the automatic rule for gaming (whether or not Focus Assist was on for anything else). Here's more on the topic:https://news.softpedia.com/news/how-to-fix-slow-alt-plus-tab-when-playing-games-on-windows-10-april-2018-update-520927.shtml Another article suggested tweaking notifications. Settings → System → Notifications & actions. Other articles have suggested rolling back video card drives. For what it's worth, here's an article with a list of common issues and their solutions:https://www.ghacks.net/2018/05/01/all-the-issues-of-windows-10-version-1803-you-may-run-into/
  11. There's a new feature called, "Focus Assist" which can be adjusted to bother you less.Settings → System → Focus Assist On the internet, people have been suggesting that you turn it off... and that seems to help most people. I've instead turned it on and specified: "only bug me for priority updates" and then removed every program from the priority list. So far, I don't even get bothered by update notifications.Recommendation: try disabling it first (since that's easiest); if it doesn't, try my suggestion. Technically, it's not really a new "feature" — we just never had any control over it in previous versions of Windows. So it's better now, because you can make very detailed choices about what sort of notifications will steal "focus" from your current window. However, the default settings are too liberal for a lot of people's tastes.
  12. That's incorrect. As @TheNecrosanct.4028 says, you have to drop down a level in the world map (lower right portion of the screen, or use keyboard shortcuts). The only problem is that map sometimes (often?) doesn't center properly on the link, so you sometimes have to manually drag it.(Just tested; the waypoints work just fine)
  13. (1) reply to the second ticket and ask for it to be closed — otherwise you just slowed down the response time to your own ticket(2) in the best of times, support asks for 3 days to help with most tickets; you didn't wait even that long(3) this isn't the best of times; there's a backlog (sometimes as long as 10 days, according to one of the team leads on Reddit) This isn't how I would choose to handle an unexpected slow down (whether to loss of personnel or increase in tickets or whatever). But then again, I don't work at ANet so I don't know any of the specific factors with which they are dealing, only the generics that plague every support team. tl;dr be patient, even if that's hard to do.and hope that ANet doesn't let such a long delay occur again
  14. The forums used to include a "hey, what happened to my ticket?" thread, but... people abused it. Instead of asking just about overdue tickets, people were using it to jump the queue, escalate, appeal decisions, and so on. It became unrealistic for ANet to have someone read through all the chaff. For now, your husband can reply to the email he received and ask for an update. Otherwise, wait patiently (I know that's not very useful advice, but that's all that's on the table for now). Don't, I repeat, do not create a new ticket. That slows things down — they have to merge the old ticket into the new one, which (a) puts it at the end of the queue with other 'new' tickets and (b) means someone has to read & compare details in both tickets. (And apparently, it turns out, a lot of people post contradictory details.) tl;dr 10 days is extra long compared to normal, but apparently happening these days. Wait patiently, don't create a new ticket, and, you can ask for an update (although it probably won't result in faster service).
  15. Other arbitrary goals include trying to obtain Fractal God by fractal farming 16 hours/day, obtaining every legendary weapon in a month, and so on. It's a goal, sure, but it's not something with each any of us mortals need to concern ourselves. Again, imagine whether the game would be any different for anyone if ANet only allowed the vendor to combine up to Swim+15 or Swim+20.
  16. Regardless of a minor mistake in the OP's assumptions, the Swim+30 infusion is a complete arbitrary & unnecessary goal. The OP could, if they wanted, try to craft a +30 Agony Infusion. It would require half a million AR+1 and end up being worth over 14 million gold all told. It would be useful, since AR contributes to stats when used with fractal potions, but no one considers doing it seriously because the benefits aren't worth the costs. Similarly, there's no reason to craft a Swim+30 infusion, so the high costs mentioned by the OP are just as meaningless. It's an arbitrary stopping place; ANet could just as well have had the vendor offer to make up to Swim+25 or Swim+35.
  17. This is one of those situations in which the problem is outside the purview of the support teams. Something is happening between when you setup the payment with PayPal and before it gets to ANet. It's none of the usual suspects, because, if it were, the people answering your ticket would have addressed the issue already. I'd guess that the issue is that DigitalRiver is expecting data in form xyz, and PayPal is sending it as yzx, or something like that, but ... well doesn't matter what any of us think. What you want is for someone at PayPal to get on the phone with someone at DigitalRiver to find out if the issue is happening before or after DR processes the payment. So request PayPal to escalate the ticket and phrase it something like, "I'd like to find out where the issue is occurring. Can you confirm with DigitalRiver that they have sent a request to PayPal and that they are getting confirmation of sufficient funds?" It shouldn't be your job to get the companies to talk to each other, but if you want to see things resolved, you'll probably need to help them make it happen. Good luck.
  18. It seems unlikely to me that ANet is going to undercut the value of these luxury items because some people think the market value is too high. The Mistlock Sanctuary offers all of the same features (albeit less convenient) for 1000 gems, when it's available.
  19. If you read more thoughtfully, you'd see I'm pointing out how assumptions about cost and benefit that undermine your own proposal. If you want the game to grow, maybe you should put more time in understanding ANet's point of view, so you can address their goals and concerns better.
  20. And my point is that it won't be a realistic live platform because very few people will decide to "test" if it means they don't get pips. And if there are enough people testing, then it will disrupt traditional WvW by removing people from the borderlands. (I'm more interested in what might actually happen than what ANet might have intended four years ago.) The devs can also incentivize this “testing”, and even incentivize participating in voting. The “test” can run a few weeks, or the month, so players can take part on their time.You just described how not to test something: change it so it's nothing like how it usually is. Either way, why not cut out the middleman and do as they are doing now: experiment in traditional WvW? Regardless, I don't think you & I are going to agree on this. I'll leave it to ANet to break the tie.
  21. And my point is that it won't be a realistic live platform because very few people will decide to "test" if it means they don't get pips. And if there are enough people testing, then it will disrupt traditional WvW by removing people from the borderlands. (I'm more interested in what might actually happen than what ANet might have intended four years ago.)
  22. Some nitpicking about the stated examples: To make up for the knitting, some additional examples: Lake Doric: two POI cannot be easily reached without clever play or a zerg. (One is exceptionally difficult to reach without stealth or mounts or help.)Lake Doric & Ember Bay: many of the hearts are exceptionally tedious to complete, unless you participate in a nearby event chain. This isn't exactly the same as the OP's concern in Istan, but it almost certainly puts off more people. It's another example of ANet making a design choice that a big chunk of people find boring, rather than challenging.
  23. If you approached fractals or raids or even open world with the same "I wouldn't be here except for my legendary goal" attitude, how many fractal vets or raid vets or open world vets would reach out to help? I'm not criticizing you at all for wanting to avoid WvW (I felt the same when GW2 launched). It's unsurprising that people didn't stop what they were doing to help people who didn't seem to want to be there.
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