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Everything posted by Quadox.7834

  1. sicem soulbeast > deadeye > scepter weaver > sicem soulbeast > deadeye > scepter weaver > ... rock paper scissors
  2. Maybe it has been reported in some other bug collection thread, maybe not. Anyway: The trait "Dazzling" says "Dazing or stunning a foe also applies vulnerability". This works in general, for example on pistol skill "Magic Bullet", however it does not work with the stun on Chronomancer shield skill "Tides of Time". A Fix would be appreciated as this makes power Chrono weaker than intended.
  3. ah, UNOwen, the valiant and unyielding defender of the two strongest classes in the game, engi and thief
  4. It's just like the people who complain about Ranger. They don't play higher ratings and they don't make it to final rounds of ATs. If they did, they'd realize Core Guard wasn't even a problem to begin with. Just another disparity of difference between how things perform bellow the bell curve & above, and how that effects forum discussion opinion of what needs to be fixed. ^ Everything always comes right back around to that. its not really the same because symbols was a braindead build with way too much reward for effort even on high level (just not in organised 5v5)
  5. It's just like the people who complain about Ranger. They don't play higher ratings and they don't make it to final rounds of ATs. If they did, they'd realize Core Guard wasn't even a problem to begin with. Just another disparity of difference between how things perform bellow the bell curve & above, and how that effects forum discussion opinion of what needs to be fixed. ^ Everything always comes right back around to that. its not really the same because symbols was a braindead build with way too much reward for effort even on high level (just not in organised 5v5)
  6. Yes well soul-beast needs some shaves, core and druid do not. But knowing A-net core will get smashed with nerfs and the spec soul-beast will be left untouched. Why is everyone on about Soulbeast all of a sudden? This class is mid tier to bottom at this point. Truly. it's not used in Ranked and it isn't used in ATs either. A Soulbeast has to blow every CD it has to land a burst on a 60s interval, that is only slightly higher than What a Ren is doing now on a 15s interval, or a Holosmith is doing with a single toss of a Grenade Barrage. Damage is literally the only thing that Soulbeast has left. And it can't even brawl with Holo or Ren. It has to deal that damage from far away with an incoming approach before it can consider to stop and stay on node with those classes. And if we are not talking use of One Wolf Pack, the Soulbeasts damage is no longer even comparable to other classes. Ranger is weak right now. I am the only person in NA who has been using Ranger based builds in ATs for months and months at this point. And when I say that, I mean plat+ players, not all wecome silver join groups. Hop off the Ranger nerf suggestions and chill out on the paradigm shift please.no please keep complaining i love seeing the ranger victim compex come out from two randoms qq on forums its v entertaining
  7. chronomancer should have been the cloneless elite spec
  8. they showed it can beat engi in duels, that is not about frequency can they? I watched helseth duel 1v1 holo that he played 2v2 matches with, lost 10 times in a row, got upset and leftyes it CAN beat engi but its not specifically good at it Something happening once OBVIOUSLY MEANS IT HAPPENS 100% of the time DUHHHH. <3 there is a difference between being beaten once and being beaten 10 times in a row, and even if its not a bad matchup its not a good one either. saing mesmer is good cuz it goes even against holo in 1v1 is laughable helseth did say that while he could beat some engis like floody he found it impossible to win vs drazeh (on holo). although misha is a better chrono and we saw misha win 1v1 vs holo in the monthly in lss than 10 seconds. we will just have to see how the meta develops. we need to see and wait not how meta develops, but how people get used to new build that wasnt played for several years and nobody knows how to plays against.chrono is VERY different from any other spec out there, people will learn how to deal with it in time and things will change for the worse.ye
  9. they showed it can beat engi in duels, that is not about frequency can they? I watched helseth duel 1v1 holo that he played 2v2 matches with, lost 10 times in a row, got upset and leftyes it CAN beat engi but its not specifically good at it Something happening once OBVIOUSLY MEANS IT HAPPENS 100% of the time DUHHHH. <3 there is a difference between being beaten once and being beaten 10 times in a row, and even if its not a bad matchup its not a good one either. saing mesmer is good cuz it goes even against holo in 1v1 is laughablehelseth did say that while he could beat some engis like floody he found it impossible to win vs drazeh (on holo). although misha is a better chrono and we saw misha win 1v1 vs holo in the monthly in lss than 10 seconds. we will just have to see how the meta develops.
  10. they showed it can beat engi in duels, that is not about frequency
  11. aside from maybe heal/elite/runes it was the exact same chrono build as people played a couple days after the patch. mostly stopped bcs power mirage is more fun
  12. dunno about u but i would rather be in a judo tournament than a war zone
  13. explosives is a problem and anyone who doesnt see this is delusional
  14. I think the reason why they never did this and never will is because:Spectate in-game so easily would have made for less Twitch/Youtube views.Less Twitch/Youtube views = less content creators.Less content creators = less free commercialism to bring in new players. Before the game was going into year 9, that stuff ^ was important for the growth of the game, and I'm sure it still is to a certain degree. Oh and by the way, those functions you are asking for already exist, but they only allow arenanet partnered streamers to use them. How do you think they stream MATs and other such tournaments? no it is simply because the game lags to shit when many people spectate. thats why they limited it, the game is not built for mass spectating.
  15. yes as i said, i am the same opinion, a total elite rework is most likely too much work and too complicated but i didnt want to limit ideas from the community too much and some ideas have some nice parts maybe can be used separately from the whole concept they were included or just for the next elite. i just made the summary, its a community work. to some stuff i agree to some stuff i dont agree but its not my job to decide and to finetune. so the doc is just about providing ideas anet can think about and develop something own. kinda true but mesmer sort of does have some broken stuff, such as the daze spam from de+ih. and dodging while stunned and immobed is also pretty broken. i highly disagree about ih/de on power being broken. power ih interrupt mirage is pretty much the most challenging and highest skillneed power build and with that the most interesting for me to play power mes build until now. it gives you so much more combos and outplay moves (at least when you have 2 dodges and can work with ambushes by dodging offensive). i love it and as a challenge player i would not like it when i would think that it is hard carrying. the clone leap has good counterplay and neither sword nor gs have op rewards on their clone ambushes and dodgetraits are ok in terms of balance as long as they force offensive dodges and have a balanced reward (not what explosive engis have atm, while engis and other classes dont even need 2 traits for a reward on every dodge). the only thing could make it a bit better is, when we could separate the ambush activation from the endurance dodges and give it its own activation button, so you do not have a clone daze leap automatically every dodge you have a sword clone up, even when you just want to dodge an attack. i would love that too bc that way i do not have to waste an ambush activation (from me or clones) when i just want to dodge an attack or to waste a dodge when i just want the ambush reward but now can time the ambushes when i need them for their own purpose (and even tho you get a little reward from ih clones on attack evasion but it is so low in most cases, esp when counterplayed well, that i would highly prefer to use ambushes only when i rly want the ambushes and not the dodge in the first place - reason why even the passive reward from ih/de is not broken on power). also we would need to give every class with a dodge trait the same treatment then and it will most likely not happen. being able to dodge while stunned/immob is something i questioned right in my first guide about mirage in the first beta. no one listened back then. sadly there is no way to split this ability from a dodge that is supposed to be instant. so all we can do from that point is to put mc the way it is into an environment where mc gets balanced out by other weaknesses of the spec/ class. and that in a better way than with the one dodge nerf. that is lit what the doc tries to do.oh dont get me wrong ih power is a fun and skilled build with fun combos (and the build i play, when i play...) but i am just saying that the daze+vuln spam is sorta broken on paper, which you can see by comparing to core gw2. i am NOT saying that this makes the build op though, it isn't. i just wanted to point out that the problem with mirage is mainly just being understat-ed, not a lack of a unique and broken mechanic or anything.
  16. yes but i thought we were just talking about kinda busted mechanics so i remarked that attacking during evade and evade during stun+immob is indeed broken, which is balanced out rn by mirage being "understat-ed" compared to other specs. and yes ofc i agree that mirage is not the best in any particular role rn :)
  17. kinda true but mesmer sort of does have some broken stuff, such as the daze spam from de+ih. and dodging while stunned and immobed is also pretty broken.
  18. i dont understand your first point, the doc doesnt ask for buffs. it just wants to REPLACE a bad and senseless nerf (one dodge) with other nerfs make more sense and actually solve the problems and not just cover them. or nerfs that are still just covers but at least with less harmful secondary effects. the one dodge nerf (even when called only a number change) produces a lot of mechanical issues cannot be solved by simple number changes or by core mesmer changes and since chrono (before it got ip back) and mirage were nerfed in such insane wrong ways made me go for elite balance doc first bc i felt they are more in need of emergency changes. during the progress with the doc chrono got ip back already so it turned out to be about mirage mostly. anyway it doesnt mean core balance is less important or i want to ignore it. and the moment i feel like it makes sense to make a second document for core changes i will do it. the doc is just a summary and yes i also think some of the suggested changes (like the total reworks of mirage in section F) are too much work and too complicated to have any chance to be taken by the balance team. but they might offer some idea for mirage or even for the next elite spec and i didnt want to limit ideas from ppl participating too much. cmc/ balance team can look by themself what they find is too complicated and what maybe needs adjustments to be not op overall in the end. i cannot rly remember the jaunt change you mentioned but it was most likely just one part of a whole mirage rework concept in section F. no one would give current mirage a jaunt with extra mirror generation. so you have to read this suggestion in the context of the nerfs were included in the concept it was part of. and even then it is still anets part to finetune the concepts so they are not op in the end. nah i disagree here too. its rly not that bad. the overall power lvl is in a good state and the state from other classes should just be brought down to that. remarkable buffs to the power lvl are not needed then i think. but the dumbed down spiral and the contradiction of spec mechanics created by the one dodge nerf which doesnt even solve the underlying problems needs to be replaced with other nerfs make more sense (that is ofc in stupid hope that all other classes get brought down to around that lvl in the near future muhaha yeah well lets see...). and i talk about power mirage, condi mes (mirage and chrono) is even less in need of any buff. esp for mirage not suprising bc the one dodge nerf didnt rly solve any problems. my point is that some of these more complex suggestions are unnecessary, like reworking all shatters. kinda like the chrono rework they easily could end up being a lot of wasted effort and dev time that should go to expac and reworking some mesmer traits. if you really want to restore 2 dodges (which would be good to make pvp mirage more congruent with pve mirage) maybe the -vitality would work, but i personally think they should just restore 2 dodges and remove energy sigil - that is the cause of a lot of "dodge spam" complaints. if core is buffed and some core traits reworked (like chaotic interruption) we would have to see how it affects mirage power level. mirage is not super bad right now. nerf thief consume plasma and holosmith and that would already help mesmer alot.
  19. i not saying it is one of the best specs in the game or anything, im just sceptical that it needs all these reworks you guys are suggesting. for example, IH is fine, it actually competes well with elusive mind right now. some of the changes in the doc are quite complicated and not guaranteed to work so have a risk to end up wasted effort. some things inread in the doc sound broken as well, such as jaunt with 20 sec cd + leaving behind mirror. the simple change i would do is to restore two dodges and remove energy sigil from PvP.
  20. didnt understand what you meant with most of this, due to language. im just saying; it would be more relevant to buff core mes seeing as both core and chrono are worse than mirage atm.
  21. you guys underrate mirage buffs/reworks for core seems more pertinent than for mirage atm you guys talked about misha in this thread, did he respond to this thread/document or what?
  22. SS has the same coeffs as MW for example 2 illusions has 1.6+0.8 = 2.4, so with chrono post-patch this should be 2.4*0.67 = 1.6, and then it hits twice so it becomes 1.6*2 = 3.2 (depending on how the mechanic works)
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