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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. That was the weirdness though: how would I go from 0-25 stacks of vuln instantly out of a stealth? And where would they get 25 on their own? They literally popped out of stealth and did this from thin air, no prior encounter. i'm way too lazy to run the numbers but i've played full zerk deadeye the past week and mug deals around 1k damage that can't crit and i hit a ranger for more than 10k with dj once. mesmer:5-8 stacks vuln from stun (8 if they rupt)12 stacks vuln from power spike on stun12 stacks might from mantra chanel+50% shatter damage on cc+15% crit damage on cc+8.5% damage vuln trait (17 stacks x 0.5%)+sigils and runes pre feb patch you could literally oneshot every single class except ranger with shatter mesmer. 4.5k crits sounds about right after the global damage nerf. spec can't do that anymore because power spike damage and scaling sucks now. wronggs2 also gives might/vulnerability, crit damage on CC ( dueling ) is baseline 15%, extra 10% on CC/under 50%, so its 25% total.50% shatter dmg on cc, im assuming you mean mental anguish? its 50% in pve, in pvp its 10%/20% ( 20% when controlled )Pre feb, core 1shot couldnt reliably 1shot most classes, thief had passive, holo had passive, rev had too much hp, warrior had too much hp ( usually left with 5-15% hp, but rng rolls could actually kill occasionally )It was mostly about 1shoting people that are under 80% hp, or 1shoting weavers since suprise 1shot mes was like the only thing that could get them, oh and usual necro bullying. EDITI just remember that rangers had passive that made pet take the stun instead of ranger, so that didnt work either, also I think you also were getting vulnerability,also also, cmes with chaos armor also could give weakness so even more dice rolling for kills xd EDIT v2 for OP@Firebeard.1746RN im playing glass power mirage, and my average shatter is around ~3k-3,1k dmg. Its very possible to land 4,5k shatter, EXPECIALLY if allies buff you ( cough might from warrior cough ), and those are average hits not the peakthere is no average and peak anymore in pvp since they made all weapons steady
  2. True! On paper seems great but in reality what would actually occur is it matters very little if a high impact skill has a high cd or cast time attached to it, if it's high impact it will get qq'd about by the community to have it nerfed to be less impactful and over time it will become a low impact skill with a high CD and long cast time lol as this is the way regarding gw2 :)I especially love how everyone complains over and over about a skill or mechanic on classes then when they get gutted not even within a day qq's pop up asking for another skill or mechanic of those classes to be nerfed, it's awesome. problem is we have stealth to conceal these high-impact skills, for ex mes shatter burst was never considered a problem until people got oneshot out of nowhere by pu mesmers
  3. Yeah for some reason thief haters act like they'd prefer permastealth at Press of a button like I'm most mmo's where ur revealed in combat and can't re-stealth till out of combat. I'm sure a lot of thief players would consider that a upgrade considering u can move around as u wish under no time constraints, dont have to use ur global resource to up keep stealth and can position for ganks and travel to any cap or location in wvw undetected lol, all for the price of having to teleport to disengage instead of stealthing to do so. I say bring it on and watch all the players that hate on thief ask for it to be reverted as atleast the current way thief has to use its global resource to keep stealth up. As I've said before gw2 pvp community has no clue what they actually want.give 3 citations of where gw2 community says "it" wants permastealth out of combat?
  4. I come from game where thief win 20: 0 is good valid normal sate .. And here thief is slow shadow of what it should be .. but some people cry anyway ,, or just worried to burst them class by nerf other ??? Omg it makes me so happy you posted a Savix video. Best WoW PvP content creator out there. For real though, if Thief was anything like a sub rogue that has multiple HARD CC's like back to back basi venoms (cheap shot from stealth), a 5 second stun (kidney shot), a LONG incapacitate (blind), and if Shadow shot had the damage and spammability of Shadowstrike you'd have people coming to the forums with pages of signatures and petitions to get the class completely removed from the game lol. GW2's take on the rogue/assassin trope is such a pale shadow of what every other MMO does: Slippery, speedy, stealthy, GREAT 1v1 potential, locks down an enemy with CC and high burst. Gw2 PvP only takes the slippery, speedy and stealthy and throws the rest in the bin unless the target is < or = to 20% HP and only then does a Thief shine all because Heatseeker and superior sigil of exploitation but literally any class can +1 and burst someone at 20% for the kill. yeah we get it you want thief to be completely and utterly brokenly overpowered
  5. [unfolds list]Worst weapons in the game. (Still no MH power weapon to pair with shield)An entire trait line that does almost nothing for core, but is phenominal on Holo.Turrets overnerfed since forever. They're barely useful outside of toolbelt skills and detonate fodder even if running inventions.Kits constantly being nerfed to bring down ElitesBugs that go unaddressed for years (Anet forgets gadgeteer exists when adjusting things every time)It gets very little for free. Poor escape potentil without rocket boots, Poor damage output without Grenades (nerfed), Lacks defense/utility wthout Elixir Gun. No real boon uptime without Elixirs. Results in you struggling to fit in everything you need to make a functioning build. Meanwhile Holo gets Damage, sustain, boons, and mobility for free, which significantly frees up your build space. When was the last time you saw someone playing core engi while actively trying to climb? Who cares? Basically sums up your entire post. If you're not going to engage in discussion, why are you here? Neither is remotely broken on core because it doesn't have the tools to make use of these mechanics.True, core engi doesnt have a lot of tools. Which is not a problem you solve with "ehh lets just give a fkton of damage on every dodge"9 poison on grenades is absolutely nuts when paired with 25 might from photon forge. You're recieving 750 free condition damage, which results in that 9 poison hitting hard even on a power build. On core power, that 9 poison basically results in a bit less healing, but otherwise it's negligable.Poison is 2nd highest dmg after burn and 9 stacks of it was overtuned baseline Explosive Entrance on core actually helps one of Core engi's issues. It doesn't have good damage without running nades. It helped shore up that weakness a little bit. On Holo which already hit hard to begin with it was broken. In both cases the issue is Holo. It's got so much power baked in that anything even remotely useful on core quickly becomes overpowered. We need to rebalnce the power between Holo and core so the Devs can actually create useful traits without Holo abusing them to terrorize the meta. Singlular things can be broken without the whole being broken, for ex confounding suggestions was broken even though power mes wasnt meta and distortion on signet is dumb even though insp mes is not currently meta
  6. I doubt it went beyond, 1-2 builds use it, and Anet thinks they are over performing. Instead of addressing these builds they just removed the amulet. Not entirely correct, i seen a friend using cele amulet guard with hammer, decent pressure and good decap potential while not dying 1v1 or 1v2. THIS was why it was removed, to stop builds like this and most people would want a nerf if another build turned up similar to this. This dealt with an unhealthy aspect of the game in a good way. imagine, they could have also stopped this from happening by not making the feb patch!!
  7. in some ways it was a mistake to split pvp and pve balance bcs now it feels like they just bandaid fix everything and never make an effort
  8. i mean in general i agree but there were some broken things on core engi, 9 poison on nades as well as explosive entrance
  9. i really wanna see anet stats on winrate and play frequency rn, specifically in regards to blueclass
  10. ppl gotta understand that the main reason thief has been a mes counter isnt just plasma its bcs: thief gets openmes tries to attack backthief dodges/ports away and resets b4 mes can get out its slow dmgmes has bad resustain (on meta builds) so cant reset quickly so thief doesnt need to keep up consistent pressuretheif gets another openrepeatdeadeye and sd are the best examples of this, dp is more managableand the reason good condi mirage like helseth can kill thief is because it does super quick counterattack (sw3 +jaunt + f2) and has some aoe pressure (axe 2), unlike something like mirror blade + mindwrack or trying to summon a phantasmal berserker
  11. builds like healbreaker should not be viable to play in this game, they add no fun at all - in fact they actively reduce fun
  12. 8 years untouched but bug still not fixed worst deal of my life same w/ blink
  13. i mean bcs we havent gotten any real content in over 3 yrs, meanwhile it was just 2 yrs between HoT and PoF. new class was 5 yrs ago. even in core we got new a new core skill (heal skill for every class) and new trait (grandmaster trait for every class) as well as a complete trait rework. we also got fewer maps and the ones we get are almost universally disliked (djinn).
  14. ok I kinda changed my mind on this, pre-feb was prob better. take prepatch and add 5k more base hp to every class and it would b pretty good i think
  15. Drazeh's tier list sPvP September 2020
  16. Maybe the dichotomy between plasma orb granting boons and every other stolen skill merely offering the thief an out-of-the-ordinary ability reflects Anet's initial desire to make thieves hard-counter mesmers? source on this initial desire?
  17. unbelievable that people defend this rune, this is not 2015 when we had birds pecking you for half ur hp on elite use from rune, when we had mist form on hitting 25% hp, when we had pet bird summons from rune 6th bonus. this is 2020, and this rune is busted.
  18. wait i started a forum meme and dont know about it? :lol:No it happens on other forums as well, especially reddit, because the backslash character "\" is used for formatting so it disappears. See this bot: https://www.reddit.com/user/_YOU_DROPPED_THIS_/comments/ god dammit explaining memes is so annoying yeah heard about that and im not a fan of buffing mesmer heal to compensate the overnerf in dodges what lit means switching active defense (dodge) with more passive resustain (ofc the heal itself is not passive but the healbuff is just a passive stat buff, doesnt add any more skill requirement, the same click will just heal a bit more then). also i think mirage heal is fine as it is. and it will also not help vs the contradiction of the mechanics on power ih which didnt need the one dodge nerf in the first place and got dumbed down by that even. but sadly they all only care about condi mirage (and ofc condi ih we dont want to have back). they dont even see what a great, balanced, healthy, mostly active, skillful and with that very interesting trait ih is on power (and that you need a bit of freedom of choice in when and for what to use dodges to make the mechanic work active, otherwise you kill all the hard decision making and opportunitycosts in cd- and dodgemanagement with overlimiting the basic spec resource)and they think ih is a pure condi trait. holy cow... still dont know if i should laugh or cry about that part. Yeah I kind of agree, I believe they have been saying that mirage healing is particularly bad but that is simply not true as it gives more heal per second (base) than mirror, ether feast (unless you have 2 or 3 clones out) and signet of ether, while also having 3/4 cast instead of 1 sec (which is big) and also giving vigor and a mirror. Though all mes heals are def worse than something like hide in shadows. The actual reason mirage has no resustain is because they nerfed stuff like renewing oasis (regen on dodge). That said, I could get behind buffing mirage heal if they also buff the other mesmer heals - well of eternity, ether feast, mantra, mirror. But more than that I'd want to lower sustain on some other classes (and inspiration mes).
  19. That's not true, there are many players of which I can see their account name without them being in any of the same guilds as me.
  20. It is definitely not as simple as being in the same guild either. It's weird.
  21. i like how they nerfed mesmer "gain superspeed when you use a manipulation utility" from 3 sec to 1.5 sec and holo gets to have 3 sec superspeed on 4 sec cooldown
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